P17: Flight

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By the time Tom got to the hanger, Tord had already arrived back and was waiting for him at the bottom of the stairs leading up to a white jet bearing the Red Army logo.

Tord tapped his foot on the ground impatiently as Tom approached him. "Well, what is it, Thomas? I don't have all-"

Tord was cut off when Tom's fist rammed into Tord's scarred cheek, causing him to lose his footing and take a step back.

"What the hell was that for?!" Tord exclaimed, rubbing his now aching cheek.

"That's for lying to me about your so called "business meetings"." Tom said in a raised tone. "I know you've been seeing someone behind my back. A girl."

"What? Where did you hear that?" Tord asked with genuine confusion.

"I overhead Pau and Pat talking about it." Tom explained, his tone of voice going back down to normal.

"Faen, I can't trust those two idiots with anything." Tord complained, facepalming. Then, he turned and headed back up the stairs of the jet.

"Come on, you're coming with me now." Tord said from the top of the stairs as he turned to look down at Tom.

"Coming with you where?" Tom asked, raising an eyebrow at his boyfriend.

"To my meeting, of course. I could stand here all day and explain things to you, but your stubborn ass wouldn't listen. So, I'll just show you instead." Tord explained, rolling his eye. "Hurry up, I'm already late."

Tom hesitated for a moment, then cautiously made his way up the stairs to Tord's side. Then, the two made their way into the jet.

It was surprisingly roomy inside of the small jet, fitting a total of 8 seats in rows of two. Tord took the left window seat closest to the cabin, and Tom sat down beside him.

The door of the jet made a loud clanking noise as it lifted up and automatically locked into place, but other than that and the steady but muffled roar of the twin turbojet engines, the jet was almost completely silent.

Once the two men were buckled in, the jet taxied to the runway, then took off and lifted into the air with incredible speed.

Tord watched the ground through the window as it got further and further away. Tom, on the other hand, held his breath and clutched onto his seat's armrests for dear life.

Once the jet had reached its cruising altitude and the ground was covered by clouds, Tord turned his attention to his shaking boyfriend.

"Are you alright, kjære?" Tord asked, placing his hand over Tom's on their shared armrest.

"Yup." Tom answered simply, sitting as still as a statue.

"Oh, you're scared of planes, aren't you, Tommy?" Tord mused, a sly smile on his lips.

"I am not-"

The fuselage shook not-so-lightly as the jet encountered a rough patch of turbulents. This event, of course, made Tom yelp like a frightened little girl. He reached over and clung onto Tord's arm.

"Jehovah, let this be over soon..." Tom whispered to himself as he buried his face into Tord's shoulder.

"You're too cute, Tommy~" Tord purred, and leaned his head against Tom's. "Don't worry, it's only an hour ride. It'll be over in no time." He tried to cheer up the frightened man.


After an hour of uneventful flying, the jet landed and taxied to a small private hanger.

Tom hadn't moved a muscle the entire plane ride, and Tord assumed he had fallen asleep.

"Are we there?" Tom asked when the jet's engines had powered down, leaving the fuselage completely silent.

"Yes, elske. You can let go of me now." Tord said, prying his arm out of Tom's deathly grip. He undid his seatbelt and went to the jet's door to wait for it to open.

Tom did the same, and then followed Tord down the jet's stairs.

The hanger had only a few busy workers running around it, most of whom were running maintenance on the private jet.

Tom continued to follow Tord to a short, black limo, parked only a little ways away from the jet. A tall, muscular man held open the back passenger door.

"Sorry I'm late, Edvard." Tord greeted the man. "I had to turn around and bring an unexpected plus one."

"There is no need to apologize, Red Leader." The large man boomed with his deep voice.

Tord climbed into the back of the limo, and Tom followed him in. Edvard closed the door and went around to get into the driver's area of the limo.

"Where are we?" Tom asked once the two were seated and buckled in.

"Welcome to Norge, Tom. Home sweet home." Tord mused, rolling down his window then lighting a cigar he'd pulled from his pocket.

"Why did you bring me here again?" Tom asked, glancing over at Tord as the limo was started and pulled out of its parking spot.

"Because your stupid ass accused me of seeing someone behind your back." Tord said, taking a puff of his cigar and blowing the smoke out the open window. "And I know explaining things doesn't work with you, so I'm taking you to see the woman you heard Pau and Pat talking about."

"And who is this mysterious woman?" Tom asked, narrowing his green eyes at Tord.

"My sister." Tord only half lied.

"Tori?" Tom asked.

"You remember her?" Tord asked with a small laugh.

"Yeah, she dated my sister that one year during high school, remember?" Tom said, thinking back to simpler days.

"Not really, Tori and I have always stayed out of each other's business." Tord answered, followed by another puff from his cigar. "But if that was the case, then I guess we picked up where they left off, hm?"

"I guess we have." Tom agreed with a chuckle. It felt good to know that Tord wasn't cheating on him like Tom had initially assumed.

[A/N: Y'all heccing thought!! XD No need to murder Tord yet. :3

Congrats to TomTord-Box for getting the last chapter's cookie question right! Mateya is currently 8 years old.

This chapter's cookie question is quite hard and requires some quick googling: What was the name of the "supersonic transport" that ceased flying in 2003? (I'm a plane fanatic I'm sorry-)]

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