P33: Finale

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[A/N: This is it, guys! The last chapter... it's been a two year journey to get here and it's been a hell of a ride, but I love each and every one of you 💕 Stay safe and prosper, friends!]

Ell, Tamara, and Tori sat around the kitchen table, deep in a simple game of five-card draw. Matt, Matilda, Tami, and Mateya were settled on the living room floor, happily painting each other's nails. Tom and Edd sat on the couch, listening to a news anchor drone on about the day's recent events. It was late, and well past the two youngest girls' bedtimes, but no one seemed to pay any mind to that.

Edd happily dipped on his cola as he watch the news anchor explain some new type of GMO corn farmers had started growing. It wasn't all too interesting to him, but he was waiting for the real news to eventually show up.

Suddenly, the not so familiar chime of breaking news erupted from the TV. "Breaking news!" A new anchor declared, holding a stack of papers. "This just in: The Red Army, that has control over 57% of the world's population, has just undergone a massive attack on it's head base in England. We are receiving live updates of the incident from our very own Margret Spikes. What do you see, Margret?"

The TV cut to a woman with a headset sitting inside a helicopter. Outside the window could only be described as what hell would look like. Everything was on fire, and massive craters and building debris covered the ground. "Thank you, Grant. We're just getting word that this attack was orchestrated by the French Blue Army!" The news woman reported. "They appear to have dropped dozens of powerful bombs over the area, and it doesn't look like the Red Army was prepared for this kind of attack! I'm seeing little to no signs of life from my window here, Grant!"

By that time, the TV had grabbed the attention of everyone in Tamara's appartement, and they were all huddled around the couch near the TV.

"Do we have any news on Red Leader?" The male news anchor asked.

"Not yet, Grant. Search and rescue teams are just getting to the site as I speak. We'll surely have much more information soon." The female news reporter answered.

"That's a lot of damage..." Edd murmured, his eyes glued to the screen like everyone else's. Minus Tom's, of course. "The base is just... gone."

Just then, Edd's phone began to ring, so he dug it out of his pocket and answered it, "Hello?"

"Edd! Do you see the fireworks? I wish you were here to see them!" The familiar voice of Edd's superior exclaimed.

"Yes, General. I'm watching it on the tele." Edd responded along with a small eye roll. He then listened to Jake string off a list of exclamations and cusses in his native tongue.

"Thank you for your aid to the Blue Army, Private Gold. You are hereby dismissed from duty effective immediately. Take care." Jake said, and the phone was hung up before Edd had a chance to respond.

"This just in!" The news reporter lady piqued up. "One of the bodies recovered has been confirmed to being identified of that of Tord Lawson, otherwise know as the Red Leader!"

Tom held his breath. It felt like a horrid nightmare finally coming to an end. Tord was gone... for good this time. "I need to use the bathroom." He said, standing up from the couch.

"Same place it always is." Tamara answered, pointing her thumb over her shoulder.

"No shit." Tom chuckled, and made his way to the hall and then the bathroom, holding onto the walls the whole time to guide himself.

Tami was clinging onto Tori. "What's happening? What are they saying about Father?" She asked, looking up at her aunt.

"Nothing you have to worry about, pumpkin. Just that you're going to be staying with me, Tamara, and Tom for a while. Is that okay?" Tori explained to the child, and received a nod and a small "ok" in return.

"Daddy, look! Everything's on fire! Just like Gray made things on fire sometimes!" Mateya squeaked, pointing eagerly at the TV. "Can I set things on fire too?"

"No." Edd and Matt both answered simultaneously. The two then chuckled as their daughter crossed her arms and put on a pouty face. "No fires for you." Edd affirmed, then laughed.

Tom locked the bathroom door, and felt around until he found the ledge of the large plastic tub. He carefully climbed inside it, and sat down. He could hear his friends laughing from the other room, and it put a small smile on his face.

This was it. Tom had done everything he needed to do. His work there was complete. He was... no longer needed. Finally, he could rest. He pulled out the laser pistol from its holster on his belt and pressed the barrel to the side of his head.

He smiled again at his friends laugher in the other room. Finally, things were going to be peaceful once again.


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