All Triagonal Signs Point To Bill

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It's your boy Stingy out here with all that is his XD (If no one gets this... You have no YouTube life)

Sorry not sorry.

Dude, 13 chapters and we already hit over 110 reviews. THANK YOU SO MUCH! Your reviews make me so happy when I see that the count has gone up, so even if you have ONE thing to say, please say it because I'd love to hear!

Friday, October 5th 2012

"I haven't seen the principal at all today since only a little while ago and he was acting pretty weird," Dipper recalls his day with us as we meet up in the hallway after P.E. The entire time in that class, however, I couldn't focus as my eyes were pretty much on Aiden the whole time.

"Yeah, well, don't worry, I got it all figured out." The twins look at me expectantly. "Aiden is Bill." I hold my breath.

"WHA-?!" Dipper quickly covers Mabel's mouth to not rouse suspicion.

"Macie? What!?" he asks quieter.

"Yeah!" I tell them the entirety of my story and their jaws hit the floor at about the same time when I recall Aiden getting mad. "He's coming over today, by the way."

"No. No way! He's not getting close to any of us. Oh and Nathan is gonna have another thing coming, too! How dare he slam you up against a locker!" Dipper growls, glaring at the wall.

"Dude, stop, there's nothing you can do to Nathan with those noodle arms," the face he gives me almost makes me chuckle, but I hold it in, "and Bill has to come over so we can ask him questions and what not!"

"Macie, I don't think-!" The school bell rings, interrupting the boy and causing all the students in the hall to leave. It's like a sea of children there's so many people here! "Gah! Macie? Mabel!?" I can see Dipper's hat from up in front of the line while Mabel and I are stuck back here.

"Mabel, stay together, kay?" I turn to face her but see that her figure has completely disappeared. "Oh come on!" I don't even care anymore as I just let myself get dragged by the river of kids.

~~Time Skip brought to you by: "A-X-O-L-O-T-L! My time has come to burn! I invoke the ancient power that I may return!" -Bill Cipher~~

The bus ride home? Oh boy was that fun. 'At least Mabel was on my side.'  She tried keeping Dipper's voice down and calm since he wouldn't stop asking me questions. I could tell my female twin had many things to ask, too, but I'm glad she bit them back.

At one point, she shoved him. I couldn't have NOT laughed at his ridiculous form and body as his limbs hang awkwardly in the aisle of the bus. Though he just groans, grumbles some incoherent words, and sits back down, he does finally stop badgering me which I'm thankful for.

"We're home!" Mabel breaks the ten minute long silence, jumping up and slinging her sticker and glitter covered backpack over her shoulders and pushing passed Dipper to run down the middle and out the doors. 

The boy sighs and goes after her, mumbling something about her being way too comfortable with what's happening.

'At least Bill doesn't ride this bus...' I take one more glance at the vehicle and then walk across the street. Mabel is doing jumping jacks at the front door while Dipper just face palms. I giggle a little. 'How can I not? Mabel is just so...Mabel!'

"Your room. Now," my brother says sternly but I can hear his voice waver with worry. I don't blame him. I'm terrified, too.

When we get up to the hallway, right before our bedroom, Dipper tosses his backpack down the hall to his room. It lands with a loud thud. "What the heck is in your backpack?" I ask, standing still and staring.

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