Chapter 9

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Immediatly after setting me down the realization of what just happened hit us both hard. The roars of the crowd got lost in the bewilded expression Taylor's face was locked in. It wasn't some life altering kiss that made me realize that my life choices were wrong and I needed to change who I was. It was just a surprise, for both of us.

  Suddenly I was lifted on the shoulders of the crowd, my shock disappearing back into a wide excited smile. I looked over at the crowd surrounding me then down at Nick and Ryan whose shoulders I was hoisted up on. It was overwhelming, all the excitment eminating from my home town's crowd.

"We did it!" I shouted above the masses. Everyone responded accordingly by raising their fists up in a victorious gesture. This wasn't just one game but the game that entered us into the playoffs and it was also the game that helped Gavin and I prove that we belonged on the team. Gavin.

  I searched the crowd for him ready to force some boys to raise him up as well for being the game winning shooter. There he was, at the edge of the crowd, but the look on his face whipped the smile off of mine.

  Dark tenderils clung to the sweat on his forehead, his yellow and dark blue (almost navy), uniform made him look pale against the tan background of the bleachers. Normally his eyes resembled a delicious milk chocolate but right now they were tainted into a bitter dark chocolate. Any trace of his smile that was laced with pure happiness was gone replaced with a sour expression.

  When his eyes met mine I felt cold, a shiver trailing through my body. Why wasn't he happy? I gave him a look, mentally communicating with him trying to understand what was wrong. His only response was a slight shake of his head in disapproval.

 He pulls farther away from the crowd to head over to the exit. Gavins figure disppearing out of the gymnasium door leading him back to his illusive ways. Any chance of me enjoying this moment was lost the moment those doors closed behind Gavin. People continued to cheer and congradulate us but I was lost in my own mind.

Maybe I should have payed more attention to what I was doing but I was dazed. What was happening? First Adam goes all awkward taco on us the other night beore bowling and now Gavin turns sour after winning us the game? What is happening to my boys? I was so distracted I forgot about the kiss, I lost track of where I was, and I realized eventually that I was in the one place that I may help me gather my thoughts. I was with Kam and Ally.

Gavin ended up not replying to any of our text messages or answering any of our phone calls for the rest of the day. It was starting to make us worry so ryan offered to head over to his house and check on him.

  It's been an hour since he left. Now while we were waiting Nick popped in The Eagle with Channing Thatum in it. I stopped watching half way through it but Travis and Taylor seemed pretty caught up in it. Adam was lounging along the sofa with his eyes closed, his head phones in his ears to block out the rest of the world. About half way through the movie I got sick of Taylor glancing over at me every few minutes and Adam completely ignoring me. I know I haven't done anything wrong. So why was he acting like this?

   Like the great detective I was I was subtly about getting my answer.... yeah that's a joke. Instead of being subtle I just pushed myself out of my chair and jumped onto Adam.

"What the hell?" He gasped under my weight. His arms and legs squirmed underneath me. The headphones he was wearing now lay forgotten against his chest. Eyes as golden as a the glorious sun trailed over my face but I just gave him a half hearted smile.

"Why are you so grumpy?" I mumbled at him a frown making it's way to my face. Currently his body was acting as a cushion for my ass.

"I'm not grumpy," he retorted unconvincingly. The normally friendlly and playfull, except for when I get him angry, Adam was being shy, his gaze watching his own hands fiddle with his headphone strings. Pushing down slightly on his body, earning an unhappy grunt from The Grouch I moved my legs until I was stradding his chest. I reached out and grasped Adam's cheeks roughly forcing him to look up into my blue orbs.

"Of course you're not sour puss," I pouted, my lower lip exending slightly. I could feel a set of dark brown eyes and a set of electric blue eyes were boring into my back. The movie has long been forgotten. A frustrated sigh shook my body as his chest moved up and down.

"I'm not..."

"Grumpy yeah we know, but if you're not grumpy then what are  you? Because you are defiantly not acting like our favorite lovable Adam,' I admit pinching his cheek gentle like an overbearing grandma. With a gentle slap he knocks my hand away. A crimson glow spreading slowly along his cheeks. Then the familiar toothy grin that I have missed these last few days appeared and I couldn't stop myself from smiling either.

"I know. I'm sorry. It's just home stuff, you know?" With that I didn't ask anymore questions. None of these boys had the easiest home lives so I didn't want to push Adam into telling me what was happening right now. When he was ready he would share what's going on with us.

"Ok, but remember when you need us we're alway here for you," I said noting in my head how cliche that is but feeling that it was right, at least for this moment. Adam just responded with a simple nod. There was more to this, I knew it, but I wasn't going to ask anymore question. Right now Adam was smiling and that's all I needed right now. So I didn't fight against Adam's hands gripping my hips and pushing me down next to him on the couch. All I did was snuggle up against his chest allowing his arm to wrap around me. I laughed at the fact that he missed my ear when he tried to place the headphone in it. Forcefully I grabbed the headphone from his hand, relishing in the sound of his laughter, then placed it in my ear to enjoy the sound of 'Flowers for a Ghost' by Thriving Ivory.

   It was moments like this I would use to calm my anger, that would help me when It became to much to answer. I smiled up at Adam who looked down at me with a genuine smile. Then I glanced back at his ipod to pick the next song.

 Now that I have dealt with the whole Adam going apples on us my main focus was to try and figure out what's up with Gavin. But Taylor seemed to feel like this whole kiss thing may be more important.

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