P16: Her

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It was a few days since Tom was discharged from the infirmary. Tord had just left for an overseas business meeting, so Tom figured it would be a good time to go apologize to Edd for their fight.

Tom gingerly rapped his hand against his friend's quarters' door. He shuffled his feet in the hall, not even knowing if anyone was home.

After a few moments of silence, the door was pulled open, revealing Edd standing on the other side. He had a coffee mug in one hand, and judging from the bubbling and fizzing the dark liquid was doing, it definitely wasn't coffee.

"Can I help you, Tom?" Edd asked in a solemn voice as he stood still in the doorframe, clutching his mug.

Edd's unkept appearance, like the bags under his eyes,, his sunken face, his messy hair, and his untrimmed stubble was the new norm for Edd since he'd gotten to the base, so it didn't worry Tom like it might have done years ago. What did worry him, however, was the fact that Edd didn't greet him with a hug or at least a simple smile. It must have been one hell of a disagreement the two had, since Edd wasn't usually the type to hold grudges. With the exception of Tord, of course.

"Hey, Edd..." Tom started, rubbing the back of his neck. "I just wanted to apologize for the fight we had a couple weeks ago. I don't actually remember it, but you and I don't fight often so I figured it must have been something big."

Edd took a sip of his drink. "What do you mean you "don't remember it"?" He asked, glaring over at Tom.

"Apparently I hit my hit head on the coffee table in my and Tord's quarters, so I've been in the infirmary for the past two weeks. I don't remember anything past going to bed the night I came to mediate that fight between you and Matt." Tom explained. "Are you guys good, now?"

Hm, so that's where Tom had disappeared off to... Edd nodded his head and took another sip of whatever he was drinking. "Some overdue secrets were spilt between us. Matt was understandably upset with me at first, but we worked through it." He explained, his expression softening and a minuscule smile forming on his lips.

"I'm glad to hear that, Edd." Tom said, smiling over at his long-time friend. "And again, I'm sorry for fighting with you."

"You're forgiven, Tom." Edd said, widening his tiny smile. "Besides, it was my fault for trying to butt into your and Tord's relationship. You're obviously not interested in what I have to say about it, so I'll stop nagging you." He said, looking down at his mug as he swirled around the liquid inside.

What the hell was that suppose to mean? Tom decided to ignore Edd's last statement.

"Are you drinking cola?" Tom asked, eyeing Edd's mug.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Edd replied with a sly grin as he took another sip of his drink. "Yeah, my cousin is as big a cola fanatic as me, and she sent me a recipe. It's not as good as canned cola, but it hits the spot."

"Isn't cola an illegal drug now?" Tom asked, furrowing his brows. He never really took Edd as someone to partake in illegal activities.

Edd nodded his head. "But trust me, Tom, this is nothing compared to the other illegal stuff I've seen happening around the base."

"What illegal stuff?" Tom asked, narrowing his pixel eyes at Edd, who let out a laugh.

"Papa, it's called hide-and-seek! Why aren't you seeking?" Mateya's voice came from somewhere inside Edd's quarters.

Edd sucked in a breath. "I'm coming, love." He called into the room. "Duty calls." He told Tom with a smile. "I'll talk to you later, Tom. It was good seeing you again."

"You too, Edd." Tom said, returning his friend's smile.

Edd shut the door to get back to playing with his daughter, and Tom headed down the hall, happy that he'd cleared things up with Edd.

Tom made his way out of the residential building, and was met with a bit of a scene outside. A blue van had crashed into the building not too far from the front door. Two Red Army soldiers stood looking at the van with their backs to Tom.

"Pau, I told you the breaks are on the left side! How long have you been driving?" One soldier said, who's voice Tom recognized as Pat's.

"I panicked and slammed my foot on whichever pedal it was already on. Which happened to be the gas." Pau replied, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Red Leader will wring our necks for this..." Pat said with a sigh.

"No, he's on a business trip today. He won't find out if we get this cleaned up before he gets back." Pau said, patting his husband on the shoulder.

"What business trip? I set up Red Leader's schedule for today, and he doesn't have any busin- Oh, he's going to see Her again, isn't he?"

Pau hummed in agreement and nodded his head.

Tom felt his heart skip a beat and his breath hitch. What in Jehovah's name were they talking about? Her. Tord wasn't... having a fling with a woman, was he? No, Tord would never do that to Tom... right?

"Do you think Tom knows?" Pat asked.

"No, he'd probably rip Red Leader a new one if he found out." Pau answered, followed by a laugh.

"If I found out what?" Tom spoke up, his pixel eyes narrowed at the two men.

Pau and Pat both turned to look at Tom with the same "oh shit" expression on their faces. Pau bit his lip and he and Pat exchanged a worried look.

Pat straightened his posture. "It's better if you were to ask Red Leader yourself." He finally answered.

"Oh trust me, I will." Tom hissed, then stormed back into the building.

"Now Red Leader is definitely going to wring our necks... and that's if we're lucky." Pau said.

Tom marched all the way to his and Tord's quarters, and sat on their shared bed.

"Eyes, call Tord. It's urgent." Tom ordered his metal eyes. He listened quietly as the built-in phone rang.

"Hello, elske, is something wrong?" Tord answered the call.

"Get your ass home, Tord. We need to talk." Tom replied.

"Tom, I'm on a plane on my way to a meet-"

"No, you're fucking not. Don't lie to me, Tord." Tom interrupted the Norwegian.

There was a moment of silence, then Tom heard a sigh on the other end of the line.

"Alright, I'll tell the pilot to turn around. Meet me in the hanger in 30, Thomas." Tord said, then quickly ended the call before Tom could respond.

[A/N: Things are still fine I swear :3c

Congrats to Sam111159 for getting last chapter's cookie question! The answer was Doctor Hagen.

This chapter's cookie question is also easy: What is Mateya's current age? (Hint: Tord mentioned it last chapter)]

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