Costume Preparations

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October 27th 2012

Don't miss it! Piedmont Middle school is hosting their annual Halloween bash!


Food drinks games and more!

Don't forget to wear a costume!*

And, in tiny little words, No weapons of any kind.

"Annual? As in you two've been to this before?" I quirk an eyebrow and raise the neon orange flyer in the twins' general direction.



"Are they fun?" The two look to each other before grinning and nodding heads at the same time. "Oooooo! Can we go!?"

"Well duh we're going!" Mabel excites, grabbing the flyer out of my hand and tossing it up in the air.

Dipper inserts his hands in his pockets. "We weren't really sure how you would feel about them since social stuff isn't really your thing...- I mean, before, you were fine but now...? We aren't exactly sure."

"Well..." I tilt my head, "I really like going to these things and playing the games, eating the food and what not. It doesn't mean that I'm absolutely going to speak to someone..."

"Fair point."

"SO!" Mabel interrupts loudly, "What costumes are we gonna wear this year!? OH! I know! Let's be the three blind mice!"

Dipper and I share a look of disgust. "Uhhhh, yeeeeah no. I am not dressing up as a mouse with sunglasses on while walking around with a cane."

"Yeah, Mabel," my brother backs me up as he rubs the nape of his neck, "I think- if we have to dress up as a group- it should be something cooler."

Shooting Star's demeanor changes in an instant, stilling us both. "Dipper, there is no way we're not triplet costuming this year."

"Remind me not to deny her of triplet activities..." I lean over and whisper into the boy's ear. An audible gulp can be heard as he nods slowly. "So! What's the plan then, Mabes?"

She smiles once again, which I'm thankful for. "Okay! So there's always a costume contest, so our costumes gotta be AMAZING!"

"Well, your peanut butter and jelly costumes were cute on Summerween," I point out, silently chuckling at Dipper's flushed cheeks.

"Yeah but that was Summerween! And... I dunno, I wanted to do triplet costumes that time but I guess the show wanted us to do what we did regardless of you being our triplet."

I nod to Mabel, she's right as always.

"So we're gonna do what we do every year- the years you don't remember- and dress up as a group!" Dipper frowns, crossing his arms.

"And what do you propose we do? I agree with Macie. I'm not dressing up as a blind mouse!"

"Alright, alright! We'll think of something together! Maybe go to the store?" our sister suggests.

I quickly jump on board. "Yeah! Let's do that!" I guess I should explain myself because the twins are looking at me with raised eyebrows and questioning stares. "See, I used to have to find myself a costume or make them and- well, basically, I don't think I've ever actually just went to a store and bought a costume."

"Ooooo! Yay! Another Scrapbookertunity!" *Snap* A flash of light comes out of nowhere. I blink my eyes to recover from it. Mabel apparently took out a Polaroid out of, again, nowhere and took a picture of my unready face. "This one's gonna get a whole new chapter!" she giddily squeals, running upstairs.

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