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Daniella adjusted her position for the fourth time, feeling her butt hurt for sitting inside the car for the last 4 hours. She tried to move as minimal as she could to not draw any attention from Lindsay, but she already was looking at her, amused. In fact, Lindsay has been glancing at her since she started driving.

"Would you like to stop by for a while? There's a restaurant along the way in a few minutes." Lindsay offered as she was feeling a bit hungry herself.

Daniella looked at her and nodded shyly. She didn't want to interrupt the drive but it was already making her uncomfortable. She never sat this long inside a car. Whenever she goes somewhere far, she always borrow her father's chopper. She actually thought of offering a ride to Lindsay but she didn't want to go overboard, so she just agreed to a long drive. Long drives are romantic, well that's what she thought, it could've been romantic if they were together, though.

Not long enough, they were pulling over in front of a small restaurant. Daniella got out of the car first and glanced at her watch. It was way past lunch time, that explained her grumpiness.

They walked inside the small restaurant and the waiter trailed behind them, holding the menu. He escorted them to the booth and handed the menu to them, tapping his foot while waiting for the two ladies to give him their orders. Once they gave him their orders, he swiftly walked away and told them that the orders will be ready in 15 minutes.

"We're almost there." Lindsay informed her. "Almost 1 hour drive left, we'll reach my hometown." She added.

Lindsay took note of Daniella's uneasiness and her fingers tapping on the table confirmed that she is indeed uneasy. "You ok?" Lindsay asked, concern evident in her eyes.

"Yeah. I just.. I don't know. The weather's kinda gloomy." Daniella shyly admitted and cringed when a lightning strikes followed by a loud thunder.

It made Lindsay chuckle. "Is the great Daniella Crawford afraid of thunder?" She teased.

Daniella quickly faked her posture, sitting up straight while resting her hands on the table. She looked at everything inside the restaurant except at Lindsay, which the latter found her obvious fear. "What?! No!" Daniella denied.

Lies. Lindsay thought.

Another loud thunder, Daniella almost jumped out of her seat, now Lindsay could not help herself but laugh loudly.

As much as Daniella hates it when someone makes fun of her fear of thunder, Lindsay's laugh makes her smile and it was the most beautiful thing she heard the whole day.

"You're making fun of me!" Daniella pouted.

"Aww. You're cute! Stop pouting already!" Lindsay cooed as she tried to caress Daniella's cheek. When she realized what she's doing, she withdrew her hand immediately. Daniella was quite oblivious though as she did not even notice the gesture.

Lindsay's cheeks flushed and she could feel the heat radiating through her whole face. The waiter saved her from making a fool out of herself when he came with their orders.

They started eating their food in silence and finished it in a very short time. They were indeed hungry. They called the waiter for the bill and they took off, leaving a decent tip for him.

By the time they reached Lindsay's home, the rain was already pouring hard. It took Lindsay to call her mother and fetch them from the car across the road. They entered the house and their clothes were semi-dripping due to the wind.

"My poor baby!" Her mother cooed as she handed them towels and hugged her while guiding them to the living room. "Well, this is not what I've planned to welcome you home but I guess the rain ruined it for me." She chuckled and pulled her daughter again for another warm hug.

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