P23: Return (Part 2)

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[A/N: I've never spent so much time writing a single chapter, like things just wouldn't flow for some reason. Sorry if this chapter is a mess, I gave up like halfway through ): ]

Within minutes, Red Army personnel were on the scene and securing the area. An orange medevac copter and several camouflage humvees littered the area around the limo, which had crashed into a tree. Unlike Tom, Tord, and Tami who had warning of the shootings, the driver had none, and was killed in the ambush, leaving the vehicle to roll freely until it veered off the road and into said tree.

Tord had the worst injuries of the three, with the two bullets lodged in his neck and a small concussion from when he hit his head on the divider that separates the back seats from the driver in the limo. Tom's injuries were the second worst, but nowhere near as bad as Tord's. Some broken glass punctured his skin here and there from when the windows had exploded with bullets, but that was it. Tami's injuries were the least worst, because with her parents protecting her, she had managed to escape the attack completely unscathed.

After he'd been patched up, Tom paced the side of the road as medical personnel were strapping Tord into the medevac. He ran his hands through his hair, clearly distressed. A few of the medical personnel tried to talk to Tom, to calm him down a bit, but they were only met with his wrath.

Tom didn't really mean to yell at them, he knew it wasn't the medical team's fault Tord was hurt. But he just so angry with himself, and couldn't help letting some of that anger out. Although it was unfortunate his anger was vented on people who did nothing wrong. Eventually the few people who had tried to help gave up, leaving Tom to his repeated pacing.

"You're going to give yourself an aneurism, Thomas." Tami said, not looking up from her tablet from where she sat next to where Tom was pacing. She seemed much too calm for someone in her situation, especially given her age, and it just fuelled Tom's anger.

Tom stopped next to Tami. "Do you even care?" He found himself asking her without thinking.

"If you get an aneurism? No, that wouldn't be my problem." Tami answered, staring down at whatever game she was playing on her device. She shifted her legs slightly from their crossed position as they began to fall asleep.

"No. Your father is hurt, Tami, and you aren't even worried in the slightest." Tom explained, upset that he to explain it at all and that Tami hadn't figured out what he meant the first time.

"Why should I be worried? I know he's been through a lot worse. If that robot thing thing didn't kill him all those years ago, why would a couple bullets do any different?" Tami asked

Tom's angered expression softened, morphing into one that more closely resembled confusion. "Why... why do you know about that?" He asked, though he already guessed that Tord had probably told her for some reason.

"Father doesn't tell me things like that, I just find them out on my own." Tami answered, seemingly reading Tom's mind. "I pride myself on knowing everything about everyone, because the more information you have on someone, the more power you hold over them."

"What does that mean?" Tom asked, narrowing his pixel eyes at the nonchalant child.

Tami took her eyes off her tablet to look up at Tom. "It means I know everything there is to know about you, Thomas."

Tom's cheek twitched, sure that his daughter was just bluffing to scare him for some reason. "Right. I'll believe that when I'm dead." He commented.

"You are dead. So does that mean you believe me?" Tami asked, looking up at Tom with feigned child-like innocence.

"Prove it, and I might." Tom answered.

Tami whined like a spoiled child, and reached down to click the pause button on her game, then pulled out her earbuds. "Fine. Your name is Thomas Rockwell, and you were born in 19xx to Daniel and Mary Rockwell. You witnessed your father's murder when you were 9 years old, and your mother hanging herself when you were 13." Tami said, watching as Tom froze and his green eyes morphed into lines of static.

Those were events that Tom and people who knew him well never spoke of. He always zoned out at the mention of his parents, his brain struggling to once again repress the memories he oh so wished he could forget. Tom's sister use to joke it was his brain doing a "soft restart", since he'd often forget what he was doing for a moment, like all your files being closed on a recently restarted computer.

"After that, you lived off the grid with your sister Tamara, who's 4 years older than you, and happens to be the girl Father named me after. When you were 18, you moved into a house with Father and your two friends, Edward Gold and Matthew Handgrab. Father moved out in 20xx, but returned in 20xx, destroying your shared house and-"

"Stop." Tom interrupted Tami rather coldly, not wanting to hear any more of his life's story. His eyes were back to their normal pixelated selves. "I believe you."

Tami simply smirked and slipped her earbuds back in, then resumed playing her game. Tom seemed greatly unnerved by her plethora of information on him, and it pleased her. Tami liked having people wrapped around her finger; a trait she inherited from her Father, she supposed.

A few minutes passed, and Tom still looked rather off-put by his daughter's words, but at least he'd stopped that damned pacing. The repetitive sounds of his boots squishing the mud had been starting to get on Tami's nerves.

One of the medical personnel made his way to Tami and Tom, informing them that Tord was secured in the medevac and to ask if they could get in it so they could in the air as soon as possible. Tom and Tami of course agreed, and made their way to the helicopter. They took their seats behind where Tord was secured on a gurney and hooked up to a couple monitoring machines, and buckled themselves in for the ride.

The rotor of the helicopter started up with a metallic whine, and soon the air vehicle took flight. The main base of the Red Army was over an hour away by flight, so the helicopter's destination was the much closer Norway base, which would take about 20 minutes. A few more switch flips by the pilot in the cockpit and the helicopter was on its way.

[A/N: Congrats to EmMations for getting last chapter's cookie question! Tom and Tord's first kiss in Glasses was chapter/part 4!

For this chapter's cookie question: What are the names of the two doctors at the Red Army base?

Also, I'm still working on the QnA thing, so feel free to send in more questions! :P

Love y'all~ ]

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