Part 2 - Chapter 18: Revelations

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A/N: Hello, lovelies! Part 2 officially started (we're getting close to 1k reads, too). Things are about to get even more complicated. But I created a Spotify playlist with the songs I listened to while writing this story. Check it out of you want. You can also find it in the story description now in case you can't open the link. 

This chapter is a little short - it's only a transitional one. Enjoy anyway and if there are questions, ask away in the comments :)

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I was lying on my bed in Hogwarts castle, staring at the ceiling and pausing to reflect on the last few months. The next school year was coming to an end, I was to leave tomorrow, and it had been a tense one. To start everything off, there had been the Quidditch World Cup – a marvelous event for the Wizarding World that I didn't attend, of course. I had spent the holidays trying to stay under the radar as best as I could. And when I heard that the Dark Mark had been sighted after the match, I was glad I had done that, since I was pretty sure some people were suspicious enough about me and Sirius.

But my life didn't get any calmer after that since right afterwards it was announced that the Triwizard Tournament would be held at Hogwarts. I didn't have much to do with it – until the Goblet of Fire spit out Harry's name and the whole school went wild for a while. I knew he hadn't put his name in – we had had a heart to heart talk about it afterwards and I believed him. But something was off, I had a bad feeling about the tournament without even knowing exactly why.

Nyx jumped on the bed then and nestled up to me. Nyx was my cat – yes, I had adopted a cat.

When I had gone to Diagon Alley, buying some necessities for work, I had walked past the Magical Menagerie just in time when a cat ran out of it and right into me. The saleswoman came hurrying after her but stopped when she saw her hiding behind my leg. Just earlier that day I had been struggling with my loneliness, so I took it as a sign and bought the cat. I called her Nyx, after the Greek Goddess of the Night, since she was completely black and had bright yellow eyes, making her look like the night sky and reminding me of Sirius.

Nyx was now my companion here and as the months passed with frequent letters of Sirius who told me he was safe, I learned to live with my situation.

Life here at Hogwarts hadn't been easy for me. There was a lot going on with the dangerous tasks of the tournament that required special means in terms of safety. And to my distaste, Barty Crouch Senior was around a lot – the man who had put Sirius in jail without a trial. I had never been one to hold grudges when I was younger – but I would never forgive the people who were even in the slightest responsible for what happened back then.

Then there was the Yule Ball – and to top it all, Dumbledore made me dance with Severus. The latter was still unfriendly towards me and I was still mad at him, too, because he had made Remus quit his job and tried to have Sirius killed on any given occasion. That unpleasant situation had spread the rumor among students that Severus and I were a couple and I heard students whispering frequently how disgusting that was and how I had a terrible taste. Well, I wouldn't argue against that.

It was just a rumor though, and when I once and for all told them it was untrue, the whispering stopped. I figured the whole tournament had the students lusting for gossip.

But the most troubling thing occurred after the last round of the tournament, the maze, when Harry came back with the body of young Cedric Diggory and told us that he had been killed by Voldemort who was now back in his own body. It was a freakshow, Fudge didn't believe him and except for a few people who knew the truth, the whole ordeal was covered up as an accident. The horror that filled me after I heard that Voldemort was truly now back was indescribable.

The world had been turned upside down – all over again.

The only thing that kept me going was the thought of the holidays because there was a chance I would see Sirius again. My desire to see him and the painful waiting were becoming unbearable, and I needed to know he was fine and not just telling me he was.

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