P9: Meeting

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Tord woke up sometime late in the night. He surveyed his surroundings, at first not sure where he was. Then, he recognized he was in his bed.

Tord figured that Tom must have carried him in after he'd fallen asleep in the car. He glanced around, but couldn't see Tom anywhere in the room.

Strange. Tord usually had a hard time keeping Tom away from him. Tord cautiously crawled out of his bed, and made his way to the living room.

Tord's worries were instantly put to rest when he found Tom passed out on the couch. An empty Smirnoff bottle lay on the coffee table, and a newscaster occupied the lit TV screen.

With a relieved sigh, Tord turned and made his way to the bathroom. He pulled a bottle of pain killers out of the medicine cabinet, then took two with a swish of water from the sink.

After that, Tord returned to the living room, and watched Tom asleep on the couch. His headache was still bothering him, so Tord figured he should go back to sleep.

Tord smiled deviously, then tiptoed over and sat on top of Tom, straddling the shorter man's waist. He bent over and let his head rest on Tom's chest, which rose and fell at a slow, steady beat.

Tord closed his eyes and got himself comfortable on top of Tom, who somehow slept through the entire ordeal. Tord let himself fall asleep once again.

Meanwhile, a very secret meeting was taking place on the other side of the residential building.

Edd pushed open the door of Jake's quarters to find many people waiting inside, sitting on furniture and the floor. He'd spent most of the day gathering said people and telling them about the meeting.

Edd could see a few recognizable faces, such as Reed, the engineer in charge of building and maintaining Tom's glasses, and Dr. Mann, one of the two head doctors of the Red Army infirmary. Of course, Emma and Jake were there as well.

"You're late, Private Gold. I thought you weren't going to come." Jake said from where he sat on a desk on the far side of the room. He was spinning his small knife in his uninjured hand.

"My apologies, Sir. I had to sneak out of my quarters without my family noticing." Edd said, even though it was pretty easy to do so since neither Matt nor Mateya seemed to care where he went.

"And you have the security system disabled, right?" Jake asked, and received a solid nod from Edd.

"Since we're all here, lets get this meeting going so I can get to bed." Emma whined from where she sat beside Jake on the desk.

"Right." Jake said, rolling his eyes. "As some of you may know, Fireteam Alpha payed me a visit the other day, and took out one of the Red Army's patrol squads while they were here." He explained to the intently listening soldiers.

"Now usually this wouldn't be a problem, but they informed me that the top brass is getting impatience with our results over the past few years. Our last achievement was blowing up that underground lab, so it's about damn time we make another move."

"But Sir, didn't we lose 3 Blue soldiers in that explo-" A male soldier started, but was interrupted when a knife flew passed his head.

"Don't interrupt me when I'm speaking, Corporal Dubois!" Jake hissed, and Emma placed a hand on his shoulder. "We're starting operation Delta9-5. I suggest all personnelle in this room that wish to live, leave this base before sunrise. Émilie and I will be staying behind to oversee the operation's completion. Dr. Monier et Ensign Rouzet, I want you to keep up your roles as Dr. Mann and Specialist Reed. That's an order."

A groan came from both said men, so Jake glared at them.

"Whoa whoa whoa, hold up." Edd said, breaking his silence and raising his hands in the air. "What about my family? You said you'd protect them as long as I work with you! Now you're putting Delta9-5 into action? Isn't that the operation with the bio-hazardous materials I told you about?"

"It is. We need to wipe out as many Red Army soldiers as possible. Your deal with the Blue Army, Private Gold, is that we won't kill your family if you work with us. There's nothing about protecting them in your contract, but we'll try not to infect them since you're such a goldmine of information." Jake explained. "And if you try to run away or kill yourself again, your family will be the ones to pay. Am I clear, Private Gold?"

"...Yes Sir." Edd said as a single tear rolled down his cheek. He couldn't even remember how he'd gotten caught in France's Blue Army's clutches.

"Good. Everyone pack up your shit and fuck off outta my room." Jake concluded the meeting. "I'll see you guys back in France if we're lucky. Vive la révolution bleu!" He chimed.

"Vive la révolution bleu!" The Blue soldiers chirped back, then all of them shared a unified salute before standing up and leaving. Minus Edd, of course, who didn't care for military formalities and practices.

Edd let out a grunt, then left and went back to his quarters. Not like anyone had known he was gone anyways.

"Réveille-moi à 5 heures, Émilie." [Wake me up at 5, Émilie] Jake said, and climbed onto the top bunk bed in his quarters while Emma crawled into the bottom.

"Bon nuit, mon amour." [Good night, love.] Emma chimed.

"Bon nuit, Émilie."

[A/N: Prepare for feels coming pretty darn soon :3c


I received more fabulous fanart!!

This cute doodle is by the wonderful @OofPaul and I just can't get over Matt's face XD

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This cute doodle is by the wonderful @OofPaul and I just can't get over Matt's face XD

Hehe, see you guys next chapter~]

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