Chapter 17

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If my parents coming home and ruining my weekend wasn't enough Monday at school was hell as well. I ended up late for class, failed a surprise test they have us second period, not to mention I haven't eaten at all today. This day was crap.

And the excitement of the day hadn't even reached the next level until the end of third period.

I saw a crowd gathering near the locker and like any curious little bee I made my way over to the gathering hive. I pushed my way through the crowd of people mixed with kids from each grade level. I ignored the groans of protest coming from the other observers because I really didn't care.

Finally I stopped at the front of the line behind some small sophomore girl. The girl wasn't even 5 feet tall and I'm not mean to the point of depriving whatever entertainment we were being provided from the lower class men.

When I looked up from the small girl I was surprised to see Adam standing up straight with a hysterical Skylar clinging to his arm.

"She threatened me Adam! Told me she would kill me if I didn't stay away from you! She is just a crazy bitch. She is probably in love with you and is afraid I'll take you away! Please Adam do something about her," she cried abnoxiously into his ear.

Everyone noticed Adam scowl at her high pitched cry and it deepened when she wrapped her arms around his neck and cried into his shoulder. I'm not joking when I say there was serious tearage going on. It was kind of pathetic.

He looked deadpan from the crying banshee to the crowd the sighed. His hands grabbed her waist gently nudging her away. A small smile edged it's way onto her face as a sign she knew she was victorious.

Only she wasn't.

"Look you really need to stop this thing where you think we are together because we aren't," and there goes that victorious smile. Now I was the one smiling at the scene playing out in front of me.

"Also don't you ever dare suggest I 'do something about Zara,'" I was surprised at the mention of my name, even though I probably shouldn't have been, and his fantastic use of air quotes, "I would never get rid of her she is one of my best friends and I love her. If you even think you compare to her you are obviously either dilusional or higher than a fucking kite." He stated clearly.

Skylar gasped open mouth at him.

"Excuse me! She threatened me!" She shouted like this bit of information would make a difference. People knew I was a little hard to handle and even though I did threaten her I didn't say I was gonna kill her she is just exaggerating. What a drama queen.

"She probably had a good reason to because she doesn't threaten anyone without a cause," Adam defended. I felt the crowd around me nod in agreement and I shrugged it off. Skylar opened her mouth once more but Adam raised up a hand stopping her.

"Stop while you're ahead. Noticing you say will ever make me turn my back on her so you should just leave now," of course she slapped him. The sound echoed within the halls silence the surprised gasps coming from my fellow peers. In that moment I wanted to reached out and strangle her but I couldn't. This was Adam's fight and I couldn't let my anger get the better of me.

The slap didn't even seem to faze Adam. He just rubbed at the spot on his cheek where her hand made contact slightly before giving her a dazzling smile. That smile said all it needed to. It said 'this is done, leave.'

And that's exactly what she did. A couple dozen pairs of eyes followed her small angry figure as it disappeared down the hallway. Once she was out if sight the hive of students broke off, dispersing from the crowd to get back to their daily lives, others stood by to gossip about the turn of events.

I just stood their patiently. It didn't take long for Adam to notice me and when he did he sighed heavily in response. His shoulders slumped forward slightly and his hands instinctively rubbed at the back of his neck, which was an attractive nervous habit a lot of guys do.

"Enjoy the show?" Sarcasm oozing from his words but I laughed slightly anyway.

"Oh yeah I especially love the ending. It was a little predictable but it was worth is to see the look on her face," I joke back moving closer to Adam. Our postures shifted into a more comfortable position, the tension between us disappeared immediately.

That's something I have always loved about Adam. Even after some awkward situations, and trust me we have had plenty, I still find myself perfectly comfortable around him.

"Yeah well next time I promise to mix it up a little bit before the grand finally," a knowing smile playing on his lips. Lips that I've kissed my mind tells me for some strange reason.

"Good anyway we are late for...whatever we are late for," I pointed out. My mind was drawing a complete blank on what period we were suppose to be in right now. This was apparently funny because It earned me a deep chuckle from Adam.

"Fourth. We are late for fourth," he said falling into step beside me. It was as if nothing had happened a few minutes before. Skylar didn't over exaggerate my threat to her safety and Adam hadn't called her out for the desperate wannabe psycho she is. We fell back into sync instantly. Adam was like my other half. Our feet moved at the same time, starting with the same foot, our shoulder back in a more laid back posture, hands swinging to the same motion, our fingers touching only slightly. This was us.

"Hey Adam," I whispered breaking the comfortable silence that had enveloped is on our journey to fourth period.

"Yeah?" He responded giving me a sideways glance. We didn't stop not did he turn his head to look at me. Which in this case was good because it made it easier for me to reach up just a little but and plant a swift kiss on his cheek.

"I love you too," I said aloud. Dumbstruck, he just stood there wide mouthed and at a loss for words. So I continued on without him only to glance back and see his left hand laying gently on the spot where my lips had connected with his cheek. A smile clear on his face.

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