Part 1 - Chapter 5: Conspiracy

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As we patrolled the corridors and searched all the rooms for Sirius, I couldn't help but hope that no one would find him. And if, then that it would be me. But in the end, we didn't even get as much as a clue as to his whereabouts.

When I walked back towards the Great hall, I overheard a conversation. It only caught my attention because I recognized Severus's voice. Until now, I hadn't really talked to him about Sirius, mostly because I was avoiding him, knowing he wouldn't have a pleasant opinion about this issue.

"But headmaster, what if they are conspiring? It is quite peculiar that Black was able to enter the castle with two of his old friends here.... who also happen to spend a lot of time together. I did warn you about those circumstances in the beginning of the schoolyear."

"I appreciate your concern, Severus, but the two of them are friends since their first year at Hogwarts. I'm certain there is nothing to be worried about. As it is, Alia has been most loyal to the school with an impressive talent for teaching and an undying love to the students. We wouldn't want her to get in trouble with the ministry after everything she went through, now would we?"

"Of course not," Severus answered. "I will have a word with her nonetheless, to assure she is doing well with the situation."

Dumbledore nodded at him. "I know you care about her, Severus. You should trust her. I do."

I made sure to be out of sight when they turned around and parted, the conversation clearly over. To my misfortune, I only walked a few steps until Severus caught sight of me. I nodded at him and tried to continue my way, but he casually stepped in front of me. "Do you have a moment, Alia?"

I had no choice but to nod politely and follow him into a quiet hallway. Apparently, he wasn't so scared that Sirius might be here now. I realized that is aversion to him was personal. He wasn't scared for our safety. He just didn't like neither Remus nor Sirius.

"How can I help you, Severus?" I asked, trying not to seem nervous or uneasy.

"I do not want to make any accusations but considering your past I can't help but wonder... why Black has not contacted you yet." He looked at me suspiciously. "And that you are so calm, despite the news of him being here."

I swallowed hard, for what he implied was obvious. "As I have already told the Ministry and everyone who asked me until now – no, I have not had any contact to him. I don't know what he plans to do, and I certainly don't know where he is."

"Alia, I hope you know how dangerous he is," said Severus. "He might as well be here for you, for all we know. Every bit of information is important. I am merely concerned, I do not want to attack you."

"Do you really think this is easy for me?" I snapped. "I know very well that he could be dangerous. I knowit. Every day, I read the Daily Prophet in fear that something might have happened. That he hurt someone or that someone hurt him. In fact, I wasn't this scared in the past twelve years. Believe me, I would do anything to find out where he is."

His grim demeanor changed after my outburst, he looked almost empathetic. "I'm... sorry, Alia."

"I thought you knew me better than this, Severus. I would never put any of my students in danger for such selfish reasons." I took a deep breath, trying to hide that I was almost crying. "Now, excuse me. I need to make sure that everyone's safe."

I turned to get back to patrolling the corridors and ignored that he'd tried to put his hand on my arm in attempt to soothe me. Whatever this weird relationship with him was since I started teaching here, I was over with it. I didn't need a friend like him.

* * *

The rest of our fifth year passed by in a stressful whirlwind of O.W.L. exams and homework. Before I knew it, I was back with my parents and far away from my friends. I hoped the owl with my exam results wouldn't find its way over to Germany... but I got the results anyway. And I had almost only Outstandings... almost. I got an E in Astronomy, which was still great, but my dad nearly freaked out about it and told me he had always had Os in this subject. I spend the rest of the holidays studying. Luckily, I was allowed to go back to England earlier, so I had a few weeks with my grandparents.

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