P2: Kids

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[A/N: ⚠️ WARNING: Lime :3c

Also, would you guys murder me if I added a wee bit of smut in a future chapter?]

"Wait, wait. You want me to ask Red Leader to do what?" Tom asked his two friends from where he was running on a treadmill.

"Edd and I have thought long and hard about this." Matt said, standing beside his lover as the two watched Tom run.

"We think we're ready to have a kid. Tord can easily combine Matt and I's DNAs to make one, right? He made you, after all." Edd piped up.

"You guys are moving way to fast." Tom huffed out, then stopped the treadmill. He grabbed his towel and wiped some of the sweat off his face, then rested it around his shoulders.

"We've been married for 3 years, how is that too fast?" Edd asked, giving Tom a confused expression.

"When did that happen?" Tom asked, glancing over at Edd.

"You were my best man, how do you not remember?" Edd asked, followed by a laugh. "Then again, you did drink two entire bottles of wine."

Tom glared at Matt, who laughed nervously. The two would definitely have to have a little chat later.

"Anyway, I'll see what Red Leader says about the whole kid thing. Although he's still really bitchy whenever I bring you up, Edd." Tom said with a sigh.

"I know." Edd replied with a sad smile, and received a hug from Matt. "As long as he's not shooting me, then it's fine if he hates me." He said, hugging Matt back.

"Well, my break is almost over. I'll talk to him tonight." Tom said, grabbing his uniform from where he'd neatly folded it beside the treadmill.

"Thank you!" Edd exclaimed, his voice muffled because his face was squished against Matt's chest.

"Don't mention it." Tom said, waving bye to his friends as he headed for the showers down the hall from the fitness room.


Later that night, Tom and Tord were sitting on their couch enjoying pizza and whatever news was on the small box TV. Tord had his robotic arm around Tom's shoulders and Tom had his head rested on Tord's shoulder.

"Hey Tord." Tom said, breaking the silence between the two.

"Hm..?" Tord grunted, eyes glued to the newscaster on the TV.

"How do you feel about kids?" Tom asked.

"Oh, where's this coming from, kjære?" Tord purred, looking over at Tom with a lustful expression.

"No, NO. Not us. Matt and Edd. They think they're ready to have a kid." Tom quickly explained, although a faint blush had already settled on his cheeks.

"Tch. Why are you telling me?" Tord asked, pulling his arm off Tom.

"Because they asked me to ask you to make one from their DNAs." Tom answered, sitting upright.

"I can't do that. And even if I could, why would I do anything for Edd after what he did?" Tord scoffed.

"Because he forgave you after you blew up our house and ruined our lives?"

"We've had this whole "forgiveness" conversation before, Thomas. I'm not saying it again. No."

"Come on, Commie. It would be fun to have a kid running around. Besides, it would keep Matt and Edd off our backs." Tom said, leaning in to whisper that last part in Tord's ear.

"You're very persuasive, you know?" Tord purred, and cupped Tom's cheek with his human hand.

"Or so you've told me." Tom chuckled, and leaned in for a kiss.

"Oh really?" Tord asked, pushing Tom down on the couch. He pinned his boyfriend's hands to the couch above his head, then planted a few soft kisses on his neck.

Tord gently bit down on the side of Tom's neck, and received soft noises and breathy moans from Tom that sent a thrill up Tord's spine. He held Tom's hands with his robotic hand, as his human hand drifted down and started unbuckling Tom's pants.

"Ah- Tord... wait..." Tom said, his face a bright shade of pink. "I have patrol duty tonight."

"Can't you skip it, elske?" Tord asked, continuing to kiss and nibble his lover's neck.

"Normally I would, but I- ah..!" Tom gasped as Tord sank his fang-like teeth into his soft flesh. "I have to... train the new recruits tonight..." He said, his breaths hot and heavy.

"But you promise to come right back when you're done, elske?" Tord asked, releasing Tom from underneath him.

"Promise." Tom said, a smile on his lips.

The two embraced and shared one last rough kiss before Tom got off the couch and quickly threw on his uniform.

"Don't be long, Tommy~" Tord purred.

"Don't call me that." Tom said, giving his lover the most annoyed expression he could muster. "But seriously, I think a kid could do Matt and Edd some good."

Tord just stuck his tongue out at Tom, who rolled his pixel eyes and left.

Once Tom was gone, Tord let out a long sigh. He could easily ask the science department to engineer another human body. They still had all the blueprints from Project Firestone, after all.

But there was still the whole problem with Edd. Tord hated that man with a burning passion. Maybe a well thought out plan was overdue to... take care of Edd.

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