Part 2 - Chapter 27: Umbridge's Inquisition

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It wasn't long until our worst expectations became reality. Dolores Umbridge was proclaimed the High Inquisitor at Hogwarts shortly after the school year had started, meaning she had direct influence in what was happening at the school. I had been worried before, yes, but what really happened was worse than expected.

Among staff members, it became clear that Umbridge was sitting in on classes, not only observing but also questioning everyone's teaching methods. I knew it would be most unpleasant once she sat in one of my classes. She said it was to make sure that the quality of the students' education was as best as could be, but I knew it was more about what we were teaching that the Ministry was concerned about.

"Professor Allington, I will be sitting in on your Runes class this afternoon," Umbridge said to me after breakfast one day as if it was the most natural information. "I expect you are okay with that?"

I wasn't but I couldn't say that. "Of course, Professor Umbridge."

In the course of the day, I thought a lot about what I should do – if I should pretend to be conform or just continue my classes as I would've before. Eventually, I decided that I would do what I would have done anyway and just ignore Umbridge. I didn't feel like pretending just to please her and the Ministry and I figured I was doing nothing wrong.

"So, this is the list of books and texts you are covering this year?" Umbridge asked me while the students were working on a short translation.

I nodded.

"Well, there are a lot of quite, uhm, moderntexts on the list," she continued. "Not many of the classics I would recommend."

"I try to choose a variety of texts, old and new alike," I replied.

She nodded but still seemed to disapprove and then scribbled something down. I knew she hated me.

During the rest of the class, she discredited even more of my methods, interrupted my lectures and asked the students about my classes. I tried to stay calm and collected but I couldn't help the discouragement her criticism caused me. I didn't know if it was possible for her to have me kicked out, but I'd rather not lose my job in such an embarrassing way.

After class, Umbridge came to me in my office to ask me some further questions. By now, my patience was running thin.

"So, Professor Allington, how long have you been teaching at this school?"

"This is my eighth year," I replied.

She wrote something down. "And Professor Dumbledore hired you? I read that you were working as a translator before."

"Yes, he did. And indeed, most of my translations are available at Flourish and Blotts. I even worked for the Ministry for a while."

Umbridge gave me a fake smile. "Most interesting. It must have been very hard, after what happened, to stay focused and continue to work. And even to findwork."

She was unsubtly hinting at my past and I knew it. She couldn't fool me and definitely not provoke me. "It was but I managed quite well."

"I can't help but wonder... considering that you were engaged to..." She trailed off when she saw the questioning look on my face. "I wonder if it affected you... when Black was seen here at Hogwarts a few years ago. It must have been quite shocking."

"I only learned what had happened afterwards," I said. "My past is my past, I can't change it. And besides, it has nothing to do with my abilities as a teacher."

Umbridge raised her brows at my tone. "Well, I think it does. Considering the current rumors and lies that are spread, I advised the Minister to have background checks on the school's staff so that the students aren't fed any more wrong information. You see, it's all lies and someone must spread them."

"Why would you think I'd do that?"

"Because you were engaged to a criminal and friends with half-breeds such as werewolves." I almost freaked out at her calm and cold tone, but she continued before I could say something. "Additionally, you are Harry Potter's godmother and surely must be in some way aware of what lies he is telling."

"Harry is not living with me but with his muggle aunt and uncle, so I'm sorry to inform you that I'm in fact not aware of what he is telling anyone. As to your other accusations – yes, I was engaged to Sirius Black." With satisfaction I noticed her flinch when I said the name. "But that was over a decade ago and he betrayed me just like he betrayed everyone else."

Internally, it felt incredibly wrong to say those words, but I knew I had to be believable now, or else she wouldn't ever leave me alone.

"I'm sorry if I have been too indiscrete," Umbridge said with another fake smile. "I'm only concerned about the well-being of the students and the school. Thank you for answering my questions, Professor Allington. My evaluation results will be announced soon."

With that she disappeared from my office and in my frustration, I smacked my hand on the table, pushing down a glass of ink from my desk. Cursing, I quickly got rid of the mess.

"Is this a bad time?"

I looked up and to my surprise I saw Severus standing in the doorway to my office.

"No, do come in. Umbridge just left."

"I saw her leave. That's why I decided to check in with you."

Seeing Severus here was weird because he was usually only found in the Dungeons or somewhere near ground-level. I asked him to sit down, but he wouldn't take the cup of tea that I offered.

"Did you make sure she didn't see you come in? Otherwise she might sense another conspiracy here," I remarked when I poured myself a cup of tea. I again offered one to Severus, but he shook his head.

"I did." His black eyes were fixed on mine. "What did she ask you?"

"Anything, really. About my work here, about Sirius, about Harry, about my loyalties." I sighed. "I think she'll by trying to get rid of me. She knows my detailed backstory and I don't think my qualifications make up for it."

"It doesn't surprise me that she knows considering that everyone does," Severus remarked dryly. "Try not attract her attention too much."

"Well, there is no evidence for anything she could accuse me of."

"Not yet," Severus said slowly and raised a brow.

"How did your evaluation go?"

He shrugged. "I don't suppose any better than yours. But she has more reasons to get rid of you, Alia."

I looked at him at that, since it was rare he used my first name and even rarer that he sounded somewhat concerned. "Meaning?" I asked.

He looked at me intently. "Be careful."

Then, with one last glance at me, he left.

I didn't know what to make of this conversation... I wondered whether he had been trying to warn me, to comfort me in some weird way or just to find out how it had gone with Umbridge. But I was glad about it either way. Being here alone with Sirius and Remus so far away, I had to deal with any problem on my own, so it was good to know that Severus – be he as he may – was on my side. Over the last few years, the bond we had formed after I had arrived here had become almost non-existent and I wondered if it could be stronger again, even though Sirius would hate for that to happen.

But I figured it was necessary that we, the staff that was also in the Order, stuck together – no matter what anyone made of it.

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