Part 2 - Chapter 42: Fresh Start

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A/N: Hello friends! This is going to be the last real chapter, the next part will be the Epilogue! I hope you enjoyed this story. It feels very weird to end it and then not continue to write and think about it. Maybe I'll have to write some short story continuations or something lol. Anyway, see you in the last installment soon! Also, thank you for over 90k reads and 2k likes!

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The house was wonderful.

I hadn't expected us to find one so easily that I could actually see our family live in. We were incredibly lucky. It was a semi-old country house, big and with a huge garden in the English countryside, not too far away from London but far enough to finally feel free. The insides were plain and after we'd got rid of the remaining things from the muggle pre-owners, we could do whatever we wanted. Mainly, I had the say in that because I had spent a lot of time in my life imagining what I'd want our home to look like and it turned out that Sirius agreed with most of it. For a huge part of that time I hadn't expected to ever actually be able to furnish our house, let alone that I'd ever move out of a tiny, lonely flat and into an actual home.

I chose warm colors and mainly wooden furniture in lighter brown tones. We also added a lot of white and creme tones to make it brighter and as different from Grimmauld Place as possible. Sirius insisted on some Gryffindor and Ravenclaw colors to represent our houses as well but I added them more subtly, a pillow and a candle here and there. It was overall inviting and not as grim as any of our old places. 

Currently, we were trying to figure out where to put some of our new furniture but we weren't very motivated, especially Sirius. Earlier that day we'd learned that Harry wouldn't come over all of summer break. We had known he'd have to go to Privet Drive at least for the beginning because we had to make sure everything was safe, but now that time had been extended.

Sirius was sighing all day, annoyed sighs, sad sighs, angry sighs, exhausted sighs.

„I know you're angry," I said when we were setting up the last pieces of the living room and he was, once again, sighing. „But Dumbledore is right, Harry is safest at Privet Drive at the moment. Thanks to Lilly, or rather her blood relation to Petunia, he is safe from Voldemort there and until we have this house ready. He should stay there for his own safety."

„I know, but... I thought he'd be here with us by now."

The living room opened up to the garden with huge windows and a terrace, so we had a nice view of the greenery and hopefully the snow in winter. There was a huge fireplace that we probably wouldn't use much before autumn, but it was nice and I couldn't wait to get cozy in front of it with my husband.

Said husband was still grumpy when he helped me move some furniture around. I was quite indecisive when it came to the actual placements.

„We have two whole weeks with him at the end of summer vacation," I tried to reason. „Well, maybe a little less when he sees his friends that last week, but you know what I mean."

„That still means many weeks he has to spend with those bully relatives."

„Petunia is keeping him safe, a magical kind of safe that we can't provide," I said. "We're not sure who knows you're still alive but they'd immediately suspect him with us in any case. Also, Harry can call us, so that's something."

He mumbled something that I didn't catch and I chose to ignore it. I hated it as well, but I needed to be reasonable.

„Anyway, help your pregnant wife move that dresser, please," I said to distract him.

He raised his wand and carefully moved the dresser to where I wanted it to be. „You do know that using magic is not really more exhausting for you right now just because you're pregnant?" he asked.

„That doesn't mean I can't use it as an excuse."

„Actually..." He stopped and sighed, then smiled at me. „Nevermind. I think I'll let you use anything as an excuse right now because I am very obsessed with you, my darling."

Sirius came over to where I stood in front of the fireplace and hugged me, kissing my neck softly. I moved my hand into his hair and he moved one of his to my belly.

It was true, he was very obsessed with me... or rather my slowly showing baby bump. It would still be a while before it got really big since the baby wasn't due before early next year, but it was visibly there now, small but there, and we both couldn't get enough of it.

„Our baby is going to be the most beautiful person to ever exist, you do realize that, right?" he asked.

I chuckled. „Well, yes, but honestly I hope personality wise they will come after me."

Sirius looked at me in playful shock. „What is that supposed to mean?"

„Well, in a decade, if everything goes well, our child will visit Hogwarts and I don't want to explain to McGonagall or Flitwick why they're misbehaving all the time."

„You did misbehave a few times as well, you realize that?"

„Only because of you," I said.

„Ah, of course." He laughed. „But anyway, you think they're going to be Gryffindor or Ravenclaw?"

„I mean, I guess one or the other seems likely," I said. „I hope they did not inherit the energy of our ancestors. Not that I'd be mad if they got into Slytherin, though, I'd love them regardless, obviously, and I know our child wouldn't turn out to be evil."

„I know what you mean," he said. „Even if they were in Slytherin, I'm sure they'd be a decent person. We did see that houses don't matter all that much."

„Very true," I mumbled, thinking of how probably the worst treachery that had ruined all of our lives had been by a Gryffindor.

„Honestly, now that you're pregnant, I realize that it would be really cool to have a lot of children. Imagine having one in every Hogwarts House... or enough to form a whole Quidditch team."

„Oh Merlin, let me have that one child in peace, please," I said.

Sirius chuckled. „Well, one can dream of a happy, vivid future."

I held onto him tighter. „We will have one, I know it. All that has happened in the past wasn't for nothing."

Sirius kissed me slowly and then let his forehead sink against mine. „Yes, I agree. We have a happy future ahead of us."

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