Part 2 - Chapter 38: Ministry of Magic

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The Department of Mysteries had always been... well, a mystery to me. Luckily, we had Kingsley, Mad-Eye and Tonks with us who were familiar with it and knew where to suspect Harry and the others. On the whole way to the Ministry, my adrenaline was so high up that I wasn't even very scared but just felt the urgency to finally get there, to help and make sure that no one came to serious harm.

What concerned me though, was how excited Sirius seemed to be. Just earlier I had warned him that he was so preoccupied with his need to do something that he'd go into any battle he saw. And now the very one was mostly likely just ahead of us.

Earlier that night, when Severus had told the others about his concerns that Harry was in danger, he had been right. Sirius should have stayed home, but we had all known that there was no way to make him sit around when we were all in grave danger.

When we had reached the Ministry and Kingsley led us to the right Department, I was feeling quite sick, but I knew I had to be strong and push every little doubt to the back of my mind.

We arrived and the scene before us was a nightmare. There was a whole group of Death Eaters, so many that I did not try to count but I saw the likes of Lucius Malfoy, Rodolphus and Bellatrix Lestrange, Dolohov, Macnair, Rookwood or at least their very familiar masks. It was no surprise that some of the most infamous Death Eaters were here to retrieve the prophecy from Harry but seeing them brought a rage that I had not felt in over a decade. The memory of Bellatrix and what she had done to the Longbottoms and many others was enough to want me to actively fight her.

They had taken some of the children as hostages more or less, too close to attack some of them straight-away without the risk of attacking our own. But our arrival seemed to be the perfect distraction because most of them started coming at us, giving the children room to free themselves. I was attacked by Rodolphus but my dueling skills came back quickly and I had no real trouble to fight back. Stunning spells were raining down left and right and I responded to them with a few of my own.

„Alia Allington," Rodolphus said. „Shouldn't you be at home?"

I looked at him quizzically.

„Being pregnant means you should look after yourself, right?"

„How the heck do you know that?" I asked, stunned not by a spell but his words.

„Well, we have our ways," he said and sent another spell towards me.

I ducked away and the fight became quicker again, me being too fast for him to hit me, but Lestrange having the upper hand in keeping me occupied.

Unfortunately my lucky streak didn't last forever as I was distracted by Tonks being hit by a cackling Bellatrix who was clearly enjoying herself. Tonks's body came tumbling down the stone steps, no chance to stop. Right as I wanted to help her, one of Rodolphus's stunning spell hit me and I couldn't help falling over, quickly scrambling back to my feet. There was no time to check in with myself, I was right back in another duel and the world around me was a blur of green and red spells hitting or missing targets.

The green ones were the ones I was paying most attention to. There were no rules today and Avada Kedavra was the spell of choice for a lot of the Death Eaters whenever they saw a clear target that wasn't endangering one of their own... and sometimes even then.

I was hit one more time before the world became clearer again, me lying on the floor when we all noticed that Dumbledore had appeared. I had no time to really take in the situation before I noticed that Sirius was still fighting Bellatrix. She was trying to hit him but he dodged multiple times, laughing at her which only made her send more angry spells at him.

It was when I noticed a green light coming out of her wand that my brain started working again. Sirius did not seem to react to it immediately when he noticed Dumbledore and us staring. She was going to kill him, I felt it.

There was not much I could do but aim very well and try to hit her spell with one of mine, diverging its course so it would miss him. My body moved without me actively thinking and I sent off a red lightening of my own. It did hit the green spell, at least at first it seemed so. Someone else had sent one as well and multiple spells flew through the air. I was trying to follow the green spell with my eyes but lost it until I noticed Sirius dropping to the floor motionless.

No. No, no, no, no.

I was screaming as soon as realization hit me and I heard more screaming around me that sounded like Harry's voice. Sirius did not stand up, nor did he stir or move the slightest bit. It could not be. This had to be a mistake.

But it wasn't.

Bellatrix had seen it as well and was now laughing, hollering how she had killed Sirius as if it was the best thing that had ever happened to her.

I payed her no attention but ran towards him, stumbling multiple times, running past Remus who was holding back Harry. His own screams rang in my ears as I fell to my knees besides Sirius's lifeless body.

I was crying but only realized that I was when his face appeared blurry in front of me. I grabbed his shoulders and shook him but he did not move.

„No," I still repeated over and over. „No, no, no. Sirius, SIRIUS!"

„Ally," someone said beside me and tried to get me away from him.

„No, leave me alone. Sirius, hey," I cried. „Wake up, love, please, please, wake up."

„Ally, you need to let him go." It was Remus. „Ally, do you hear me?"

I did not. I was still trying to shake Sirius awake but he did not move.

„She killed him! SHE KILLED HIM," I heard Harry yell behind me. „I'LL KILL HER!"

„Ally," Remus said again. „Stop shaking him, please, let me help you."

„No, I can't," I cried. „No, no, no."

„Please, you're only hurting yourself," he said. „You're already bleeding."

Eventually, I had no power left and Remus managed to pull me into his arms. I did notice that I had ripped open the skin on my knees and there was blood on my hands from somewhere. Remus held me, tried to calm me down but my shaky breath didn't regulate itself. I was a mess, crying, shaking, sobbing, panicking.

„He doesn't know," I whimpered. „He doesn't know."

„What? What are you saying?"

„I'm pregnant, Remus." I was still shaking. „I have his child in me."

His eyes mirrored the shock that I felt and then it was followed by pity and then worry. I looked back to Sirius's lifeless body in front of me. I should have told him, I thought, I should have told him right after I had done the test. He had deserved to know, maybe he would have been more careful if he had. Maybe he would still live.

„Ally, are you hurt?" Remus asked then. „Have you hurt yourself? I saw you fall earlier."

„I don't know. I cant't feel anything."

„Merlin, you should not be here, you should not be here AT ALL," Remus said, suddenly incredibly worried. „Ally? Hey, Ally."

„I don't-" My voice died as I slowly lost control over my body.

„No, no, stay here, do you hear me? I can't lose you as well, please."

He continued to talk to me but I was starting to drift away. The physical and emotional impact of the situation overwhelmed me and I had no energy left. My body started to feel numb and my mind followed.

„Stay with me, hey," I heard Remus's voice again but it sounded far away. There was no way to reach me anymore, no way I could bear the pain that I felt, and I slowly slipped out of consciousness.

* * *

A/N: Hey, y'all... *puts on armor* I have gone into hiding fearing for my life once this chapter goes up. Please don't kill me. *ducks away*

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