P3: Patrol

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[A/N: This chapter is mostly to flesh out come characters you'll see once in a while through the fic, but there's also some kinky TomTord shit at the end for all you SINNERS. Next chapter is gonna be fun~]

Tom quickly made his way through the winding dirt roads of the military base to his post near the front gate. He was only a few minutes late, but the overlooking officer on duty gave him a nasty look.

"You're late, Rockwell." The officer said, his arms crossed and his eyebrows furrowed.

"My apologies, Sir. I had urgent business with Red Leader to deal with." Tom half lied, and offered the officer a salute.

"At ease." The officer said, and Tom dropped his salute. "These two are the new recruits you're in charge of training for patrol duty. Introduce yourselves." The officer ordered, pointing to the young man and woman beside him.

The chubby blonde haired woman went first. "Private Emma Waltz. Ready for duty, Sir!" She said with an upbeat tone. Emma was taller than Tom by a few inches, and her hair was pulled back in a tight bun. She wore the normal Red Army uniform, with no insignia.

The tiny auburn haired man went next. "Private Jake Bugeja, Sir... Ready for duty..?" He said, his voice shaky and much less professional than Emma's. He was shorter than Tom by a few inches, and his bangs completely covered his right eye. He wore the same uniform as Emma.

Tom looked the two new soldiers up and down. Emma looked like she could barely contain her excitement, whereas Jake was slouched and over butting his bottom lip.

"It's nice to meet you two. I'm Corporal Tom Rockwell. I'll be showing you the strings of patrol duty tonight." Tom said, not really bothering to smile.

"I'll leave you to it, Rockwell." The officer said, then headed off to whatever else he had to do.

The two soldiers looked at Tom, patiently waiting for instructions.

"Right. So as you two probably know already, patrol duty is basically just walking around the base making sure no intruders get inside. If we find someone trying to break in, we shoot to maim, not kill. Lethal tactics are only used if the intruder return fires. Understood?" Tom explained.

"Loud and clear, Sir!" Emma boomed, then smiled.

Jake quickly nodded his head a few times. "Yes, Sir." He added quietly.

"Great, lets go." Tom said, then led the two through the front gate.

The three soldiers began their walk around the base. Each had a rifle strapped to their backs, and a laser pistol holstered at their hips.

"Patrols are done in squads of two to four people, and we always have at least five patrol squads patrolling the base at once." Tom explained. "Squad leaders have a walkie-talkie to talk with other squad leaders." He said, and pointed to the walkie-talkie clipped to his belt.

"So in case there's an emergency, then you can radio each other, right?" Emma asked.

"Correct." Tom said, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. He liked when the new recruits were properly trained beforehand on how things were suppose to work.

"But like... what if there's an intruder and the radio breaks..? Then what..?" Jake asked, clutching his pistol to his chest instead of keeping it holstered.

"That's why the squads have multiple people. You can use your numbers to take down the intruder, or send a man to manually get word to the other squads." Tom said.

"Ah. I see. Thank you, Sir." Jake said with a nervous smile.

The sound of a twig snapping caught the three's attention. Emma and Tom unholstered their pistols and aimed in the direction of the noise. Jake, on the other hand, nearly jumped out of his skin, then hid behind Emma.

A small fawn raised its head to look at the trio, then turned tail and ran back into the forest.

"I think I... just had... a heart attack..." Jake huffed out between panicked breaths.

Tom re-holstered his pistol, and turned to look at the new recruits. Emma was clicking the safety back on on her pistol, and Jake was shivering and still clutching his pistol against his chest.

"Good reflexes, Emma." Tom told the woman, who beamed at him. "Jake... You'd be dead if that had been an intruder."

Jake furiously nodded his head. "Sorry, Sir..." He apologized.

Emma clapped the shortest man on the back. "You'll get the hang of it, Jakey!" She chirped.

"Y-yeah..." Jake wiped his eyes against his sleeve then let out a nervous laugh.

The three continued their silent walk around the base. Once or twice, they would pass by another patrol squad, and Tom would share the whole deer incident with them. The other soldiers always got a kick out of how different the two new recruits actions were.

Finally, 02:30 rolled around, and the trio's patrol duty was over. They returned to the front gate, and were let back in.

"Good job today." Tom said once they were back inside the base. "We have duty again same time on Friday, so I'll see you then." He said, then left the two soldiers to their own biddings.

Tom made his way back to the residential building, and into Tord's office. All the lights were out, so Tom assumed that Tord must have gone to bed.

Tom slipped off his jacket and hung it on the coat rack near the door. Then he tossed off his boots and set them neatly under the coat rack.

Tom made his way to the bedroom, expecting to find Tord sleeping, but was instead met with something very different.

Tord was sitting crossed legged on the bed, wearing black knee-high stockings and matching shorts that left nothing to the imagination. He also had Tom's old hoodie on, but it was too small, and showed off his amazing abs. A headband with a pair of fluffy black cat ears sat on Tord head, and he even had on a dark blue coller with a tiny fucking bell.

"Tommy~ I've been waiting for you." Tord purred, getting off the bed and going over to Tom to grab him by his tie.

Tom got a nosebleed.

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