Chapter 8

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To say I was pissed off was an understatement. Apparently Coach Jackass, I mean Fairling, didn't realize that when Preston said he had new recruits that one of them was "A little girl," I think his exact words were.

   If that wasn't enough this man actually refused to play Gavin as well because he didn't "know his techniques." You don't even understand how angry I was. First off this man was perfectly fine playing Adam who he has never seen play before but not Gavin! Who even does that? Then he goes and treats me like a helpess girl! Taylor and Gavin had to make sure I didn't flip out on him. And last but not least, the only reason he doesn't know how good we are is because he refused to show up to practice like the lazy ass he is.

   So here I was, sitting on the bench with Gavin, third quarter was almost over, we were losing because the coach was tiring out his team and poor Taylor got nailed pretty badly in the leg. He may not look hurt but he isn't running half as fast as he was before the collision. Not to mention the physical pain that was obvious on his face after he landed back down after the lay up he made.

   So we had an injured Taylor, who was beng quite the trooper, Adam who is being blocked by three players, Preston who was put up against the tallest guy on the opposing team, Kevin, who hasn't taken a puff of his inhaler since before the game started and really looks like he needs one, then Rodger who is little the most useless person I know.

I tried to be supportive of the team but we were getting hammered. At least Travis, Ryan, and Nick were all sitting in the stand looking as irritated as I was. Each of them flashed me encouraging smiles when they noticed me looking at them.

"Immma kill him, imma kill him, imma kill him, imma kill him," I kept chanting over and over again at coach's continously moving figure. I'm not sure how pacing in front of me, which is blocking my view, is helping but his coaching skills definatly isn't getting us anywhere.

  How the hell did this man become a coach anyway! he was probably one of the plumpest people I have ever seen since Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory when Violet turned into a blueberry. The hair on his head was literally three piece of dark strands overcomed to one side, his eyes were dull and uninterested but I did notice the growing spark in them everytime food was mentioned. Even his personality was receeding. All common sense seemed to have left him too because he didn't realize that messing with me was a bad moved. Not only that but he has barely played his bench which has well rested players that were far better than Rodger.

    Cheers erupted from the opposing teams bleachers. The anger was back. I felt their happiness feul my sudden need to pummel this walking talking oompa loompa right into the ground. It's obvious that the only reason the team is winning is because my teammates are tired out, but do they care? No. Which made me even angrier. I mean at least respect that fact that this game isn't fair in the slighest. Especially now that the last few mintues of the third quarter were ticking by.

"Come on Taylor move your ass you are slowing everyone down! You're gonna lose us the game," Fat head shouted through cupped hands acting as a megaphone. That's it! There was no way I was gonna let him blame Taylor for this game. Especially if you saw the way he pushed forward, standing strong, despite the growing pain in his leg and the dehydration seeping into his lungs.

 "Zaraaaa.." Gavin started. he seemed to realize that I had lost my patients but oddly enough when I looked at him he showed no signs of stopping me, "just remember you can't have another suspension." He reminded me then nodded in the direction of the coach. The look in his brown eyes told me one thing and one thing only, "Show him whose boss."

   Pushing myself out of the chair mid pace startled the coach for a second. He looked me over once with an approving yet unsatisfied look that would have given me the chills if I was any other girl. An expression of annouance replaced the one of confusion he wore just a second ago.

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