Someone Save Me Pt.2

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Then it all went black...


Ryan POV:

Day 61

I woke up the next day, with a throbbing pain everywhere. It's always been unbearable pain, but it's never been this bad. I closed my eyes, and breathed in and out slowly trying to stop shaking. I managed to calm down a little but I was still trembling.

Just then, something that has never happened before happened. Traeger was the first to walk in my cell. In the morning? Was I unconscious all day? No they would have woken me up...
I remembered his words from yesterday.
What could that mean!?

"Good morning Ryan." Traeger announced.
Oh so it was morning.
I didn't say anything. I don't think I could even if I wanted to, when you don't use your voice for 61 days, it kind of just goes away I guess.

"Congratulations." He said.
He said that last night, what could it mean?
I looked at him with a confused glance.
He just looked back at me and grimaced.
The next thing I know, a bunch of guards ran inside and roughly threw a bag over my head. I would try and struggle, but I have no strength left. Next thing, I feel a pinch in my neck and a cool liquid run through my veins, then I start to get sleepy and I drift off into darkness.


Still Ryan POV:

I regained consciousness and tried to open my eyes, but the blinding light of the sun hurt them.
The sun!?
I haven't seen the sun in 61 days...
Did I escape?
Did my team find me?
Oh right!
I remember being shoved in a bag and then knocked out.

I managed to slowly open my eyes to look and see that I was laying in the middle of a huge field, who knows where, and I tried to sit up, but the pain from all of my wounds and burns caused me to crumple back down with a hiss. I also realized that my hands were still tied behind my back.

I looked beside me and saw my mech link resting in the grass. I can contact the team! I managed to ignore the screaming pain as I squirmed over and used my teeth to bite down on the emergency alert button. I collapsed once more with a sigh of relief since I knew help would soon arrive.

Now that I pressed the button, they would get an alert with my coordinates on it so they can come find me. I hope they come soon. I'm in so much pain, but I'm finally free...


Third Person POV:

The three boys of mechX4 were sitting in the robot like they have been for the two months now. Spyder and Harris told their parents they were at a camp together for the whole summer, and Grace has been away on a business trip that will last 3 months.

The day Ryan was taken, they were all angry. They stayed awake for a week straight not stopping trying to find him. But after that, their hope slowly started to fade away. They wanted to find him but they tried everything and just couldn't.

No matter the circumstances, they all stuck together and supported one another in any way they could. They were all hurting, but some days one of them would be extremely depressed, and the other two would do anything to make them feel better again.

Mark woke up and looked at the clock.
7:32 a.m
He slowly trudged out of bed and made his way out to the X-deck where he saw Harris sitting, staring at the wall. Spyder was still asleep.

"Hey Harris." Mark said.
"Oh hi Mark." Harris answered.
"Any news?" Mark asked. He knew the answer, but he just felt like he had to ask.
"No..." Harris sighed and put his head in his hands.

Mark came closer to Harris and wrapped an arm around his shoulder. Ever since Ryan was taken, he had become like a big brother for Harris and Spyder too.

"It's alright. We will find him soon." Mark said calmly.
"But.... but what if we don't!? What if he's- he's..." Harris couldn't finish.
"No. I know my little bro. He's still fighting." Mark said like he was trying to convince himself as well.
Harris just nodded as a few tears slipped down his face. They didn't judge one another for crying. They just helped each other through it.

Just then Spyder walked in.
"Hey guys." He said. The happy tone in his voice had left almost a month ago.
"Hey Spyder." Mark said.
Spyder walked over and sat beside Harris and gave him a hug.
"It's okay buddy." He said as if he completely knew why Harris was upset, well he did.

Just then a pinging noise sounded throughout the robot. All three boys jumped up and ran over to Harris' station.
"Oh my god..." Harris said.
"What is it!?" Spyder asked.
"It's... it's Ryan!!" Harris screamed happily.
"Well let's go!" Mark shouted as he had downloaded the coordinates into his mech link and was already in the elevator.


Third Person POV:

The boys arrived at the field where Ryan was supposedly supposed to be. They began to call his name.

Ryan's POV:

I heard people screaming my name. It was them! They came! I tired to shout back so they could find where I was, but nothing came out. I figured I would have to warm up my throat again before I could talk.

I couldn't sit up, but I tried shaking the long grass around me to try and catch their attention.

Mark's POV:

I was looking around for Ryan, when all of i sudden I see a rustling in the grass a few meters away.

I start to run over to it, to see my little brother laying there. I collapse to my knees in a puddle of tears. They were of relief to finally see him again, but of shock at how badly he looked.

"Harris! Spyder! I found him!" I called between tears.

They ran over and I saw all of their faces turn to a mix of relief and shock as well. I don't blame them.

In front of us lay my little brother, and their best friend who had been kidnapped for the past two months. When you look down at him, you see a poor child that looked like he was thrown into a fire than run over by a train.
He was wearing a white tank top that was stained with sweat, dirt and blood. His face was stained with tears from what I assumed were endless nights of crying. He had countless burns all over his body that looked like they were caused by some rope sort of object. He had stab wounds covering his arms legs and torso. The black sweatpants he was wearing had tons of holes in them, from the burns and blood seeped through them. He also had bruises and injuries everywhere. It looked like he had been attacked every day. Then I noticed his figure, he was slim, too slim, and he looked so pale and weak.

But he's safe now. That's all that matters.
He's free...

Ryan's POV:

I look up at my friends and see their faces that I haven't seen for two months. I missed them so much. I'm so happy to be home. To be alive. To be free.

It had just hit me.
No more isolation.
No more dark cell.
No more mouldy bread and dirty water.
No more torture.
No more being prisoner.
I am free...

Okay! I'm sorry! I have to end it here. I don't like to have one shots that are more than 1500 words because I feel like that's too much to read at once so I am just going to continue it in the next one. Thanks for reading!

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