P26: Talk

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[A/N: Slightly longer chapter coz I haven't updated in a while, sorry. Transitioning between story events is always a slow writing time! But fun things are coming soon. Hehe :3 ]

Tord's eyes were assaulted by bright lights the moment they fluttered open. He hissed in discomfort and closed them again. There was a click from somewhere in the room he was in, and when Tord opened his eyes again, the lights were off and the room dark, but still bright enough to see from the light pooling from the door in the corner of the room. A hospital room, Tord recognized.

"Better, Father?" Tord recognized the heavily accented voice of his daughter. She walked over to the side of the bed Tord was laying on from where she'd turned the lights off near the door.

"Yes, thank you dear." Tord answered the small child with a smile. He brought a hand up to feel what was wrapped around his neck, and found that it was bandages.

"Someone attacked the car when we were going to the airport. You got shot in the neck." Tami explained.

"I remember. Where's Thomas?" Tord asked, and Tami pointed to his right.

Tom was sitting in a cushioned chair with his legs pulled to his chest. His soft, even breaths and lack of pixel eyes on the screen of his glasses indicated that he was asleep.

"He cried himself to sleep a few hours ago." Tami explained the dried lines of red tears that Tord saw on Tom's cheeks.

"But you didn't cry?" Tord asked, looking back at his daughter.

"No, because I know that you're strong and would pull through no problem. I wasn't even scared for a moment." Tami answered with a tiny, prideful smile.

"That's my girl." Tord chuckled as he reached over and ruffled Tami's hair. "Are we at the England or Norway base?" He asked.

"Norway. The first responders said it would take too long to get to England, and they wanted to help you as quickly as possible. We rode in an orange helicopter. It was cool, I've never been in a helicopter before." Tami answered.

"Oh, is that so?" Tord coddled the small girl and received a single nod.

"If you'll excuse me, Father, the nurse asked me to tell her when you woke up, so I'm going to go do that." Tami said, then left the dim room after her father gave her a nod.

Tord turned his attention back to Tom's sleeping form once Tami was gone. Tom always looked so at peace when he slept, which was a rare sight at best.

"Tommy~" Tord cooed. "Wake up, elske." If Tord wasn't hooked up to an IV and heart monitor, he would have gone over and woke Tom up himself. But since that was the case, he opted for just calling Tom's name and hoping he'd wake up.

Luckily, Tord noticed Tom stir. There was a small beep as his visor powered on, mixed with a groggy groan from Tom himself. Tom's pixel eyes flickered to life on his screen, then filled the entire of it as they widen in surprise upon seeing Tord smiling at him.

"God morgen, Tom." Tord greeted his half-asleep boyfriend.

Tom didn't say anything as he slipped off the chair he'd been on, walked over to Tord, and embraced him in a tight hug.

Tord hugged Tom back, enjoying his warmth.

"You scared the shit out of me..." Tom whispered, tightening the hug.

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