Chapter 15

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Once again Skylar was acting as a nuisance to my life. Here she stood in her cute tie dye crop top with white high waisted shorts and a pair of black pumps giving her every bit of height she needed to reach a normal height. Her hair flipped lazily over her shoulder when she turned to stare at me with her cliche blue eyes clustered with a normal amount of make-up.

"I just wanted to talk," She sang in a her sweet-talkin voice. It was a high pitched voice that was almost deafening. She popped her bubble allowing the sound to echoe out wihin the halls which were void of all people by now.

"Ok Talk," I demanded moving around her to get to my locker. Without a second glance in her direction I slipped in my locker combination and pulled the door open. Creaking filled the space around us for a moment.

"Look you need to stay away from Adam," She stated bluntly. I laughed. A full blown, stomach clenching laugh. After a few minutes I actually had to wipe the tears from my eyes.

"Oh my you are a funny one Skylar, I'll give you that," I breath out trying to regain my composure. If someone actually thought I was going to stay away from one of my friends they must be fuking stupid... or mentally ill!? Maybe I should call the police and get Skylar some help...

"Im not joking!" She practically screamed but in all honesty her trying to be serious about this just made me laugh more.

"Yeah like I'm going to stay away from Adam better yet listen to you," I retorted finally switching my Math book out for my chem. Swiftly I tried to slip the book into my backback in between some notebooks but sadly I was lacking room in my bag so I just held into the book and zipper my bag back up. Clicking the lock on my locker shut I finally turned to give my full attention to the teenie-bopper obviously gone wacko.

"Look Adam and I are really good together," This made me laugh once again earning me a not so threatenng glare from blondie before she continued, "And he doesn't need any distractions.."

"Wait did you just admit that I was a distracion to Adam? But sweetie if you guys are so good together why do you feel threatened by me?" I mocked. It wasn't unusual for one of the boys flings to become threatened by me because I'm always with the boys but normally its just silent glares and gossip spread behind my back. Skylar is the first one to openy admit that I'm a 'threat to their cause.'

"It's not that your a threat but you are in the way. I can't have you sauntering around while Adam is falling in love with me," this made me snort, extremely unattractivly if I might add, at her comment.

"Adam? In love? That's funny. He isn't a one man girl," I reminded her. Ever since we hit 8th grade Adam hasn't been a one women girl. He didn't like being broken and after his two year-long girlfriend, Amy, broke up with him randomly for her childhood best friend who moved back Adam refused to get hurt again. But the best thing about Adam is that even though he refuses to have a committed relationship he never treats any girl he is with badly. He doesn't say mean things to them or treat them like a one night stand but he makes sure they know that that's all it is.

"He may not be now but he will be when I'm through with him. He will be mine and only mine. I'll make him the perfect boyfriend," She chirped excitedly flipped her hair once again over her shoulder. There it was again... the anger. I tried to calm myself down. To take a deep breath and make it go away, but it wouldn't.

I was angry.

And Skylar was the only thing in my line of vision.

Skylar definatly didn't expect it when I dropped my chem book on the floor making her jump back, but I quickly grabbed her by the arm and threw her into the locker.

"What the Fuck," She screamed trying to squirm away from my grip but this fragile little thing in front of me couldn't even fight against my hold. She was pathetic. Weak. And that made me even more angry. She was the reason that girls our age get taken advantage of.

"Don't you dare fucking think you can change him. Adam is perfect the way he is and he doesn't need someone like you who can't accept him for who he is fucking up his life!" I growled. Blue frightened eyes stared at me. Both of our breaths were heavy but for different reasons. Mine was from anger and hers was from getting the wind knocked out of her.

"I'm going to make him better," She retorted making me slam her one again against the locker.

"You're trying to fix what isn't broken! He is already great. So stop being such a selfish bitch and go find someone else's life to ruin," I barked. Slowly I released her shoulder noticing the small red marks from where my fingers were previously pressing against her skin. Without a second glance I reached down and picked up my math book and turned, making my way down the hallway before I did something I regreted. It was even harder when she started yelling threats behind my departing figure.

It was a cliché. Something about destroying my life and making me regret it. I wasn't afraid of what she might do because there isn't anythng she really could do, but I was scared of how I might re-act to how she tries to get back at me.

Kam and Ally. That's all I thought about as I made my way out of the buiding. I thought about their similar smiles glancing over at me with a hint of excitment seeping into it. All the memories of them seemed to calm me down enough to make it outside without breaking anything.

"Hey you ready?" A voice rang out. I glanced up and a smile instantly took over my face. Leaning against Ryan's ford escape were my boys, all of them. Nick, Traivs, Ryan, Taylor, Gavin, and Adam.

Taylor was leaning against the car casually in a pair of jeans and a bright blue v-neck which did justice to his arms but failed miserably at trying to look more radiant than his eyes. One foot up resting against the car kept him balanced as he twirled a basktball between his long slender fingers. His blue eyes shifting from the basketball to me.

Travis was sitting cross legged on the ground neck to Taylor sporting a red long sleeved shirt over grey sweat pants pouting up at Taylor while he played with the strings of his timberlands. His attention being swiftly drawn away from his shoe laces to me.

Ryan sat in the drivers seat thumbing his fingers against the steering wheel to 'West Coast' by the Neighbourhood. His head turning to look at me making the chain around his neck shift against his orange muscle shirt. A friendly smile clear on his face when he notcied me.

Nick was leaning against the school building nonchalantly staring off into space. His brown eyes remaining on the sky but seeing nothing in particular. It's as if he was too lost in thought to be aware of anything. But at my arrival his eyes turned to me. He smiled at me but his eyes looked sad making my eyebrows scrunch in confusion.

Gavin was wearing his usual leather jacket over a plain white v-neck and he was sitting casually on the back of the car. His back was right up against the truck door, his hands resting on either side of him. Chocolatly brown eyes glancing from his shoes up to me.

Adam was standing on the ledge of the open car door behind the drivers side. His hands rested on the roof of the car with his head leaning against them like a pillow. His head turned side ways, golden eyes looked over at me, smiling. And the moment I really looked at him I knew that I wouldn't let Skylar take who he is now away from him.

"Zara?" Taylor questioned pushing himself off of the car to move forward.

"Yeah sorry I'm ready," I shook myself out of my own daze and moved forward closer to my boys. I hopped into the back seat smiling away as these boys surrounded me. I was the luckiest girl ever.

But why did I feel like something terrible was about to come crashing down.

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