Part 1 - Chapter 10: Truth

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All the time, I had been sure that Sirius was in some way innocent... that he didn't betray us, that he didn't kill those muggles and Peter. But still – to hear now that I had been right was something I hadn't expected and therefore, I had no idea how to react to it. I was numb.

Dumbledore told me he came to me first thing in the morning because something had happened that night. Sirius had been in Hogwarts for real, he told me, but not for Harry or me or Remus – but for Peter Pettigrew. I thought the old Headmaster was going mad, but it was true. Peter was alive the whole time and it didn't come as a surprise to me that he had been an Animagus in the form of a rat and therefore had easy access to a hiding place. The Weasleys.

Apparently, he had lived with Ron, as his rat Scabbers, and Sirius had found out he was here at Hogwarts. It made sense to me, but Dumbledore didn't know everything that had happened in the Shrieking Shack, where the confrontation between Harry, his friends, Sirius, Remus, Peter and Severus had apparently happened. I hated myself for not following Remus yesterday. Apparently, he hadn't taken his potion and had a painful transformation last night, leading to Pettigrew's escape and a whole lot of trouble. Sirius was gone now, too, said Dumbledore, escaped with Buckbeak the Hippogriff, and I was overwhelmed with all the different sensations that overcame me. I was happy that Sirius was innocent and well, but also angry because I had missed the chance to see him, because he still wasn't cleared of what they accused him of.

Most of all, I was mad at Peter – for framing Sirius, betraying all of his friends, and running away like a coward. For twelve years, I had been told that my love had committed an unspeakable crime... while the one who actually had, was in hiding, knowing exactly what it meant for all of us. I had trusted Peter. I had thought, we were friends.

I needed to know more.

So, I figured, it was best to visit Remus in his sick bed and talk to him about what happened. Deep inside, I hoped that Sirius had asked him about me. I was scared he wouldn't want to see me again. Scared, all hopes had been false.

* * *

Eventually, the summer holidays arrived and after I had spent two dreadful weeks with my parents, I was on my way to London – with the feeling of having conquered my own freedom. It had taken me a great deal of convincing to be allowed to stay here for so long – my dad still didn't want me to spent time with muggles, even though he had married one. I figured his rules only applied to me, not himself.

I had told my mom everything the day before I left. She kissed me with tears in her eyes and told me she was proud that I was grown-up and ready to go my own way. Now that she knew about Sirius, I felt a lot better because I could share my happiness. I had shown her a picture of him and she told me she already liked him and wished that the future would bring us peace, so that she could get to know him and see me again. My dad, of course, wasn't allowed to know any of this. I hoped my mom would visit me soon, but it was unlikely.

So here I was, standing in London, waiting for Sirius to come. I was early because I wanted to take muggle transport to go to my grandparents, so they wouldn't get suspicious... and because I enjoyed it a lot. I had come by train and from here, there was a bus every hour that would bring me to their house just outside of London. I went to get some ice cream and brought one for Sirius as well, hoping he would be in time before it melted. I was nervous, hoping that he hadn't forgot about me during the last few weeks.

"Do I spot the most beautiful girl in the world? Or am I hallucinating?"

I turned around with a grin and saw Sirius approaching, beaming at me with his handsome smile. He kissed me and snatched the ice cream from my hand before it fell.

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