Gotcha Day

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Okay so before I start this story I just want to say this story plot was completely the idea of SaylorS0 and I just put it into words! So go follow her and read her stories because their awesome! Anyways see u at the end!


It was early on a Sunday morning, and their was a going teenager awake very early, sitting in his bed thinking.

Today was his gotcha day. It's almost like a birthday, except it's the day that his mom adopted him. It was a very special day.

Ryan was so excited. He had been looking forward to his gotcha day for a few weeks leading up to it, and it was finally here!

He wanted to wait for his family to come wake him up with a surprise, but was just too excited. So he ran into Mark's room.
"Wake up bro!" He said.
Mark rolled onto his back and groaned.
"Go away dingus. It's too early." He replied as he threw a pillow at the technopath standing in the doorway.

Ryan shrugged and walked away. It was fairly early. He decided to just leave his brother alone for awhile and go and watch some TV. He flipped it onto a random channel. Nothing was on on Sundays.


Around an hour later, his mom walked down the stairs and over to her youngest son. She gave him a hug and kissed his forehead.
"Happy gotcha day sweetheart. I can't believe it's been 15 years." She smiled.
"Thanks mom. Love you." Ryan said happily.
"Love you too Ry." She smiled.

Shortly after Mark came trudging down the stairs. Just as he did Grace got a text on her phone.
"No way! This is awful!" She yelled.
"What's wrong mom?" Mark asked.
"I just got called into work! I'm so sorry Ry." She said sadly. When she was called in, she had to go.
"Don't worry mom! I'll see you later!" Ryan answered as Grace ran out the door. He knew his mom didn't want to go, but she had too. And he was fine with that. He would just spend the day with Mark.

Mark was rummaging around the kitchen looking for something to eat. Ryan looked over and spoke up.
"Hey bro. What do you wanna do today?" He asked cheerfully.
"Uh I don't know. Weren't we supposed to train in the mech today?" Mark said. Ryan looked over at him confused.
"What is it dingus?" Mark asked.
Ryan couldn't believe it. Mark had forgotten his gotcha day. This may not seem like such a big deal to some people, but for Ryan, this was a huge deal and the fact that the one person he really wanted to spend this day with didn't even remember, really hurt him.
"Nothing. It's fine. I'll see you at the mech then." He stormed out of the house.

Mark just shrugged. He figured Ryan was just in a bad mood or something. He didn't think twice about what he could have really been upset about.


Once everyone was at the mech, they were gathered on the couch in the X-deck.
"Hey Ryan! How's your special day!" Spyder exclaimed. He knew how much Ryan loved his gotcha day.
"Oh yea congrats man!" Harris added.
Ryan smiled at his two best friends.
"Thanks guys. It's actually been horrible though." He said sadly.
Mark wasn't even paying attention. He was playing on his phone.
"An important person just hadn't acknowledged me yet. It really hurts." Ryan said softly. His two besties got the message and sent him a look of apology.
"Were you gonna tell them about it?" Harris asked.
"Yes actually right now." Ryan said. He wasn't just upset anymore. He was hurt.
"Mark." Ryan started.
"Yes?" He responded.
"Do you know what today is?" Ryan asked calmly. He was going to give his brother one more chance.
"Umm Sunday?" Mark responded like it was an obvious answer.
Ryan sighed and nodded.
"Wow you really did forget."
"Forget what?" Mark asked confused. He looked over at Spyder and Harris who sent him warning looks.
"Today is a really special day for me." Ryan started.
Mark stared at him confused.
"It's my fifteenth gotcha day Mark. The day I've been looking forward to for weeks. And you forgot." Ryan said in a sad tone.

Mark's eyes widened in realization. He could not believe he just forgot his brothers gotcha day!
"Oh my gosh Ryan! I'm so sorry!" Mark exclaimed. Ryan looked at his brother.
"It's fine Mark. I don't care." He walked into the other room.
"Ooh dang son, he's upset with you." Harris said.
Mark groaned. He messed up big time. Like super big time. You do not forget your brothers gotcha day.

Mark ran into the other room.
"Ryan! Ryan!" He called out.
Ryan turned around.
"What do you want!" Ryan shouted.
All the tech in the room started to glitch.
Mark approached his brother slowly.
"Ryan. I am so sorry. Please, let me make it up to you." Mark apologized.
"Do you really think I care that you forgot today was my gotcha day?" Ryan asked.
Mark tried to speak, but no words came out.
"Well let me answer for you. I don't care that today was the day I got adopted, all I cared about was today was the day where we became brothers. And you were the only person I wanted to spend today with, but you don't even care about that do you." Ryan said. He ran out of the room, trying not to let his tears show.

Mark turned around and walked over to the two confused boys in the X-deck.
"What happened in there?" Harris asked.
"Yea man, Ryan looked really upset." Spyder added.
"Well, I forgot his gotcha day and well, I thought he was upset about that but it turns out he was upset because he thinks of this day as the day we became brothers and he wanted to spend it with me..." Mark said sadly.
"Damn bro, that's bad." Spyder sighed.
Mark rolled his eyes.
"I know! How do I make it up to him?"
"Well, you could put our ego aside for one day, and make a grand gesture for Ryan?" Harris suggested
"Hey nerdo that's a good idea! Gotta go!" Mark said as he ran out of the mech and over to his house.


Mark spent the whole walk home rehearsing what he was going to say to his little brother.
He took a deep breath and walked into the house. He went up the stairs to Ryan's room and knocked (for once).
"What do you want now." Ryan said from the inside.
"Please. I wanna talk to you." Mark pleaded.
"I can hear you from in here." Ryan sassed back. Mark sighed and began his speech.
"Ryan. Listen, I know you're upset that I ruined your special day. You think of today as the day we became brothers. Well guess what. I don't. We may not be related by blood, but you coming into this family was no coincidence. I believe that you and me were meant to be brothers and I like to think that you were my brother since the day you were born, not the day mom signed some papers. I love you Ryan, and I can not believe that I got the honour of being your big brother."

A few minutes had passed and all that came from the young technopath's room was silence. Mark sighed and turned to go down the stairs, but as he did, Ryan's door opened with a creak.
Mark turned around and was engulfed in a hug by his little brother.
"I love you too bro." ....

Ta da! I hope I made a good representation of SaylorS0 idea for this one shot. It's obviously all fluff, something I don't do much but it was really fun to write. Thanks for reading and I'll see ya next time!

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