Chapter 1

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They were all here. All six of the boys plus me lounged around my living room watching some little kid being possed by the the devil, I think. Honestly none of us were really interested, except for Gavin who watched intently from his place on the floor. Ryan and Nick were playing Quizup against each other on their phones. Travis was asleep in the recliner and Taylor was chomping away at the bowl of chips I placed on the coffee table earlier. Adam and I sat on the couch with our legs tangled together why we listened to some music. "Naive," by The Kooks played in my left ear as it played in Adam's right.

"Zaraaaaaa! I'm boredddddddddd," Taylor whinned throwing the bowl of chips back onto the table with a gentle thud. I sat up using Adam to steady me. All sets of eyes shaded colors from a dark blue to a light grey to an earthy green looked over at Taylor. We all felt it too. The emptiness of the day slipping away while we remained inside doing nothing.

"Well then what do you want to do?" Ryan asked. We had already played eight rounds of Call of Duty, Where I managed to kick everyones ass but Travis who was a pro. Then two rounds of the new plants vs Zoombies. Then we decided to pop this movie in, we've been bored ever since.

"How about a party?" Taylor suggested with a wicked smile. All the boys seemed to perk up at the idea of going to a party which would most likely be filled with dozens of girls ready and willing to give them all of their attention. Taylor proceeded to give us the details to the party. It turns out that Maria Grendal's parents are allowing her to have a big party at her high resident Manson in the most expensive part of town, everyone is invited and booze will be offered.

It was an intising idea that was agreed upon by the bunch after a little convincng on Taylor's part. Boys being boys agreed that what they were wearing was acceptable while me being a girl the current sweat pants and sports bra I was wearing was definatly not acceptable. While the boys continued to lounge around I races upstairs and threw on a pair of plain blue skinnies, a dark purple tank top, and a white Avenger crop top with a pair of black combat boots. I decended the stairs two at a time to be greeted a bunch of howls for me to hurry up.

"I've only been upstairs for ten minutes," I yelled tossing a pillow at Adam's face who caught it mid-air. His friendly laugh filling the room. Golden eyes glanced around the pillow to take in my new outfit. Taylor also caught a glance at my new look and whistled at me.

"Damnn nice outfit chika," He wiggled his eyesbrows at me jokingly. It was all just a big joke. I wasn't dressed any different than I normally was but this was how our friendship was, we tease.

"I know right, I could be like a supermodel or something," I responded in my best high pitched preppy voice. My curl brown locks twirled easily around my fingers as I mimicked the flirty girls that inhabit Johnsville High School.

"Come on, it's already pretty late," Adam imformed grabbng me by my elbow and escorting me out the door. Travis made sure to lock my front door since he was the last one out. Normal teenager's parents would have to be informed of where their kids were going but mine were different. They were trusting not to mention busy. My mom worked as the editor for the local magazine that wasn;t really popular but popular enough to keep her busy. While my dad ran his a chain of restaurants, the closest one being downtown, where I work as a waitress part time. It was trying task, running you're own restaurant and my father was good at it but he worked late often. It also made him travel sometimes to check out the other six restaurants in his chain and trust me my mom never complained about traveling with him. Also they have known these boys and their parents since forever so they trust us..maybe a little to much.

When we left the house it was already dark out the sun starting to disappear beyond the horizon and the stars growing brighter in the sky but when we arrived at Maria's house it was like the sun never left. Every light in the large three story mansion was on illuminating the block. Cars lined the streets and crowded the large drive way and front lawn. Shadows raced wintin the open doors and illuminated wndows going along with the music that reached us on the street.

Maria's house was practically isolated wintin the town. Each house in the rich part of town had their own road leading off of the same one, Chestnut st. Her house was the only one with a street named after the family, Grendal dr. Yes they were that rich. The lot of us had taken two cars, Adam's pick up truck that fits four and Ryan's 2002 Ford Escape which fits five. I went with Adam and Nick in his truck while the other hitched a ride with Ryan. We all arrived at the same time and walked up together.

The moment we got out of the car heads turned to admire the boys. But who could blame them. Each of them had their own attractive qualities. Taylor was that stereotypical jock. A set of stern blue eyes were accompanied by dark chisled features and an attractive smile with a small set of dimples. His blonde hair was spiked up. His body...well that was another subject entirely, it was well muscled due to long hours of football, basketball, baseball, lacross, volleyball etc practice over the years.

Ryan also had a familiar set of blue eyes but they were darker, his matched the color of a "true blue" Gentiana flower while Taylor's was the same color as the sky at it's brightest. Ryan had longer brown hair that fell in crasy wisps around his head. Strong features decorated his lightly tanned face including a cocky smile. He was only an inch to an inch and a half shorter than Taylor who was about 5'9. None of the boys bodies were as well formed as Taylor's but they were all muscled to an enjoyable level.

Nick had a short naval hair cut with dark eyes. He was smarter than the rest of us but not so open about his smarts but he didnt hide them either. Pale skin matched his pale lips and dark lashes. He had a strong chin with a seep set of crinkles that form in the corner of his eyes when he smiles.

Gavin had a mass of curly black hair and eyes only a shade lighter. Dark pink lips, plump even, hid a set of perfect pearly whites formed after two years of braces in the third grade. He was more of the guitar playing type instead of the sports type but it didn't mean that he didnt enjoy shooting a few hoops with us when we are in the mood.

Travis is the tallest of the group and the least muscled, which is still pretty muscular. He has a mass of strawberry blonde hair and a pair of friendly brown eyes. His nose was arch slightly ad his lips were apparently, "the most kissable looking lips," they've ever seen. His build was still strong and his body was decorated slightly with freckles and a strong set of hands used for building, Which he does often to help out with his uncle's construction company.

Adam was into music, sports, writing, food, and more. He was continously trying new things. A set of golden brown eyes and strong lips were set on his face where a bunch of light freckles coated the area around his nose. He had a boyish smile accompainied with a set of well set dimples. He was tall, toned and tan like any good looking high school boy in this day and age. He had light brown hair pushed back on his head.

They were all handsome, they were all tall, an they were all good eye candy for potential ladies but not for me. These guys were my best friends. That's all they were. We carted our way up to the party. I wrapped my arms around Adam and Nick's waist as we walked closer into the light of the house's tremendious glow.

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