Teams must have trust

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"Ryan get up we're gonna be late for school!" Mark yells.
"Ughhh" Ryan replied.
"Come on dingus lets go!" Mark yelled, getting impatient.
"I'm coming I'm coming." Ryan says. The boys run downstairs grab a piece of fruit each, give their mom a kiss on the cheek and run outside. They hop into Mark's car and head over to school.

Once they got there they walked out and ran into Spyder and Harris.
"Hey Ryan. Hey Mark." Harris says.
"Hey Harris." Ryan says. Just as Mark was about to reply they got a monster alert on their mech links.
"Let's go guys." Ryan said.
They all hopped into Mark's car and they made their way over to the robot. They ran inside and Ryan got hooked up to the harness. Just as he was about to jump into action Mark points something out.
"Hey Ry, we got a faulty jet in one of the legs. If it fails, it could bring down the whole robot."
"How long to fix?" Ryan asks.
"A few hours." Mark replied.
"We don't have that long! The monster could get into the city by then!" Ryan shouted back.
"We can't help no one if we're sitting ducks." Mark added.
"I don't care. We're going." Ryan said as he started to lift off. Mark just shook his head and went back to his station.

Once they arrived to the monsters location, they were about 20km away from the city. The monster standing in front of them was a threatening shark headed, lobster clawed, flying hybrid. It was unlike anything they've ever seen before.
"Okay. Let's kick this things butt!" Ryan yelled.
"Spyder get me the plasma axe!" Ryan yelled.
"Got it!" Spyder added. But as soon as it was attached to the robot, the monster reached out one of its claws and snapped off the head of the axe.
"No!" Ryan yelled. Then the monster spun around hitting the robot in the stomach with his spiky tail.
"Aghhh!" Ryan yelled. That hurt.
"You good Ry?" Mark asked.
"Yea. Harris can you get the shields up?" Ryan said.
"No! They got knocked out in that last fight." He answered. Just then the monster charged back and bit the monster in the back with its shark jaws.
"AGHH" Ryan yelled. He looked back at his back and saw a huge red mark with teeth marks.
"Weapons are out!" Spyder yelled.
"Mark!" Ryan yelled.
"They're all fried! It will take me hours to get them back." He answered.
"Okay. We need to get out of here." Ryan said as he started to lift off the ground. Just as he was starting to fly, the jets failed.
"I told you!" Mark yelled back.
"Not the ti-" Harris started but was interrupted by the monster grabbing the robots leg out of the air and completely ripping it off!
"AHHHHHHHH" Ryan screamed in agony.
"Ryan no!" They all yelled. They were sitting ducks. Ryan was down a leg and in extreme pain. He was doing his best to play defense when the monster pushed him onto the ground and he couldn't get up.
"Guys. I can't get up!" Ryan whimpered. "You all have to get out of here. Now!" He yelled.
"I'm not leaving you!" Mark yelled back.
"Please Mark! Ugh!" The monster stabbed the robot in the chest with a sharp claw. Ryan was slowly drifting to darkness.
"Ryan!" They yelled.
"Please. Just get in the elevator. You'll die if you stay here." Ryan pleaded.
"No! I can't leave you!" Mark said tears coming down his face. The monster was still stabbing the robot over and over in the heart.
"Please. You have to go." Ryan said pushing his brother back. "Mark. I'm sorry. I should have listened to you." He said before the monster shattered the head glass with his claw causing Ryan to snap his head back. He just dangled there in the harness. Lifeless. Mark had no choice. He ran into the elevator with Spyder and Harris. They were shot out of the robot and landed not too far away. As soon as they landed they watched the horrific scene. The monster removed its claw from the glass and ripped the two arms off the robot and stabbed it 10 more times in the chest before looking satisfied with it work and retreating back to where it came from.

Once the monster had left, the boys ran over to the shambled robot, desperately looking for Ryan's body. Shortly later, they heard a cry from Spyder.
"Guys! Get over here!"
They ran over to see Ryan still attached in the harness, hanging lifelessly.
"Ryan!" Mark yelled, bringing his brother down to the ground to check for any sign of life. Harris checked for a pulse. Nothing.
"Mark....he's...he's....gone" Harris whispered.
"!!" Mark yelled while punching the ground. Tears streaming down his face. He looked over at his dead baby brother.
"I'm so sorry Ryan. If we hadn't been arguing so much, maybe this wouldn't not of happened." He said while crying endless tears...

Oof. This story represents the true meaning of there is no I in team. This story has a very upsetting ending and I promise to make the next one shot more fun! Bye and thx for reading!

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