Part 2 - Chapter 29: Birthday Surprise

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I arrived at Grimmauld Place precisely at seven, as I had written in the note to Sirius. To my luck, he had done exactly what he should and was waiting for me in the hallway, the rest of the house seemed quiet. But it was still as dusty and grey as I remembered, and I could tell that Sirius had become just as grey. I had never seen him so ashen-pale, not even when I saw him again after his escape from Azkaban.

"What are you doing here?" he asked quietly, as if he didn't believe his eyes.

Waking the portraits now would ruin everything, so I just took his hand and pulled him in the nearest empty room. "It's your birthday! Did you think I'd let you spend it on your own?"

Sirius grinned at me and all the dust seemed to fall off of him. "You sneaked out of Hogwarts to come here? That's my girl!"

"Yea, now we have to get out," I said with a grin myself. "Is anyone here?"

"No, not at the moment," he replied. "But what do you mean, get out?"

I rolled my eyes. "Turn into a dog and follow me."

Through his smile, I could tell Sirius was excited and he did what I told him without further questions. As soon as we were outside, I apparated with him onto one of the rooftops I knew was safe. We had been here countless summer nights and even though it was cold outside know, I knew a few useful spells that would make it more comfortable and safer up here.

"I always loved this place," Sirius said when I sat down next to him. I had brought a few blankets and cushions and had lit a small safe fire in front of us to keep us warm. Those were the times I loved magic the most – you could make all your imaginations become reality. And to be here with Sirius was perfect as perfect can be.

While Sirius still stared at my fire, trying to find out how I had jinxed it so that it wouldn't burn the blanket underneath, I filled two cups with Firewhiskey and handed him one.

"Happy Birthday, my love," I said, and we clinked glasses.

Sirius smiled at me. "Thank you. I never imagined this day to actually have a beautiful ending."

"Pray no one noticed that I'm gone," I mumbled.

"If they catch us, maybe we can share a cell in Azkaban."

"I don't think they'd let us."

"Maybe at least have two cells next to each other."

I furrowed my brow. "That's even more torture. Knowing you're there but not seeing you or being with you."

"Yea..." Sirius contemplated. "But let's not talk about anything that concerns Hogwarts or the Order or the others," Sirius then said. "I think this is the perfect evening to forget about everything."

"You're right. This is too good to be ruined," I agreed.

We ate and drank and snuggled into our blankets. When the stars became visible, we laid down and stared into the sky. Sirius held me close and just as he did way back then, he told me about the night sky. I listened to his voice, not even caring about what he was saying but just savoring the sound of it. I had missed him so much, and until now I hadn't even realized because I had been too preoccupied with Umbridge and all the bad things going on.

Now I realized that it all didn't matter as long as I had Sirius by my side.

"I love you," I whispered and interrupted whatever Sirius had been saying.

He chuckled, and I felt his chest rumble. "I love you, too, my sweet girl."

I smiled. "I'm not even a girl anymore."

"You'll always be my girl, Ally."

His words made my heart beat faster, as if we had travelled back in time and my younger self would swoon over any compliment he made me. The last months and years had been hard and often I felt so detached from everything that mattered because the focus was on all the bad things that happened. But I knew now that I needed to focus on this. I was fighting – not against the evil but for the good.

"I will," I replied. "Forever."

Sirius smiled at me and brought his face closer so that he could kiss me. He seemed so relaxed and content, so different from all the months before, and even if it was just a temporary happiness, it was better than nothing.

We spent the rest of the evening lying there, far too long into the night, and I stalled leaving him again until I couldn't anymore if I wanted to stay undiscovered. Leaving today wasn't as hard as last time, because I would be back in a little over a month and I had happy memories to think of. Sirius kissed me goodbye and it felt like he thought the same thing.

I really wished I wouldn't already miss him as soon as he was out of sight.

* * *

The moon stood high and bright when I got back to Hogwarts, but I managed to sneak into the castle quite easily. Everyone should be in bed by now and on a Friday night, there shouldn't have been anyone looking for me.

When I got back to my room, I let out a deep breath of relief that this had worked out so well. My heart had been pounding all the way up but now I was safe. This wasn't what life should be like, but I knew things would be better someday.

The next morning, I thought about skipping breakfast but since I'd already missed dinner, I figured it would be too suspicious. And I should have expected it but of course Dolores Umbridge promptly asked me about it.

"I missed you at dinner yesterday," she said. "And when I knocked at your office later, you wouldn't answer. I was starting to get worried, dear."

Her false smile was what angered me the most about this, but I had already thought about an excuse, so I didn't hesitate to lie. "I wasn't feeling very well, so I went to bed early."

"Oh, did you?" she asked. "Well, you seem a lot better now."

"I am. Thank you."

Our eyes met for a moment and I knew she didn't quite believe me, but if she had any serious concerns about it, she would have acted already. At least I thought so. 

After breakfast I immediately went upstairs to my room again. This was getting ridiculous. Umbridge was in control of Hogwarts now, anyone could easily see that. But what could be done about that? At the moment, the Ministry had the upper hand

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