Chapter 4

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   "It was a dare," Adam had explained to me after he let my face go. A new sense of worry seem to weigh down on Adam's shoulders. Maybe he was afraid that I would be upset with him for kissing me? I questioned when I noticed the way his fierce grey eyes wouldn't meet mine. Or maybe he was afraid I'd kick his ass? I thought over the possibility before shrugging the whole thing off.

"I figured, Now is someone gonna grab me a beer because if I have to stay in this dress for the rest of the night then I'm gonna need to get a whole lot drunker than this," I yelled at the group of observers who stood in the foyer qawking at me. Whether they were staring open-mouthed at me because of the kiss or the dress I wasn't sure but as long as someone grabs me a beer I really don't care. By this time I had moved over to the group waiting for someone to hand me a freaking beer.

   Some of my boys looked me over shockingly. I was aware that Nick was ready to make some snarky comment but it was the look on Taylor's face that drew my attention away from Nick. Taylor took a long hard look at me then chugged down the rest of his cup pushing Farah Hennly's arms away from him. The poor sap couldn't get that girl to leave him alone.

"You are looking hella fine in that dress girl," A slurred voice broke the silence of the group. Hella? Who even says that anymore... drunk high school kids apparently. I continued to ignore the voice while I enjoyed the red faced Amy whose cheeks puffed up in anger until a large hand squeezed at my butt through the thin fabric of the dress. In a swift easy motion I grabbed the offenders hand and twisted it.

"Ow ow ow. What the hell bitch stop that," Jenson Kelly, one of our star football players and a messy drunk, cried out but I just twisted harder.

"Grab my ass one more time and I will castrate you. Do you understand?" I hissed angryily. When he didn't reply right away I applied presser to his hand causing Jenson to fall to his knees.

"Yes yes!" He screamed desperatly. After another moment of contemplating whether or not I should really let him go I finally released my grip and turned to Ryan who was posed with a drink ready and waiting for me. I quickly snapped it up, swallowing the contents quickly while ignoring Jenson's continous cursing.

"Ok now that, that's over with who wants to play another game of beer pong?" I asked raising my half empty solor cup above my head. Everyone seemed to be thrilled with the idea except Amy who still stood motionless and angry, watching me. Who cares? I thought as I ignored all those pety people and just had fun.

        All of the boys seemed to be struggling to get awake when I arrived back from my morning run. We had all managed to get back to my house unharmed, thank goodness Taylor hadn't had to drink or none of us would have made it home. The moment we got back they all passed out, caliming their places on the couch, or chair, or, lucky for Ryan, my parents empty bed.

   I had gone through the process of drinking some water and taking the necessary medicine to die down the effects of what might have been a terrible hangover the next morning and took a long well needed shower. I even removed all the make up that had coated my face thanks to Maria. Striping my clothes on, which I had managed to change back into at the party without any injury, was difficult when preparing to take my shower but I managed to do it without making enough noise to wake the boys.

   My run was cut short due to the still ache in my head but I managed to run down my street and past Travis's house two streets over before having to continue back to mine. The moment I walked in the door Nick was complaining due to the noise from the door but what was most unsettling is the fact that he was laying almost sideways on the staircase. With a simple eye role as a reply I shut the door gently and grabbed the blanket from the back of the couch and slung it across Nick's wide body.

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