P21: Rest

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[A/N: Fun story- I was talking with a buddy of mine who just read Glasses and Find Me, and they said "Edd is making me angry" and I was very confused and replied "Edd did nothing wrong..?" before like a minute later replying "OH WAIT I FORGOT HE KILLED TOM-". So if y'all wanted to know how bad my memory really is and why I need a co-author, there y'all go XD

Also this is like a 3/4 chapter coz writer's block is a bitch, it's fluffy tho, and Tord sort of tries to be a good person which is a nice change. Must be all those punches to the face-]

Tom woke up in a bed that clearly wasn't his own. He tried to get up but every muscle in his body ached as he did so, and a wave of nausea washed over him. Not to mention there was someone asleep beside Tom with their arms wrapped around his torso. Tord, of course. Tom bent his arm back and elbowed his lover in the stomach, enticing a grunt from him.

"Hva faen..?" Tord muttered groggily, letting go of Tom and rolling onto his other side.

"Tord, wake up." Tom murmured back, elbowing the taller man in the back this time.

"Hva?" Tord snapped, still mostly asleep.

"Could you get me a couple Advil and a Gravol?" Tom groaned, rubbing his temples in a feeble attempt to sooth his raging headache.

"You have legs, get it yourself." Tord said, waving his hand at Tom.

"I'm probably going to puke if I get up." Tom explained, and elbowed Tord again. "Is that what you want?"

Tord let out a long, shallow sigh. "Alright, kjære." He gave in, and pulled himself out of bed.

Once Tord had left through the bedroom door, Tom took a moment to survey his surroundings. He was right about the bed not being his own, or even the entire room for that matter. It was large and looked like it belonged in a hotel, with its little decor and cream colour palette.

Tom raked his mind as to what happened before he woke up. He remembered Tord taking him on his "business trip", which ended up just being meeting his family in Norway and-

Oh yeah. Tom was apparently a dad now. He remembered downing the entire contents of his flask to keep himself from actually beating the shit out of Tord. That would definitely explain his hangover. Everything after that was either hazy or non-existent.

Tom just sighed and hoped he didn't say anything too stupid. Or at least anything stupid to Tord's family, since Tom was fine with whatever shit he would spew at Tord when he was drunk.

Ever so slow and gently, Tom eased himself into a sitting position and leaned his back against the bed's headboard. Then, he sent a silent command to his metal eyes to give him the time, and the numbers 2:10 flashed in the corner of Tom's vision.

Just as the numbers disappeared, Tord returned with a few different pills in one hand, and a glass of water in the other. "Here, elske." He said, handing the items to Tom who took them gratefully.

As Tom downed the pills and water, Tord crawled back into bed. Then, Tom placed the empty glass on the nightstand beside the bed.

"You know..." Tom started. "A part of me still wishes this was all just a bad dream." He thought aloud, running a hand through his semi-flattened hair.

"All of what?" Tord asked, feeling uneasy, and rolled onto his side so he could face his lover.

"Nothing, I was just talking to myself." Tom answered much too quickly for Tord's liking.

"You can always talk to me if something is upsetting you, Tom." Tord said, pushing himself into a sitting position so he and Tom were face-to-face. "It's not good to keep secrets, you know."

"Oh no, you are the last person on earth allowed to talk about that." Tom teased, and playfully punched Tord in the shoulder. "But speaking of secrets, you're not hiding anything else from me, are you? I'm not going to find out there's another kid or something, right?"

"No, I'm not hiding anything else from you, I promise." Tord lied through his teeth, and reached over to cup his boyfriend's cheek.

"You understand why I think that statement was complete bullshit, right?" Tom asked, raising an eyebrow and placing his hand atop Tord's.

"Well there might still be a thing or two I'm keeping from you, but some things are better left unknown." Tord admitted. "But it's nothing that pertains directly to you, so don't worry, elske."

"I still think I have a right to know." Tom said. "Like you said, it's not good to keep secrets."

"The Red Leader's- No, never mind." Tord stopped himself from referring to Tom as a dog. "Besides, you're keeping secrets from me too, so consider us even."

"My secrets don't involve a whole child." Tom countered.

"Better a whole child then half a child." Tord joked.

"Oh my Jehovah, you're already making dad jokes..." Tom said, his voice laced with both amusement and disappointment.

Tord laughed, then leaned in and stole a quick kiss from Tom. "Now go back to sleep, we're heading back to England tomorrow."

Both men smiled at each other, then laid down and got comfortable. Tord spooned Tom and wrapped his arms around his waist, and Tom held onto Tord's arms.

"God natt, Tom." Tord mused.

"Goodnight, Sir." Tom answered, then both men fell asleep cuddled in each other's arms.

[A/N: Congrats to my good friendo PupBenKao for being the first to get last chapter's cookie question! Tami is currently 10 years old.

I feel like that question was way too easy tho, since like 30 something people got it- So this chapter's question is a bit harder: What is the licence plate on Tord's car? No hints for u -3-]

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