Mark's new girl Part 2

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The final thought Mark had before he slipped into unconsciousness was, 'this is all my fault.'


Cam had just captured the Mech-X4 crew, and was currently awaiting in the office of her boss. While she waited, she was looking around the dark office, remembering the time when she had agreed to join him in his quest for world domination.


Camellia was headed home from school one day, just like she did everyday. She walked inside, threw her bag on the ground, and called out for her parents.
"Mom! Dad! I'm home!"
There was no reply.
"Mom?" She said as she walked into the kitchen. Nothing.
"Dad?" She shouted as she ran into the living room.
She knew they were home, their car was in the driveway.
"Hey come on guys. Where are you?" She asked as she started going up the stairs to their room.
"Mom! Dad! Where are-" she started.
She let out an ear piercing scream at what she saw before her.
In her parents room, she saw her mother laying motionless on the ground. She was beaten and bloody with some sort of slice marks covering her entire body.
"Mom! Momma! No!" Cam cried as she crumbled to the floor and began to shake.
"Momma please. No..." she cried and cried, until she remembered her father was still missing as well. She walked over to their ensuite bathroom, still shaking from the sight of her murdered mother.
She found her father in the bathroom, laying on his back. He had burn marks all over his body. He had 4 gunshot wounds that she could see, and in his hand was his cellphone, covered in blood.
When she managed to stop shaking, she walked over to her dead father and looked at the cellphone screen. She began to scream and cry at what she saw. On the screen it was a message in progress to My Beautiful Daughter:(cam)
I love y

She dropped to her knees in pain and sorrow. She sat there for what felt like hours, until she had no tears left to cry. She needed to get out of this house. She remembered the one relative she had that she knew how to contact. It was her uncle. Uncle Seth.
She ran out of her old home, and kept running until she found the place where her parents told her to go if she was ever in trouble.
It was a dark alley in the sketchy part of town. She stood their and waited, she didn't know what she was waiting for, but she waited.
"Hello Camellia" a cold and raspy voice said through the darkness.
"He-llo" her voice cracked since her throat was still so dry from crying.
"You're parents were slaughtered." He spoke. It was more a statement than a question.
"Y-es" she managed.
"You are angry." He replied.
Cam didn't realize this, but her fists were white from clenching them for so long.
"Yes." She replied more sternly.
"You want revenge." He stated once more.
"Yes." She replied. It was like she was in a trance when speaking with this man.
"I will give you your revenge Camellia, but you must join me. Harvest your anger to help me claim world domination." The man laughed evilly when he said the last words.
"Yes sir." Camellia replied coldly.

Two years later, she was still following her uncle Seth blindly, agreeing to do everything he wanted her to do. Ever since her parents were murdered, she felt empty and cold inside. The sweet innocent girl that once was was replaced with this cruel heartless monster. She was Seth's best warrior, and she never failed him.

End of flashback

Cam was snapped out of her thoughts when the door to the office clicked open.
"I presume the mission was a success?" Seth asked.
"Yes sir. The crew of Mech-X4 is still unconscious in one of your cells downstairs." Cam replied.
"Very good. Once again, you have not failed me. I will reward you soon enough. Dismissed." Seth said to the emotionless girl in front of him.
"Yes sir." She said as she left the room.

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