Birthday Presents

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It has been a few months since the life of teenage hero Ryan Walker has been turned upside down. Today, however, was a very special day. It was his birthday!

"Happy Birthday!" Mark shouted running into his brothers room. Ryan was still asleep, but this jolted him awake.
"Hm? Wha-?" Ryan yawned groggily.
"Get up dingus you have plans today remember!" Mark said rolling his eyes.
"Oh yea!" Ryan said jumping out of bed.

The boys got ready. Ryan was going to meet his friends at the skate park to celebrate. Mark was going too. About ten minutes later, they were both ready.
"Ready?" Mark asked. Ryan looked nervous or distracted by something.
"Yea..." Ryan said a little too unenthusiastic for Mark's liking.
Mark pulled over.
"What is it?" He asked.
"What is what?"
"This!" Mark said gesturing to his little brother.
"You should be excited! It's a special day!"
"I know...let's just go." Ryan said, looking out the window. He was super excited for his birthday, but so many things have been going on lately, he just at didn't want anything to go wrong.

Once they arrived at the skatepark, Ryan saw his two best friends, Harris and Spyder, run over to their car.
"Happy Birthdayyy!" Spyder yelled.
Harris smiled and patted his friend on the back.
"You made it to fifteen dude, that's great!" Harris laughed.
"Yea it's shocking considering everything that's been happening." Ryan whispered to himself.
"What was that?" Mark asked.
"Oh! Uh... let's go skate!" Ryan said while running off.
"What's up with him?" Spyder asked.
"Dunno. He's been acting like that all morning though." Mark answered.
"Hmm weird. Maybe he's just tired?" Harris said.
"Maybe..." Mark said. He was concerned for how stressed out his little bro had been lately.

They went over to Ryan who was already skating around in the slopes. Spyder jumped on his board and joined him. Harris wasn't into skateboarding that much so he sat on the side with Mark and watched the two.
The boys skated for a while, then came back up to sit with Harris and Mark.
"Hey Ry. How's the slopes?" Harris asked, trying to sound like he knew what he was talking about. Ryan chuckled a little,
"Their alright Harris."
Just then Ryan winced a little, it was quick, but his brother noticed it.
"Hey Ry, you okay?"
"Yea...just-" he was cut off by the sound of their mech links going off.
"Let's go then!" Harris yelled.
They all started to run towards Mark's car, but Ryan just stood still.
"Come on Ryan! We gotta go!" Spyder motioned.
"Yea..ok." Ryan said, slowly getting into the car.

Mark took off at full speed towards the robot. Once they got there, they all ran into the robot, except for Ryan, who just walked in the foot.
"Ryan let's go! The robot could be in bay city by now!" Mark yelled at his brother. He didn't understand what was going on, Ryan always wanted to help the city.
"Ryan! Come on!" He yelled again.
Ryan shrugged and harnessed into the robot. He took off towards the robot. It looked to be a cross between a lion and a gorilla.
"Alright Ryan! What weapons are we using?" Spyder eagerly asked.
Ryan just shrugged. There was something really off with him, but his friends couldn't figure out what it was.
"Ryan! The monster is getting closer!" Harris yelled. Mark noticed his brothers reactions and ran down the ladder over to him.
"Listen dingus! I don't know what's going on with you right now, if it's some fifteen blues or something, but you need to snap out of it now and save this city!" Mark said shaking his brother. Ryan didn't answer.
"What is wrong with you!" He yelled angrily.
Ryan didn't have time to answer though, as a hit from the monster sent them flying back. Ryan got up, looked at his teammates and sighed. He faced the monster.
"Ryan?" Spyder asked.
Ryan turned around to look at his team once more before walking over to the monster. What he did next was extremely unexpected.
He took a deep breath and lifted both arms in the air. He surrendered.
"Ryan! What are you doing!?" Mark yelled. The others gasped in shock and horror.
The monster looked at the surrendering robot and it opened its mouth to reveal a laughing Seth Harper who was controlling it from the inside.
Just then they saw a video of Seth appear on all their screens on the robot.
"Well well well, is the Ryan Walker giving up?" He asked in a mocking tone.
"Hahaha I knew you would break eventually. And on your birthday too!" Seth snickered.
Ryan gave out no reaction to Seth's commentary.
"Wow. Tough crowd. I'll be over shortly to talk. We're going to be good partners Walker" he said before the screens went dark.
"Ryan! What are you doing!" Mark yelled. Ryan walked away. Spyder and Harris were running around trying to figure out some way to get out of the mess Ryan put them in.
"Ry. Please. Talk to me." Mark pleaded.
Ryan spoke up for the first time since he had given them up.
"I...I can't do this anymore..."
"Do what" Mark pressed.
"All of...this" he said, gesturing around him.
"I just want a normal life Mark. I don't want to do this anymore!" He yelled.
"But Ryan, the city needs you, the world needs you, I need you." Mark said calmly. He pulled his brother into a tight hug before releasing him when Ryan spoke.
"I really messed up... didn't I."
"We will get out of this okay" Mark reassured.
Just then Harris and Spyder ran into the room.
"Harper is walking over here!" Harris panicked.
"I think I have a plan." Ryan started.
They looked over at him in shock. The one who just wanted to give up, now has a plan to save them all.
"So. When Harper comes in here, I say that you three were mad at me and you left. Then, I give him this big pitch of how much I want revenge and all this stuff he can relate to me with. Then, when we agree to be partners, you jump out from the bushes outside and take him down!" Ryan explained.
"That's actually a good plan!" Harris said.
"Yea!" Spyder yelled.
"Wait, you wanna stay in here alone with him? What if he hurts you?" Mark asked.
"He won't. Trust me." Ryan said. They nodded and headed out of the robot.

Not too long after they left, Seth walked into the robot.
"Hello Ryan."
"Where's the rest of your team?" He asked.
"They got mad at me and left the robot. I don't care, I'm just so done with them all!" Ryan acted.
"Well... I for one am good at revenge." Seth added.
"I know. That's why I want your help." Ryan said. "Let's be partners Seth."
"I like your thinking kid. But I don't trust you just yet." Seth replied.
"What do you need me to do." Ryan asked.
"Well, I need to make sure, you will stand by me no matter what pain is brought throughout our journey of revenge." Seth started.
"What do you mean?" Ryan questioned.
Just then Seth pulled out an electro sick thing and turned it on.
"Woah woah what are you doing?" Ryan said backing up.
"I need you to prove your loyalty. If you want to join me so badly, you must feel the pain." Seth evilly explained.
"Fine. Do it." Ryan answered. He was terrified but he needs to do this after how badly he messed up before.
Seth smiled and hit Ryan with the stick.
"Still loyal?" He asked.
"Always." Ryan said through gritted teeth.
After around five minutes of this torture, he stopped.
"Okay. I believe you. Now there is only one final step." Seth smiled.
"What's that." Ryan said, out of breath.
"I need to give you the official Seth Harper symbol." He took out a laser gun with a pattern on the end. It was an S and H in a circle. It's what all of his henchmen had implanted on their wrists.
"Wait you're gonna brand me?" Ryan asked. He could take a little torture, but this was permanent.
"Well of course. If you want to be a partner of mine that is." He said.
Ryan sighed and nodded reluctantly.
Seth placed the laser in Ryan's wrist before clicking the trigger and burning his logo into him.
Ryan tried to muffle his scream and Seth laughed.
Once it was finished Ryan fell to the floor and gripped his wrist. That hurt. A lot.
"Congratulations Ryan, you are now officially a partner of Seth Harper."

The boys were waiting outside the robot with weapons that would easily take Harper down.
"It's been awhile. Is Ryan ok?" Mark asked.
"I'm sure he's fine. Just wait this out Mark" Harris said.
Mark nodded and the robots foot opened, revealing a weaker Ryan and a booming Seth Harper.
"Let's go now Ryan. I'll even let you control one of my monsters." Seth said.
The guys noticed Ryan's condition almost immediately and once Ryan was a safe distance away from Seth they jumped out into view.
"It's over Seth!" Mark yelled. He didn't even give Seth a chance to reply before shocking him unconscious long enough for the cops to take him to prison.

The team ran over to Ryan who was leaning on a tree to try and support himself.
"Ryan are you alright?" Spyder asked.
"Yea...just a little sore." Ryan answered.
"We should get you to the Med Bay to scan you for any bad injuries." Harris said. They all nodded and went into the robot and over to the med bay.
"Ryan, what did Seth do to you?" Mark asked.
"Well he uh shocked me a little..." Ryan explained.
"WHAT!" They all yelled.
"He said I needed to prove myself. And I could jeopardize the plan so I went along with it." Ryan explained. "I'm okay though."
"Yes he is." Harris confirmed with proof of the scans.
Mark nodded and looked at his brother.
"Anything else."
"What!" Mark asked once more.
Ryan lifted up his sleeve and showed him the healing burn of the SH on his wrist.
"Ryan...he...he..." Harris started.
"Branded you.." Spyder finished.
Mark said nothing as he was in shock. His little brother would forever have this horrible memory of the evil man who tried to destroy the world, on his wrist.
"Ryan..." Mark started.
"No. It's fine. I can cover it okay. We're all alive and safe." Ryan explained. The other three smiled and nodded as they took off back to their base.
All Ryan could think was.
Some birthday present that was...

Yay! Done another one! I did it! It kinda sucks but like it was my bday yesterday so I thought I would upload something about a birthday. I kinda just wrote this as the ideas came to me so sorry if it's a little all over the place. Thanks for reading and I'll see u next one!

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