Chapter 10

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Ryan and Gavin ended up never showing up at my place that night which was weird. Also Nick, Travis and Talyor all pretty much lounged around doing nothing while Adam and I spent the afternoon cuddling on the couch listening to music. We did have to stop after we got into an argument about which band is better The Neighbourhood or The Arctic Monkeys.

This was one of the first times since forever where all of the guys weren't sleeping over. I had to say it was the weirdest thing to wake up to. Especially since Ryan and Gavin ended up showing up in the morning without a word, or explanation.

So now here we were. Silently watching a t.v show the Travis picked out, involving attractive girls in bathing suits jumping over big balls, waiting for the big celebration party at Preston's house tonight.

I felt weird throughout the day. The realization that I have now kissed two of my closest friends and was on strange terms with one of them hit me in a strange way. I mean I know the kisses didn't mean anyhing. With Adam it was a dare and with Taylor it was all caused by the adrenaline. At that moment when we won every bit of shock and happiness seeped within us and without thinking Taylor kissed me, it was like a weird form of gratitude.

The kisses I wasn't really worried about. I mean they were just kisses, my lips connecting with another's. It meant nothing.

But Gavin. With him something was off. He wasn't being himself. At least not towards me. Normally we shared friendly banter between us or would roll our eyes simultaneously in response to something stupid Travis said and give each other a knowing smile.

We didn't do that.

Not only was it Gavin though but ever since Ryan came back from Gavin's place he is all of a sudden acting all distant as well. He didn't partake in any conversation other than a "mhm yeah" (haha Austin Mahone) or a "no."

And now here we are. Sitting quietly watching girls slam their faces into balls, and not the enjoyable kind. No laughing. No talking. No shared smiles. Just silence. IT WAS KILLING ME!

What the hell was happening to my boys?!?!?


"Rough night?" Preston asked smugly before handing me a red solo cup full if beer. All I could do was sneer at him hoping he got the message.

Normally I don't really drink a lot, but once and a while I go all out ignoring the threat of a massive hangover and drowning in the shame of any poor decision I had made In my drunken state. Since I already did that this week I would go easy now but thanks to my favorite boys I needed a drink.... Or six.

While the car ride over here was filled with an enjoyable amount of silence *cough* *cough* No. The fact that all of the boys dispersed the moment we walked in the door made everything worse.

I was going to find out what the hell was going on, if it's the last thing I do! But maybe after a few more beers.

"CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG!" The crowd chanted at me. All of their voices disappeared at the moment while I continued to concentrate on the task in front of me.

Four cups. One minute. That was the goal.

I started out strong. My first cup burning my throat in a panicked rush. Then I shifted to my second one. I believe I would be ok if I hadn't already had.... Some number of beers before this. But not I was on my last one.

All I could hear was the sound of Mark Wesley's voice ringing out above the rest. The count down seeping from his lips. In a slur, the last seconds slipped by. But just before the Mark's vocal timer hit 4 seconds I slammed my last solo cup down on the table victorious!

Another round of cheers followed. Hands patted me on the back none of them I could recognize, especially through the blur.

My mind ached slightly while the room continued to spin around me. Instantly I regretted moving from the table that acted as my steady legs. But I pushed past the ache in my head and the static feeling that invaded my brain.

In my drunken state almost everyone looked that same. I giant mass of blurs. Colors mixed together into an ugly grey tinted with hints of reds and blues. Face became unrecognizable. Voice came out as rushed slurs. All of this was happening as I made my way through the large two story house, which wasn't as big as Maria's but it was pretty damn big none the less.

Half way through the living room, which I entered through by the arch way near the front door which lead into the dinning room. Red carpeted stairs liked the wall on my right and thank The Lord they are carpeted because I stumbled over losing my balance.

"Whoa whoa, Zara you good?" I familiar yet undistinguished voice questioned. A welcomed arm, both strong and warm, encircled my waist giving me support. Which I happily took. I continued to lean openly against my helpers chest.

I had tried to say that I was 'A okay' but it safely came out sounding more like "Ey Omayna." A hardy laugh vibrated through the helpers body shaking my body slightly through the contact.

"Someone's had too many drinks," the voice replied. I tried to shake my head but all it did was cause my dark locks to fall unnecessarily into my face. With no result I tried to blow the hair away, puffing my cheeks up with a bunch of air and blowing but the hair just floated out away from my face then settled back into it's original place.

My stranger laughed once more. It was a nice sound, fun, welcoming even. Gentle hands reached out to grab the strands of hair in my face. He twisted it in between his fingers gently before pushing it behind my ear gently. The roughness of his hand rested gently against my ear for a moment.

Even through the haze I could identify the rich chocolitly eyes gazing at me with amusement in them.

"You are beautiful, you know that?" The voice chuckled but their was a gentleness in his words that burned in my veins. That fire pushed me forward connecting his lips with mine in a drunken mess.

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