Part 2 - Chapter 21: Dispute

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A/N: I had to paraphrase most of the dialogue here because I didn't want to copy the original one. So sorry if it's a bit messy.

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Life at Grimmauld Place was, as uncomfortable as the house was, rather good for me in the beginning. Sure, there was a lot to do in order to make the house inhabitable for more people and get the rooms back to use. And the portraits, just like Kreacher the House Elf, were not very fond of us – but other than that, I had everything I needed and more: I wasn't alone anymore. I got to spend much time with Sirius, Remus and other Order members. The Weasleys were lovely people and Harry's friends, too. As opposed to Sirius, I was also glad that there wasn't that much to do for us yet, because that meant we were somewhat safe. Of course, Order business aside from us resumed where it left off after the first war, Death Eaters were still to be observed and dark artefacts still to be found, but Dumbledore wouldn't let me and of course not Sirius. This time, the problem was that we had to be careful with the Ministry of Magic, that waved off anything anyone said about Voldemort's return as propaganda and lies. We operated in silence – of necessity.

It was one day in the beginning of August that would cause trouble in the house.

We got the news that Harry had been caught doing underage magic. Apparently, he had cast a Patronus charm as Dementors attacked him and his cousin Dudley. The case was clear for us – it had been a life-threatening situation and therefore, he shouldn't be punished. The Ministry, though, saw it as the perfect opportunity to get rid of Harry. With the Daily Prophet trying to discredit him and Dumbledore anyway, this was the moment they had been waiting for.

So, now we were waiting for Harry to come here and stay until his hearing in the Ministry would take place. And of course, after that he'll have to stay here, too, depending on the outcome. I knew Sirius was happy about him coming here and so was I, but we were also worried. Not that being on the brink of being expelled was anything new to Sirius. I figured he could help make Harry feel better and he'd have at least a bit of change to his dull routine.

I spent the day doing some translations for the Order, later a meeting would be held, and Harry was to arrive today, too. Some of the Order members would pick him up by broom and bring him here – Remus, Tonks, Moody, Kingsley and a few others. I could tell Sirius was excited and so was I, even though the circumstances were unfortunate. Mundungus had been on watch when the incident happened and had apparently neglected his duty. Too bad we needed him, I and Molly agreed on the fact that he was not to be trusted.

When we had gathered for the Order meeting, we had to wait for the Advance Guard that brought Harry to arrive back. There was no time to greet him before the meeting would be over and dinner started, but basically everyone was excited to see him.

The meeting wasn't too long, though a few important things were to be discussed. Harry's hearing would be soon, and Severus had a few news for us. I let my gaze wander over to Remus multiple times during the meeting and couldn't help but notice that his eyes were resting more often than not on a certain young Auror. I had to ask him about Tonks soon.

With the meeting finished, the Order members left, Severus one of the first because he never stayed for dinner. Which was wise because Sirius's hospitality when it came to him was nearly non-existent, and Severus's snarky remarks during every meeting didn't help. When most had left, Sirius, a few others and I were still in the room, when Tonks hit the umbrella stand (again) and the portraits started waking up, screaming like maniacs. Sirius cursed and went up into the hall, while I gladly waited, not wanting to have his mother insult me again. I heard her horrible screeches anyway but at least I didn't have to see her ugly face.

Bill and Arthur were still talking when Molly, Tonks, Sirius and Harry made their way downstairs. I noticed that Sirius wasn't in the best of moods, Harry looked a little baffled after the incidents with the portraits, too. I stood up from where I still sat at the table and greeted him with a hug.

"Hey, Harry. You're alright, I hope?"

He nodded and gave me a smile that seemed a bit forced. "Yes, thanks."

I helped Bill clean up the table, then, so Harry didn't see any Order business. Tonks, clumsy as she was, wasn't of much help, but I didn't mind. Sirius meanwhile introduced Harry to Mundungus, but he was probably drunk and didn't realize what was going on. Molly scolded him for trying to light a pipe and I couldn't help but feel that we were a sad bunch of people.

"If you want dinner before midnight I'll need a hand," said Molly to no one specific. Tonks immediately volunteered but I knew Molly would rather have me help, so I got up, giving Harry a smile while putting a hand on Sirius shoulder, and then started to help prepare dinner.

When Molly and Arthur had everything under control I sat back down at the table, opposite of Sirius this time as to not intrude in his conversation with Harry. But actually, they were just both complaining – Sirius had fallen into a rant of how boring his life here was and how annoyed he was by Severus's remarks about him having a relaxing time. I rolled my eyes at him when he was done, but he had none of it and Harry was still listening to him.

Crookshanks was sat on Sirius' lap, and naturally, Nyx came to hop on mine. I knew she loved him a lot and was always jealous when he scratched or spent time with Crookshanks. That's why she was so clingy towards me whenever it happened.

But both cats were off in an instant when Fred and George bewitched the pots with dinner so that they came flying towards us, with knives and everything, so that we had to duck away. Molly went wild then, and I was glad that she only knew a fraction of what her boys were capable of. I didn't plan on telling her what they were up to at Hogwarts.

Remus sat down next to me when dinner started. We were all eating, finally some quiet taking over the room. Everyone was engaged in conversation then, Tonks showed off her Metamorphmagus skills and Molly told me what we were to do next in the house, because Sirius only listened with half an ear as he often did these days.

After dinner, when the atmosphere was rather relaxed, Sirius decided to crash it. "I'm surprised at you, Harry. I thought the first thing you'd do getting here was to ask about Voldemort."

I nearly choked on my wine and Remus next to me put his goblet done, too. This was a typical Sirius move. I sensed that he was looking for an argument.

And as I had assumed, Molly and Sirius started arguing, then, because she thought Harry was too young and she wanted to stick to Dumbledore's orders while Sirius thought he had the right to know what was going on. I saw both sides, really, but the argument got out of hand. They both fired shots that hurt the other and I could barely stand it, but I also didn't want to get in the middle of it when their tempers met. Remus next to me was tense as well and squeezed my shoulder to calm me for a moment.

Finally, Remus too chimed in, saying he thinks Harry should at least get an overview about what happened. I backed him up and earned an angry look from Molly. We were friends, kind of, and I shared her care and worry, but I had to disagree with her here.

We finally agreed that Harry could ask some questions. Molly wanted to send the other kids out but after another argument everyone but Ginny was allowed stay. She stormed out of the room, waking the portraits up again, so that it took another while before we could start. I was tired by now. I had always hated arguments and today had been what felt like one huge argument that just wouldn't end.

"Okay, Harry. What do you want to know?" Sirius asked, eventually.

And then we began to answer everything we could without going into too much detail.

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