Part 2 - Chapter 25: Party and Departure

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A/N: Things are getting more exciting now that I reached this part of the story! Soon there will be a lot of angst and drama, so prepare for that! Also, let me know if you're still reading and enjoying this story! My reads aren't growing as much so I'm a bit worried.

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Before we all knew what was happening, the holidays were over. I remembered how I loved to say these words back when I was still a student at Hogwarts. Now not so much. This year it meant leaving Sirius behind and trying to stay under the radar of the Ministry. And I still had to be as best of a professor as I could, for my students depended on it and a good education was what would hopefully protect them from the propaganda of the enemy.

The night before we were to leave, Sirius seemed to be back in old shape. We had a party after dinner, celebrating that Hermione and Ron had been announced Gryffindor prefects. I could tell Harry was a bit sad from the look on his face, but not so much when Sirius told him that he and his father hadn't been prefects either.

"Ally and Remus were the good kids," Sirius said.

"Well, I was in Ravenclaw anyway, so I wasn't at risk of being easily linked to your mischief," I replied grinning at Harry.

"I remember you taking part in quite a lot of said mischief and thoroughly enjoying it," Sirius mumbled in my ear so no one else could hear and I could barely help my blushing.

The party was a welcome distraction, Moody showed around an old pic of the Order and we all chattered about, but it all was ended abruptly when we heard noise from upstairs. Molly had been trying to get rid of the Boggart in the drawing room and Harry had found her sobbing on the floor as the creature showed her all of her family members dying. We defeated the Boggart but still had a hard time calming down Molly. I was crying a little too but hiding it, not wanting to worsen her condition. But her fears were very palpable for me. Losing loved ones was, even though she called herself silly for her reaction, the single worst thing to happen to anyone. If the Boggart had attacked me, the situation wouldn't have been any different.

Sirius and Remus reassured her, I wanted to, but I didn't trust my voice. When Sirius seemed to notice, he wrapped an arm around me and soothingly ran his hand over my shoulder, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. "It's okay," he mumbled.

I wasn't sure if that was true.

"We should probably all go to bed," said Remus when everything was calm again a few minutes later. "Important day tomorrow."

Molly, who was more herself now, agreed. "Yes, you all need your sleep, you can't miss the train in the morning."

She didn't have to say that twice – I really wanted to have a moment to recollect myself and was glad when Sirius closed the door to our room behind us. I sank into the mattress and closed my eyes for a bit, but I wanted to cry and I couldn't help a few tears that escaped.

Sirius sat down beside me. "Are you okay?"

"Yea," I vaguely mumbled.

"Nah, you're not. What did you tell me about not saying what's bothering me?"

I sat up and let my head fall to his shoulder, sighing. "You're right. It's just... today was so emotional for me. First there's this party that felt more like a big goodbye for me... and then there's Moody showing around that picture of the first Order making me all nostalgic and sad... and then Molly who's fears just exactly mirror my own. It's just a bit much."

Sirius wrapped an arm around me and pulled me close to him, letting us both fall back into the soft pillows. He held me tight and I cried a bit more, just because I couldn't deal with all the pain. His fingertips were trailing my arm and I shuddered a little. "I saw the picture, too, and I get why it makes you sad because it makes me sad as well."

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