Chapter 11

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  I didn't really expect a fight to break out around me in response to connecting my lips to whoever was attached to the firm arm keeping me in place. All I did was allow myself to twist my tongue with my stranger tasting the familiar flavor of liquor drip into my mouth.

  Even though the liquor I drank before had started to dull my senses this strangers lips swallowed up the rest of my thoughts. All of my worries, the kisses, Gavin, my parents, my meeting coming up, Kam and Ally. It all just disappeared. Until he was pulled away and my lips which were being heated by the kiss turned cold.

"What the Fuck Zara!" An angry voice slipped through the haze. It was familiar but I couldn't focus on it. When my stranger was ripped ungratefully from my lips so was his supporting arm, and there went any balance I had. I gripped at the wall on the stairs trying to steady myself. The red solo cup in my other hand splashed beer down my arm as the liquor breeched it's edges.

"Yo stop!" The familiar stranger's voice yelped. I shifted over to the banister using it as support. Glancing over I saw two blurred figures mingling together in a heated scuffle.

"Fuck You Rodger!" Ryan's voice become a safety net in the alcohole induced haze. I picked out Ryan's dark head of hair bobbing around as his fist connected with Rodger's face. The crowd watched in shock for only moments before they began to cheer. How after school drama of them.

   I wanted to stop this. To pull them apart but my legs were jello beneath me, wobbling under the pressure of my body. Thankfully Taylor and Gavin's figures became clear, pushing around the cheering crowd to the scene. Each of them wraped themselves around Ryan's arms pulling them back.

"Whoa Ryan calm down!" Taylor yelled over the crowd. They managed to pull Ryan to the edge of the stairs and from where I was I could see the rage burning in his ocean colored eyes. It looked as if the ocean was fighting against a storm.

"Fuck no!" He struggled against their hold but one of these guys individually were nothing against two of them at the same time. All six of my boys were strong and everybody knew it. Rodger's already bruising, red splotchy face proved that, "This fucker was kissing Zara!"

   In that instant, even through the blurs, I could see Taylor and Gavin's body tense against his words. Wait what? I was kissing Rodger?! Gross.....but he wasn't a bad kisser..wait what?.. eww no. my thoughts twisting together giving me a headache. None of the boys looked at me. I was a statue against the banister. I didn't exist. In this moment the only thing that existed to them was the dirtbag who dared to stick his tongue down my throat.

  Their grips on Ryan's arms loosened. Now the three of them stood there, backs straight, eyes trained on their prey. If I was facing down these boys at this moment I would be shitting balls the size of bowling balls, but I wasn't. Poor Rodger who was trying to be my support against my wobbling legs then became a victim to my drunken kiss and now this.

If I knew it was Rodger there was no way in hell I would have even let him wrap his arm around me let alone kiss him.

Even if it was true that Rodger is a complete dick  most of the time he didn't deserve to be thrown into the hospital for my mistake, because that was exactly where these boys were going to put him. Anyone could see this from the look in their eyes. Deep brown the color of a chocolate bar after being melted to perfection, light blue blazing the same color as the sky while the sun is shining, and dark blue similar to the endless fleeting ocean. All three eye colors shifted to a darker more violent color than their original.

  I was preparing my self to make them stop. To tell them to back down. When Rodger's, smooth lips yet no longer sexy and tantalizing voice, beat me to it.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Stop! She kissed me!! Yo Zara kissed me it's not my fault," He quivered like a spineless wimp on the floor. I huffed angrily at the fact that I thought he was worthy enough to kiss just minutes before.

 All of the boys stopped for a moment. This confession of his seemed to make them more angry. Well Fuck,

"So you thought you would take advantage of her!" 

"That doesn't give you a right to stick your tongue down her throat."

"Fuck you, you didn't try to push away," Each of them yelled at the same time making their words mix together in a dangerously confusing threat. Cheers ceased to exist. The other party goers were now silenced by these boys angry stares.

 I begged for Adam to show up. For Travis and Nick to saunter into the room and save us. To stop this mess. And my wish came true but not in the form I was expecting. But in the form of Adam, whose clothes were askew leading Skyler Polinscize's skinny and practically naked frame by the hand from upsairs. Adam stopped there, dead in his tracks. Deep golden eyes glanced at me with a sort of confused and guilty look in them.

  Skyler's giggles filled me ears making me scowl slightly in annoyance. And suddenly Skyler and Adam's form were merging together in a dark blur. Any noise became a distant static and my head pounded repeatedly in the rhythm of my heart beat until everything turned black.

 My name echoed out in four different voices while my body shifted its way down the stairs. The party, Rodger getting his ass kicked, and the image of Adam and Skyler together were long forgotten.


"FUCK!" were the first words from my mouth when I finally managed to get the strength to open my eyes lids. It took me a while but after a few atempts with my eyelashes tickling the top of my cheekbones I was finaly successful.

 I recognized the light grey walls of my bedroom. Moving felt impossible since every bone in my body ached uncontrollably. My head was filled with endless pounding like an unwelcome drum beat. My throat was scratchy from all of the alcohole and my stomach growled with the heavy craving for greasy heart attacks on a sesame seed bun.

Remind me to thank the heavenly angel who left advil and a glass of water on my bedside table. I sucked the pills down in an instant then washed it down with the entire glass of water. The moment it all settled in my stomach and the glass was sitting in it's original place on my bedside table I pushed myself back under my covers hoping to bury my pain within my bed's warmth.

Sadly someone seemed to have other plans. I heard the sound of my door slamming open. The sound verberated through my entire body. It felt like I was standing in front of a giant speaker at a rock and roll concert. I groaned, placing my hands over my head to try and shield myself from the noise. But the damage was already done.

I suddenly got excited by the mouthwatering smell of french fries and burgers and what I think was chicken nuggets. I glanced up and frowned suddenly when the angelic figure with a McDonald's bag in hand suddenly screamed out.

"Fucking Rodger Zara! Are you Fucking kidding me!"

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