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Dani's POV

I woke up to a blinding light that was seeping through the curtains. I yawned as I squeeze my eyes and attempted to go back to slumber when my phone suddenly rang. I stretched my arm to my right as I try to retrieve it from my night stand without opening my eyes. I furrowed my eyebrows because I couldn't feel the night stand, so I forced myself to open my eyes.

I felt confused for a moment while looking around the room. It wasn't my room. It wasn't the room that I used to wake up in everyday, that is.

I'm in my old room. Then I slightly smiled and remembered that I stayed the night in my parents' house. They insisted to make me stay the night. Mom even offered me to sleep between her and dad in their room because they missed me so much. I couldn't say no to her. Who could even say no a mother who was flashing a cute, puppy eyes in front of you? Good thing I convinced them that I will be using my own room instead. I'd love to snuggle between them both but I was so tired and I don't want to disappoint them if I just sleep on them when they try to talk for a while.

I jumped out of trance when my phone rang again, finally found it underneath my pillows.

"Hello?" I swear I have a bad habit of answering calls without looking at the screen first.

"You missed our morning coffee, dummy!" Deb's voice blasted through the speaker.

Guess I was so tired that I became disoriented to what day and time it is already. So I took a quick glance at my phone and it read Sunday, 11:45am.

Fuck. "Oh my God! I'm so sorry! I slept through my alarm!" I internally groaned.

Deb just sighed and slightly chuckled. "That's fine. I already expected you to wake up late today, considering that we don't have work and you honestly looked like shit since Wednesday."

I just shrugged. I know she's saying the truth. I was very tired, physically and emotionally. But I always deny and shrug it off. I don't want to admit to myself that I feel weak too. Guess I've been so strong long enough that everyone started to notice my weakness at first glance.

"I'm at the mansion. Mom and dad wanted me to stay the night." I told her.

"Well, I think that's great! Did they.. you know, talk to you abou-" Even if Deb and Anton wouldn't admit it, I know that they knew about my parents' plan on talking to me about the day I decided to run away from them. I mean, they spent a lot of time with my parents more than I do anyways.

"We did. I don't really want to get to every detail of it but all you need to know is that we're ok." I cut her off and gave her what she wants to know.

"Ok like.. ok ok?" She asked excitedly.

"Yes, Deb. Yesterday was one of the greatest day of my life. You don't know how happy they made me feel." I said dreamily while grinning.

Then we said goodbye before I hung up my phone. I heard a knock on my door and I walked towards it to see who was on the other side of it. I slowly opened the door and saw my dad smiling at me.

"Good morning, dad." I said, now opening the door wider.

"Good morning, sweetheart!" he beamed as he kissed my head and ruffled my hair. I just chuckled at the interaction. He used to do that to me every morning when I wake up. Now he's gonna do it every chance he gets for sure.

"Your mom is cooking downstairs. She's hoping you'd stay a bit more for lunch?" Dad asked, still smiling while waiting for me to answer.

"Sure, dad! I honestly miss home-cooked meals! Especially if it was prepared by mom." I said, almost jumping in excitement.

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