Part 2 - Chapter 37: Bad Omen

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A/N: So, this book hit 80k reads today and I just... wow. Surreal. Thank you very much for every single one. I am very excited for the upcoming parts – shit's about to hit the fan from now on (if you know what I mean).

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The next day I went and got a muggle pregnancy test from a pharmacy. It was the most discreet way I had available in case anyone was spying on me and what worked for muggles should work just fine for me. It was weird, being in London like a normal person, watching humans walk around with no idea about what was going on, not even the tiniest clue about the dangers that could befall them as well.

Back at Grimmauld Place, I barricaded myself in the bathroom. Peeing on a piece of plastic wasn't glorious, and as I sat on the toilet seat, waiting, I was incredibly nervous. I sat there so long, avoiding the little display, that Sirius knocked at the door. I jumped.

„Are you okay, love?" he asked.

„Yes, I'm just... doing some skin care things."

Lying felt terrible but I needed to see for myself first. If it was negative and only a scare I didn't have to tell him, or at least not straight away. I knew he would probably be incredibly excited about the possibility and I did not want to disappoint him any further. He had enough negativity in his life as it was.

„Okay, hurry, I think Remus just came home which means dinner is underway."

Oh that was not good, I was not prepared to face anyone at the moment. How long had I been sitting here that it was dinnertime already?

I finally decided I needed to look.

The test showed two pale lines.


I exhaled and let the news sink in.

We would have a baby.

My first instinct was to shout it out and let the whole world know how happy I was. But I knew I needed to be careful that the news didn't slip out until it was absolutely impossible to hide it anymore, hoping that by then Sirius's name would be cleared. But those were worries for another day.

Merlin, I really was pregnant.

That was the best thing that ever happened to me, no matter the timing, no matter anything else. I realized that, had the test been negative, I would have been incredibly disappointed. Now that it was true... I was already in love with the idea of having a baby with Sirius. Maybe it really was meant to be.

I took a few deep breaths, then left the bathroom only to basically run into Kreacher. He was immediately shying away and I ignored him when he cursed me under his breath. I had almost forgot about him these days since he was very clearly avoiding me ever since Sirius screamed at him for insulting me. To see him on our floor was odd but I decided that maybe he had just wanted to get away from the kitchen. He really did hate all of us.

* * *

At dinner, I barely managed to contain myself. Sirius constantly looked at me as though he was suspecting that something was off and I really wanted to tell him the news but that had to wait until we were alone. Molly raised her brows when she looked at me and I smiled at her reassuringly. By the smile that crept on her face she knew exactly what I meant.

„I'm really worried about Harry's Occlumency progress," Remus said. „I don't think he and Severus continued to work on it."

„Well, he did not make it easy for him, old Snivellus."

„You knew?" I asked him.

„Harry had contacted me and Remus through the floo network a few weeks ago. We were just... you know, talking to him about James and the old times. Not long, just a little a chat, and he said he had trouble with Snape."

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