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Daniella stared at her phone as it continued to vibrate on the table, debating whether to answer it or not.

She felt guilty for ignoring Amanda for how many weeks now, but Amanda still does not give up on getting her attention. Today, she's getting both Daniella and Lindsay's attention.

Lindsay glanced at the flashing screen of Daniella's phone and seeing Amanda's name on it. She wonders who could she be and why is Daniella not answering her call.

"Aren't you gonna take that call?" Lindsay tested the waters and hoped Daniella wouldn't answer it even if she doesn't know who might that be to her.

Well at least she knows it isn't Daniella's sister because she knows her name. Who could not? Gabriella is quite the bachelorette that made a lot of men swooning over her even if she already have a boyfriend. And rumor has it that he already put a ring on it while they were in London.

She looks a bit like Daniella on some angles as Lindsay saw on her pictures all over the internet but she looked more stern and colder than her. Gabriella has a stronger personality than her younger sister and Lindsay finds her intimidating even if she haven't met her in person yet.

Lindsay rolled her eyes in annoyance when she saw Daniella touched the screen to answer the call. Daniella gestured to her and excused herself to stand not too far from where Lindsay was.

"Hey, what's up?" Lindsay tried her best to eavesdrop even if she doesn't have anything to do with it.

"It's about time you picked up your phone." Amanda sounded annoyed on the other line.

Daniella took a deep breath and contemplated her thoughts. How can she tell Amanda that she doesn't want to do something with her anymore? She might sound selfish and might be labeled as a user but she just wanted to stop whatever it is that more than purely friends do.

"I was just busy at the office. And I've been meeting clients nonstop for almost 3 weeks now, Amanda." Daniella informed her.

"Still, you could have just texted me that you're doing those things rather than making me drain my batteries calling you every hour for 3 weeks now!" Amanda shouted through the receiver and Daniella had to detach the phone a little bit farther from her ear.

"Why are you mad at me? And why am I even explaining myself to you, anyway?" Daniella countered as she doesn't see the point why Amanda is mad at her for not answering her calls. It just doesn't make sense as they were not even a couple to start with.

Amanda might have realized what she said and apologized. She sounded defeated on the phone and Daniella worried for her. Amanda is her only ex-girlfriend that she have not forbidden to communicate with her. In fact, she's her only ex-girlfriend she ever had feelings for. The others were just there to make up for her longings to be loved.

Amanda was the only person who got into her built up walls. She's the only person she became honest with her true feelings because she somehow felt safe with her.

She admits she felt bad for not telling Deb and Anton everything about what's going on in her mind as much as she tells Amanda but she knows that her two best friends might tell something to her parents and she did not want that.

"What's wrong?" Daniella asked Amanda calmly, knowing that she's facing something bad again.

"He hit me.. again." Amanda cried over the phone and Daniella couldn't help but feel sad for her. Her knuckles were now tightening as she does not want anything bad will happen to Amanda. They're in good terms as friends anyways and she felt the need to help her even if their relationship before didn't quite end well.

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