Part 2 - Chapter 36: Uncertainties

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A/N: Hello, lovely people. I hope you're still somewhat enjoying the story. I am not sure how many more parts there will be, not too many I think, but we'll see. Things are definitely picking up now. Also, I updated the playlist a little bit, the link is in the story description, and, as always: Thanks for liking and commenting! You make my day(s).

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The next few Order meetings were tense. It was June now and there was a lot of hidden movement on Voldemort's side that we could not really judge the extent of. At Hogwarts, the situation had only got worse with Dumbledore being sacked since April now, over two months without him, and there was no stopping Umbridge anymore from doing whatever she pleased. Minerva and Severus told us horrible tales of her decrees and how she controlled and surveilled anyone, so that even those two had trouble doing work for the Order at this point.

Missions were getting more and more dangerous for all of us, so I couldn't really go out anymore. Since Sirius's escape, I was a prime target for the Ministry and Voldemort alike and it was too dangerous if they caught me. That was disappointing but I understood why it was necessary, even if it meant I would mostly work from home, doing rune translations and writing protocols.

The school year was coming to and end and the kids were taking their OWL examinations. But that was not a help at all, things had gotten out of control on the school's end, so there was almost no possibility to connect with the kids. Severus also told us vaguely about Harry's struggle with visions and dreams about Voldemort over the past weeks and months, but he would not go into too much detail about how and if the Occlumency training was going well. I was in no way convinced that he really wasn't allowed to talk, but there was a lot of confusion in the Order with Dumbledore being gone and decision making was difficult. So we had to trust each other.

After the meeting, I caught Severus's eyes and he came over to me. I hoped he wasn't the bearer of any more bad news.

„I hear there is reason to congratulate you," he said plainly, not at all what I had expected he'd have in mind.

I simply nodded. „Yes. I am sorry, I did not think you would like to be invited, nor that you'd approve."

Severus smiled grimly. „Well, that hardly matters. I hope you made a wise decision, I really do."

„I'm convinced I did. But thank you, nonetheless."

Sirius appeared at my side then. Severus paid him no attention and just said to me: „Congratulations, again. I need to leave now, we cannot be gone for too long these days."

„Why thank you, Severus," Sirius said and I nudged him, not that he would be bothered by that.

When Severus was gone, I rolled my eyes at my husband, but he just shrugged and chuckled. „I meant it. Very nice of him."

I decided not to dwell on it, there really were more pressing issues to think about. Consequently, when we went up to our room, I immediately fell onto our bed, overwhelmed with all the information we had got. Discussions were always exhausting these days. Opinions at times vastly diverged and there were a lot of hardheaded, stubborn people in the Order, Sirius definitely included.

„Tired?" He asked me, when he laid down next to me and pulled me close. „You're tired a lot these days."

„Marriage is wearing me out," I joked. „Or you, for that matter."

„That was my goal from the beginning." He chuckled. „For real, though. You seem different, I just cannot really pinpoint what I mean."

„Is it any wonder? With everything going on?"

„Well, I don't know... I guess not. It just seems odd, you're usually more feisty in discussions and more energetic in general."

„Maybe I don't have it in me anymore."

„I doubt that," Sirius said, raising an eyebrow.

„In any case, you have twice the energy these days. Honestly, you need to watch out or you'll jump head first into the first battle that is offered to you."

„You know I will do that no matter what, my love."

„I do and I don't like it."

„Maybe we should not discuss that now," Sirius mumbled then and kissed my cheek, slowly moving on top of me. Distracting me seemed to be his weapon of choice these days to avoid any conflict with me.

He started really touching me, running a hand over my side and letting it casually slip under my shirt. I forgot any of my arguments right then and there. My body immediately reacted, looking for the relief he offered me after such a stressful day.

„Maybe I'm imagining it but I have the feeling you're a lot more sensitive at the moment," he mumbled. „I'm not complaining, though."

Neither was I.

* * *

That evening after dinner, I helped Molly clean up the room, grateful for anything I could do that kept me occupied. When we were done, she stopped me from leaving and put a hand on my arm.

„Ally, do you... do you have a moment?" she asked. „I wanted to ask you something."

„Of course."

She guided me to the table and we sat down again. I was starting to get concerned. The last time she had talk to me in private it had been about Sirius, but this felt more like it was about myself.

„I do not want to intrude at all, but... upon seeing you lately, I can't help but wonder..."

„Wonder what?" I asked, daring her to go on. She had been eyeing me for the past couple of days, now that I thought about it.

„Well, I am wondering if you might be..."

"Be what?"


I stared at her in disbelief. „Pregnant?"

„I do not want to offend you, it has nothing to do with your weight or anything, but, I mean, I do have a lot of experience in that regard and I see a few signs... Call it intuition..."

„No, no, I do not think I am," I said immediately, but now that she'd said it I started thinking. When did I last have my period? And I did feel weird the past week or so, the headaches, the nausea... „Do you really think I could be?"

„You seem a bit changed, I must say," Molly explained. „I have noticed you feeling unwell in the mornings but you do not appear to be ill and I know morning sickness very well, let me tell you."

„I will have to take a test," I said, suddenly afraid. Not that I didn't want to have a child with Sirius but now of all times? In the midst of an upcoming war? „Oh shit, Molly, what if I am?"

„Don't be afraid, you two can manage!" she reasoned. „If it is true and if you want to, we'll definitely help you. The whole Order would, I'm sure. You're not alone, my dear."

„Thank you," I said. „It's just... the timing is terrible."

„Well, these things don't ask for permission. They just happen and who knows, maybe it is just the perfect timing," she said. „Also, now that you won't go on missions any more, it actually is a lot less dangerous and you don't have to tell anyone straight-away why you need to take more care."

I had my doubts about the timing part, but I also knew that Molly was right. Still, I had no idea what I would do if I really was expecting a child. Even with being home more often, dangerous situations would arise very soon. Who knew what would happen once Voldemort had gathered his forces?

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