P10: Intervention

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[A/N: I'M BACK FUCKERS! I missed y'all so much ;-; Sorry for making y'all worry, that was really stupid of me. But at the same time thank you all for worrying, and it meant so much to come back to all of y'all's sweet messages ^^ All is good and back to normal now, so no more worries! Love you guys~

Without further ado, have an extra long filler chapter before I start stirring shit up :3c ]

Tom woke up to a heavy, unknown weight on his body. He gently ran his hands over the warm mass on top of him while his eyes booted up. Once his eyes were on and the world calibrated into view, Tom recognized Tord's spiked hair laying softly on his chest, followed by the rest of his boyfriend's body. Tom smiled softly and pet the sleeping man's head.

"What time is it?" Tom asked his metal eyes in a hushed voice, so not to wake up Tord.

"2:27 am." The robotic female voice replied. The numbers 2:27 flashed in the corner of Tom's vision.

Tom let out a sigh, then gently nudged Tord's shoulder. "Wake up, Commie." He whispered, wanting to get his boyfriend off of him.

Tord stirred and made a small noise, followed by a mumbled, "Fem mer minutter..." [Five more minutes...]

"Get up, I have to pee." Tom explained, and nudged Tord again, albeit a bit harder this time.

Tord let out a long, exasperated, groan, then rolled off Tom... and straight onto the floor. He landed with a thud, but didn't appear to be fazed by having just fallen off the couch.

"...Thanks?" Tom murmured as he sat up then pulled himself off the couch. He took extra care not to step on his boyfriend, who seemed pretty content where he was still laying on the ground.

Tom made his way to the bathroom, and did his business. On his way back to the couch, he heard a small knocking on the front door.

"Få døren, hund..." [Get the door, dog...] Tord mumbled from where he had crawled back onto the couch while Tom had been in the bathroom.

"Woof." Tom commented, then smiled when he heard Tord snicker. He made his way to the front door and pulled it open.

Tom was met by Mateya standing in the hallway in her pjs and hugging a pillow.

"Hey Mateya, what are you doing up so late?" Tom asked, bending down to the child's eye level.

"Can I sleep here with you and Red?" Mateya asked, her tiny voice muffled by the pillow covering most of her face.

"Why do you want to sleep here?" Tom asked, his glasses flashing a small green question mark.

"Daddy and Papa are fighting again..." Mateya explained.

"How about you sleep with Red on the couch, and I'll go talk to your dads, okay?" Tom asked with a smile, and reached out to ruffle the small girl's hair.

Mateya nodded her head, then cautiously made her way into Tom and Tord's quarters, and over to the couch.

Tord sat up to allow the girl to climb up on the couch and get her self comfortable on the opposite side of it from Tord. She put her pillow down against the arm of the couch and laid her head down on it.

"I guess I don't have a say in this, kjære?" Tord asked, glancing over the back of the couch at his boyfriend.

"Just watch her for a bit. I'm just going to talk some sense into Edd and Matt and give them s-h-i-t for fighting at 2:30 in the morning." Tom said, followed by a troubled sigh.

"Don't be long, elske." Tord mused, then looked back at Mateya who was hugging her pillow and staring at the coffee table.

"No guarantees, Commie." Tom joked, then left his and Tord's quarters to go yell at his two friends. He made his way through the maze of halls until he reached his friends' quarters.

Tom couldn't really hear any yelling coming from inside, so he knocked on the door as he opened it.

Matt stood in front of the closet with his arms crossed, but Tom couldn't see Edd anywhere in the room.

"What the hell are you guys doing?" Tom asked, letting himself into the room.

"Tim!" Matt greeted his friend. "Why are you here?"

"Mateya came to my and Tord's room and said you and Edd were fighting." Tom explained as he made his way over to Matt. "Where's Edd?"

"He locked himself in the closet a few minutes ago." Matt answered, and pointed to the closet door.

"I'm in here because you won't stop bitching!" Edd yelled from inside the locked closet.

"I'm bitching because I'm worried!" Matt exclaimed, turning to face the closet door. "You've been acting strange lately; going out places late at night, not paying attention to your family, acting hostile to everyone, do I have to go on?" He whined.

"I'm fine, Matt. Just shut up and leave me alone!" Edd replied. "I don't want to deal with life right now so just let me sulk in peace."

"Edd, that's not healthy." Tom commented. "Come out and talk to your husband like a normal human. You're a grown man, so act like it."

"This doesn't concern you, Tom!" Edd snapped. "I wish I was dead. Dead people don't have to deal with this shit."

"EDD THAT IS NOT FUNNY!" Matt yelled, then lifted his leg up and... kicked down the closet door.

Edd stood shocked at the turn of events like a deer caught in headlights. He didn't even move a muscle as Matt marched over and engulfed him in a giant bear hug.

"Stop saying things like that!" Matt exclaimed, nuzzling his face into Edd's hair. "It scares me."

"I'm sorry..." Edd mumbled, still slightly shell shocked. "It was just a joke, I didn't mean it. I promise I won't say it again."

"Okay, I don't know what you two's problem is, but you've really got to get your shit together." Tom said from where he was watching the two lovers from beside the broken closet door.

Edd scoffed. "You're one to talk..." He mumbled under his breath so Tom wouldn't hear.

Tom let out a sigh and rubbed his temples. "I don't want your kid coming to my room crying at 3 in the morning because her dads are fighting, got it?"

Edd pulled himself out of Matt's embrace. "Could you and Tord watch her for the night? Matt and I... need to talk." He asked, and absentmindedly held onto his husband's hand.

"If it means you're going to sort out whatever problems you guys have, then it's fine by me. I doubt Tord will be happy about it, though." Tom replied with a slight smirk.

"Thanks, Tom." Edd said with a smile, and tightened his grip on Matt's hand.

"Don't mention it. And... I won't tell Tord about the door, but you should probably fix that." Tom replied and pointed to the broken closet door.

Matt chuckled. "We'll get it done!" He chirped, once again back to his cheery self now that Edd seemed to be okay.

With that, Tom left his two friends to talk things out and headed back to his and Tord's quarters. He hoped the two could shuttle whatever was bothering them like adults, instead of bickering and fighting like children.

Once Tom got back to his and Tord's room, he was met with a surprisingly pleasant sight. Tord and Mateya had both fallen asleep on the couch. Tord was sitting up and leaning against the arm of the couch, and Mateya had abandoned her pillow for Tord's lap.

Tom smiled and quickly snapped a photo with his metal eyes; it was too cute not to have a photo of. Then, Tom crawled into his and Tord's bedroom and went to bed.

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