P1: Cite

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[A/N: Heads up, { Text styled like this (in italics and inside bold curly brackets) } means you are reading a flashback!

Lets start this book with a happy/slightly fluffy chapter, hm..?]

Edd's legs hung over the edge of his small cot positioned in the far back corner of his room in the Red Army infirmary. His eyes stared at his twiddling fingers in his lap, patiently waiting for his lover to show up.

A large window set near the door gave Edd a view of the barren hallway outside, where only a lone digital clock sat on its walls. His eyes shifted to said clock, which read "08:16" in big, red numbers.

Originally, the clock had been in Edd's room, but it was moved when he took vacancy in the room because he wasn't allowed to have sharp objects. The Red Army doctors were worried that Edd would try to hurt himself, based on his past behaviours. Also the fact that he had stabbed his arm with a pencil. He told them it was an accident, but the doctors didn't believe him.

Edd removed his gaze from the clock, and instead looked around his tiny, white room. There was hardly anything in the room at all. Other than his cot, there was only a dresser for his clothes (all of which Matt had kindly grabbed for him from his appartement), a nightstand, a brown loveseat, and a tiny, wooden desk and matching chair.

The desk had been full of his art supplies for the first week Edd was there, but after the pencil incident, all that was left was a single ring-bound sketchbook and his watercolour paints and brushes. He'd give anything to have his laptop and drawing tablet there, since those were Edd's tools of choice.

All things considered, Edd absolutely hated the hospital room he'd been forced to stay in for over a month already. He felt suffocated there, like he couldn't do anything. His body seemed to agree, since he hadn't been able to properly eat or sleep the entire time he'd been there.

The soft click of the door unlocking caught Edd's attention, and he swung his head over to look at his incoming guest. A huge smile instantly made its way onto Edd's face the moment he recognized his lover's ginger-coloured hair bobbing up and down as Matt entered the room.

"Good morning, Green!" Matt squeaked, running over to his boyfriend to scoop him up into a bear hug. The door swung itself shut behind Matt, locking back into place when it did so.

Edd wrapped his arms around Matt and buried his head in the crook of the taller boy's neck. Matt seemed to be the one and only thing that could make Edd smile now-a-days.

Matt pulled away and took Edd's small face between his large hands. "I missed you so much!" He exclaimed, gazing lovingly into his boyfriend's eyes.

"Matt, we just saw each other last night." Edd replied with a laugh as he placed his hands over Matt's.

"I know! But any time away from you feels like an eternity!" Matt complained, making Edd giggle. He pulled the shorter boy's face towards him, and the two locked their lips in a deep kiss that lasted a good couple of minutes.

Matt was the pull away from the kiss. "I love you, Edd." Matt said, leaning his forehead against his lover's.

Edd's face lit up in a way Matt hadn't seen for over a decade. "Matt! You remembered my name!" He exclaimed, his eyes sparkling like a emerald-coloured night sky filled with a million bright stars.

Matt couldn't help but mirror the humongous smile on his lover's face. "I've been practising!" He boasted excitedly. "I'm so close to getting everyone's names down, but I wanted you to be the first to know." He said, rubbing his nose against Edd's as the two lovebirds began to giggle.

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