Mark's new girl

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"C'mon Ryan. We're gonna be late for school" Mark said as he walked into his brothers room.
"Don't you ever knock!" Ryan asked annoyed.
Mark avoided the question with a snarky remark. "Let's go dingus, I'll leave without you!"
Mark ran downstairs. Ryan chuckled to himself and smiled before rushing downstairs as well.
The two boys ran into the Mark-Mobile and headed over to school.

Once they arrived, Ryan and Mark saw Harris and Spyder walking in as well.
"Harris! Spyder! Over here!" Ryan yelled. The genius and the jokester turned around and saw their technopathic friend and his jock brother calling them over.
"Hey guys what's up?" Spyder asked.
"Nothing. Do you guys wanna go over to the mech tonight and train?" Ryan asked.
All three boys nodded in agreement.
The bell rang.
"Okay I'll see you guys at lunch then!" Ryan yelled as he ran into the school. Everyone else followed.


After two long periods, it was lunch and the three freshmen were sitting at a table together. Mark walked in shortly after, with his friends of course, and gave a quick hello-nod before sitting somewhere else. The jocks were having a very intellectual conversation (not!).
"Yo what'd you think of the game last night bro?"
"It was lit dude! Did you see when I tackled the guy, I almost smushed him like a bug!"
"Woah that's siiiiick"
Mark was just listening, not getting involved in the conversation much, before a new topic arose.
"Hey Hey Hey. Look. Damn she's hot!"
Mark was snapped out of his thoughts to see a gorgeous medium height, blonde haired girl, wearing black leggings and a blue crop top. She smiled and he saw her glistening white teeth, they were perfect, just like the rest of her.
"Guys, she's coming over here!"
"Act natural act natural!"
She walked over to the guys table and looked at all of them.
"Hey," her voice sounded so sweet, Mark thought. "Uh sorry to bother, but do any of you have history in third period? I'm new here and I don't know how to get to my class..." she asked.
All the guys grumbled since they didn't have that class. The only one of them who did, was Mark.
"Oh hey, I do!" He exclaimed.
"Cool! Wanna show me where it is?" She asked. He nodded and they took off down the hall together. The jocks stared in awe as the legendary Mark Walker scored once again.

"So uh, I heard you're new here?" Mark asked.
"Yea I just transferred over from Canada." The girl replied.
"Cool, I heard they have like polar bears and stuff there!" Mark said, trying to sound intelligent.
"Oh yea totally, we ride them to school everyday." The girl said sarcastically.
"Wait, really?" Mark asked, not picking up on her sarcasm.
"No! Of course we don't have polar bears!" She said laughing. Mark laughed too.
The two walked by the table where his brother and friends were sitting.
"Hey Mark. Oo who's your friend." Ryan asked snickering.
"Haha very funny dingus. This is..."Mark started, but mentally face-palmed himself as he realized he didn't even ask her name.
"Camellia, but most people call me Cam." She finished for him. Mark loved that name. It was almost as if she couldn't get any better. She was perfect!
"Cam, I'm Mark this is my little brother Ryan and his two weird friends, Harry and Splycer." He introduced.
"Spyder. It's Spyder."
"And Harris! How'd you even get Harry?"
Cam laughed.
"Well it's been a pleasure to meet you all, but weren't you showing me the way to class Mark?"
"Oh yes of course!" Mark yelled. He took off with Cam once more.
"Sorry about them" Mark said.
Cam laughed again. She had such a beautiful laugh.
"No no, it's alright. Now I know more people here!"
The bell rang and they were in front of their class. Mark and Cam walked in, and sat beside one another. They didn't pay attention at all during the class and just wrote on a piece of paper back and forth:
"So what do you do for fun?" Cam wrote.
"Well I love sports."
"Really me too!"
"What's your favourite?"
"Well I mean there's so many but probably basketball and football."
"Really those are my favourites!"
Mark kept realizing how much this girl was the perfect girl for him.
"So what are you up to this weekend?"
"Well, I have a family brunch tomorrow, but I'm free Sunday?"
"Would you wanna go out or something?"
Cam let out a little chuckle and was given a glare by the teacher. She rolled her eyes.
"I'd love to. Pick me up at 6?"
"Sure thing!"
Just then the bell rang and dismissed them to go home. It was a half day sort of thing.

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