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I've been staring at the wall clock in my kitchen and it seems like it's been 6:48pm for more than an hour now. This is the longest 12 minutes of my life!

I smacked my forehead for not getting Lindsay's mobile number. I could've just be the one who would call her right now and tell her that I'll pick her up. I sighed and stared at the clock again.

6:50pm. Ugh!

6:55pm. I looked down at my phone. Nope, no calls or texts.

6:59pm. Come on.

7:00pm. Please..


I took a deep breath and sighed in defeat and thought that maybe she was busy. Or she realized that she shouldn't hangout with me. Or maybe Anton was right, she's straight and not really interested in making friends with me. Maybe she sensed that I'm into her so she changed her mind. Maybe she already has a boyfriend. That made me cringe thinking about her being in a relationship. Or may-

"Hello?" I quickly answered the phone when I saw an unrecognized number flashing on the screen.

A smile crept up to my face when I recognized the voice. She finally called!

"I'm all prepped up. Can you text me your address?" she asked and I was so damn tempted to hang up the phone and text her my address immediately. But on second thought, it would be rude. And I don't want to scare her with my eagerness as well. I don't want to ruin this.

"Great! Ok, I'll send it to you in a few." I casually said. Then we said our short goodbyes before I fumble on my phone, texting her my address.

Ugh! Another waiting game.


"So.. where do you wanna go?" Hmm. I internally groaned in frustration. How could I ever forget to think of a place to take her to? I tried to think as quick as I can because I don't want her to think that I'm not prepared for this night. I mean, I was the one who asked her to go out in the first place.

Then in a split seconds, there was a tiny bulb lit up in my head.

"There's this newly opened restaurant along the main street." I answered. I didn't really know if it's good in there but it's new so I guess it's just fair for us to give it a try.

She drove while I gave her directions, casually stealing glances at her. I could sense that she can see me through her peripherals but I still kept staring.

The whole drive I kept getting her attention to get her talking to me but she was too focused on the road and barely even answer my questions. Maybe this is just how she is. Isn't it the main purpose of this night? To know each other more? Well, I guess I just have to wait a little more.

We parked at the little space outside of the restaurant. It's barely even packed and I just hope that it isn't because of the food they serve.


"I'm really sorry! I didn't know the food was bad." I kept on repeating myself and Lindsay kept on repeating that it's ok.

But I don't think it's ok. This is another date gone wrong. Well, that is if you can call this a date. I never even told her this is a date. And I don't think she considers this as a date.

I heard her chuckle and touched my arm. I froze from the sudden contact, but became calm when she started talking.

"Daniella, it's ok. At least we know now and we're not going back there again." Lindsay reassured me for the nth time. We're not going back there again. Hmm. So somehow she wants to have this kind of night again. I just hope what I'm thinking is true.

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