Part 1 - Chapter 4: Break-in

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Halloween was a Saturday this year, so most of the students were gone all day, spending some time in Hogsmeade. I met Harry all by himself, walking about in the castle. When he spotted me, I waved him over. Ever since he attended Hogwarts, I had tried to be there for him as best as possible. I would lie if I said it was easy for me. He reminded me so much of his parents, that sometimes it was hard to even look at him. But Harry was a smart and brave boy, he didn't need a lot of help. And he knew my door was always open for him.

"Hey, Harry," I greeted him and smiled. "I'm sorry Professor McGonagall wouldn't let me sign your allowance to go to Hogsmeade. She only means to keep you safe."

"It's okay, Professor Lupin invited me to his office for a cup of tea instead," Harry said with a small smile. I'm sure McGonagall would have let me sign his allowance, if it wasn't for Sirius. Harry knew I had been friends with his parents, that I was his godmother even, and we had talked about them often in the past. Obviously, I knew more about Lily, so she had often been the topic of our conversations. The only thing I hadn't told him yet... is that I knew Sirius, that he was his godfather and a friend of his parents as well. I knew I should tell him... but I couldn't bring myself to talk about Sirius. Neither did Remus, apparently.

"Sounds good," I replied. "Listen, Harry. I..."

"You..." He grinned, and I knew I couldn't tell him now. Not like this.

"Oh, it wasn't important. If you happen to see your friend Hermione today, tell her that her translation essay was one of the best I've ever read."

Harry nodded. "I will, although I don't really understand how she manages to attend all these classes lately."

"Your friend is a very determined young witch," I said with a wink. "Now, do go to your meeting, I don't want to delay you."

Harry gave me a smile and I watched him walk past me, mentally slapping myself for being such a coward. He had a right to know about Sirius. But I couldn't do it. What if he thought I had helped him betray his parents? There were enough people who still believed that. And I couldn't bear the thought of Harry hating me.

* * *

"I still think you shouldn't go... what if he's just playing a game with you? You know what some girls say about him..." Lily stood before me and wouldn't let me pass to meet Sirius in the yard, from where we would head out to Hogsmeade. "Alia, he is not a good match for you. You're too kind and smart, he's just as bad as Potter, maybe even worse for all we know!"

"I don't think he is," I said. "And even if, so what? We're not talking about marriage. I don't even know if this is a date or not."

"See? You can never know with him!" She pouted. "Promise me, you won't trust him so easily. I can already see him breaking your heart and you have enough other issues."

I playfully rolled my eyes. "I appreciate your concern, Lils, but I'm sure I can take care of myself."

With an annoyed sigh, she finally let me pass and I nearly ran because I didn't want to be late. My heart was racing. I wasn't nearly as calm as I had just pretended and in fact, I shared her disbelief. There was not a single reason why Sirius Black would want to spend time with me, at least none I could think of. But yet here we were.

"Hey, did Lily complain again?" Sirius playfully asked when I arrived. The others were still waiting in line, so luckily I wasn't late.

I nodded. "Maybe she thinks you're a mass murderer."

He smirked. "Well, who knows."

"She doesn't like you," I said with a shrug. "I think it's because of your friend James. He won't leave her alone."

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