Chapter 6

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   Authors Note

         Hey guys I want all of you to know that obviously none of the photos on the side of these chapters are owned by me. Also I know that each of these chapters need to be edited thoroughly and I will do that I just want to make it a little farther into the story line before I go back and edit it all through. Thank you guys for being patient with me.

                      Lots of love



                 All of the boys on the basketball team were accepting of the new recruits but they still seemed to enjoy making some unnecessary comments on the fact that I was a girl on the boys varsity basketball team. They definatly got their comments shoved back in their face when Taylor, Gavin, Adam, and I kicked their asses in a small scrimage that was suppose to "test out our skills."

   Personally I think the boys needed a little ego boost and facing us was suppose to do that. The only reason Taylor was even on the team was because they wanted to give us a fighting chance, what a funny thought.

"Ok guys nice practice today, tomorrow we are going to run a few more drills, talk positions, then regroup on the plans for this weeks game. Good work guys... and lady," Preston added winking at me. In response I flipped him off. All the boys seemed to love that and after a small howl of hoots Preston continued, "but I will see you guys all here tomorrow," Preston ended his little speech then dismissed the us with a wave and small smile.

After the two hours of practice I had worked up quite a sweat and headed off in the direction of the girls locker room to shower and change. Not even half way there I was stopped by Rodger Henders one of the many boys willing to mock my position on the team. I stopped allowing him to smile down at me, his brown eyes gazing over me with a strange hunger that if he tried to act on I would happily beat it out of him.

"Rodger? Can I help you?" I asked placing a very calm hand on my hip to indicate that I wasn't in the mood to play around. His whole broad shouldered chisled face and what is said to be a charming smile and humble personality didn't make him attractive to me. Behind all of his looks and fonie personality all I saw was a cocky ass with no real love besides himself. Which is one of the many reasons why I am very annoyed by this little interruption especially since the smell of my own sweat was starting to become too overwhelming.

 "Of course you can babe, but this isn't the time for that, I was trying to figure out where you were going," He asked curiously. I ignored his sexual comment completely in order to stop myself from hurling up the two cheeeburgers and fries I ate for lunch all over the basketball court.

"The girl's locker room," I stated simply motioning towards the door that lay only a few inches away with a familiar sign reading girl's locker room. His question made me wonder how smart this kid really is, he couldn't be so stupid o not guess where I was going, "Why?"

"Well I mean this was the boys varsity basketball practice, shouldn't you be joining us in the boys locker room?" He smirked.

"Look Rodger I know you may not recognize what a girl's body looks like but this," I gestured to my body that was drenched in sweat and my smelly basketball gear, which was large but did not hide my boobs completely, "is what a girl's body looks like. And this being a girls body it must go to the girl's locker room and not the boys." I informed him slowly trying to make sure he got the point of this little speech of mine. As my explanation went on his cocky little smile slowly disappeared leaving behind an unheathy frown.

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