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"Are you coming to Hillary's party tomorrow?" Daniella softly asked while she tucked herself in the bed.

"Of course, she's my best friend." Lindsay answered through her yawn which made Daniella chuckle at how cute it sounded.


"And you mean the party is later, because it's already 4 in the morning." Lindsay emphasized.

They were talking on the phone longer than they have thought. They did not notice the time because who would've if you're talking to the person you like most?

Daniella slowly removed her phone from her ear to look at the time. It was indeed slightly past 4 in the morning and the call runs for almost 6 hours now. She silently cursed herself for not using her earpods because now, her ear hurts and stings from the weight and heat of her phone.

"Oh my God! It is 4am!" Daniella exclaimed. It was Lindsay's turn to chuckle.

This is their first time to be in a long call because they've never really called each other that much. They're more on texting and one will only call if the other is not replying to the text message.

"Do you wanna sleep now?" Lindsay asked.

"Do you?" Daniella countered.

"I asked you first." Lindsay lightly laughed at Daniella's question.

It's obvious that both of them doesn't want to end the call just yet even if they both know that they will see each other in a few hours for the party. Lindsay agreed to come to the mansion where she can prepare for the party with the Crawfords.

"Alright. Good night." Daniella said with a heavy heart because honestly, she's not the type who's willing to end the call first.

"Good night."

Daniella waited for a few seconds to let Lindsay end the call but she heard nothing.

"Hello?" Daniella whispered through the receiver.

"Yeah?" Lindsay answered. Her sleepy voice made Daniella smile wider. She can fully imagine how Lindsay looks like when she's sleepy.

"Aren't you gonna end the call?" Daniella curiously asked, because seriously, who would end cute moments like this?

"You do it." Lindsay whined like a kid and Daniella couldn't stop herself from chuckling loudly.

"Why are you laughing at me?" Lindsay whined louder.

"I am not, ok?" Daniella explained. "Just get some sleep now."

"Hmm-kay." Lindsay yawned as she turned to the other side of her bed with her earpods still pinned to her ears and her phone situated just right in front of her.

A few minutes passed, Daniella sighed in defeat and decided to finally end the call. But just right before she press it, she heard a soft snore from the phone speakers. Her heart melted at how cute Lindsay snores and for thinking that she, too, doesn't want to end the conversation with her.

Daniella's already convinced that she's in love with Lindsay, but she felt that she's falling harder now. She couldn't help it anymore. She shifted a few times in her bed and decided to do it.

"I love you, Lindsay." Daniella whispered before she ends the call.

Her heartbeats became faster and her stomach grew wild but she smiled through it all. She finally said it, she's been dying to say it loudly. Even if Lindsay is fast asleep, the fact that she finally said it made her feel a weight was lifted from her shoulders.

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