Part 2 - Chapter 28: Temper and Jealousy

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The next weeks passed by with Umbridge passing Educational Decree after Educational Decree, getting more and more rights to do whatever pleased her. The results of the evaluation of my class was, as expected, mediocre. Umbridge forced me to redo my list of books and texts, adding titles that I surely wouldn't teach since they were full of propaganda and old-fashioned worldviews. She even added one about werewolves in which they were pictured as monsters that attacked humans and had to be imprisoned. It was a personal attack since she knew I was friends with Remus, but what could I do? Apparently, the Minister had approved of the list.

That day, I had a long argument with her and when she wouldn't back out of it, Minerva had to tame me or else I would have done something very stupid. I knew I was even more discredited now, but I couldn't let this woman run wild.

Severus and I had a conversation that night in my office, in which he told me not to be so rebellious. "You stand no chance against her. She has the Minister's approval."

"I won't teach my students how to be racist cowards. You should read the books on her list, Severus, not even you would approve of them."

He raised a brow at my hidden accusation. I hadn't forgot what he had done to Remus and I could tell he knew I was referring to that. "Then don't teach it. Pretend to obey her, lying shouldn't be so hard since we've been doing it all year."

"How was your evaluation, anyway?" I asked.

He scoffed. "As expected."

"Sybil is on probation. One mistake and she'll kick her out and I'm seriously surprised it's not me." I shook my head. "Before long, we're all going to be replaced by Ministry approved staff."

Severus sighed with a barely noticeable nod. "That's why you can't fight with her on any given occasion. I know she's insulting your... friends and such, but you're smarter than that. I suppose you haven't copied all bad habits of your betrothed."

"I know you don't get along with Sirius, but that's not my fault," I argued.

"No," he said. "But you shouldn't make the same mistakes. Control your temper."

When Severus was gone, I knew he was right, and I needed to stay under Umbridge's radar, but I was also mad. Not make the same mistakes. Sirius hadn't done anything wrong – he was just the way he was, even if it meant he lost his temper more easily than others or was prone to do reckless things.

Just a few seconds after Severus had left, I noticed the flickering of the flames in my fireplace. I hurried closer and saw Sirius face appear in front of me.

"Hey," I greeted immediately. "Are you okay?"

"Mhm," he grumbled. "Are you, though?"

"Yes, why do you ask so strangely?"

"I don't know, maybe because I checked in earlier only to notice that Snape was with you?" he questioned.

I rolled my eyes. "We were just talking about Umbridge."

"And me, apparently."

"You know Severus doesn't like you."

"Severus, mhm."

I let out a long sigh and formed my next words more precisely. "Umbridge has evaluated my classes. We think she wants to get rid of unwanted staff members and we are both part of said group. Only that she hates me even more. I argued with her today and Severus thinks I should be more subtle."

"But you can't let her get away with everything," Sirius said.

"I suppose I have to if I don't want to be conspicuous." There was a short moment of silence. "How's everything at home?"

"Wonderful," Sirius said cynically. "Nothing ever happens. Not for me, anyway. They're all busy and Dumbledore still won't let me do anything."

"I'm sorry, baby."

He just grumbled an 'it's okay'.

I knew he was getting worse, probably depressed and feeling useless. The problem was that I couldn't do anything about it. October was ending and next Friday would be Sirius's birthday that he probably had to spent on his own, too. His anger most likely wasn't directed at me, or at what seemed like jealousy towards Severus who got to see me almost every day, it was most likely a general bad feeling that he carried inside.

"I need to go," Sirius said then. "I think I just heard someone come."

"Okay," I mumbled. "I love you, Sirius."

The face in the flames just smiled and then disappeared.

* * *

I knew it was a very dumb idea. It was one of the most reckless and dumbest things that I've ever done, now that I thought of it. But I had to do it.

It was Friday, the third of November 1995. Sirius's thirty-fifth birthday. After class, I went down to Hogsmeade. I couldn't tell anyone, I had to sneak out and I knew that wouldn't be easy. But it seemed to work.

I bought some sweets at Honeyduke's and a bottle of Firewhiskey in the Three Broomsticks. But what could I gift him? What would he like? I decided that I couldn't buy it here, and instead looked for a safe place far away enough for me to apparate to London.

There, I could surely find a good present and then make my way to Grimmauld Place. Before I did that, though, I needed to let Sirius know. So, I sent him a message: Be ready at 7 – make sure no one notices. Love, A.

I didn't know how safe that was, but I figured the owl only had a short journey and should arrive safely in a few minutes. Then I went to one of the muggle stores that sold all kinds of clutter. I found one of the leather necklaces that you can choose different pendants for. My idea was to give Sirius something that reminded him of me – just like the engagement ring on my necklaces reminded me of him. I chose a plain silver pendant and, when I found a safe place, used my wand to engrave the word love in runes. This was the cheesiest thing ever and he would probably laugh at me, but I didn't want to go empty-handed.

I just had to make sure no one saw me.

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