Meet the parents

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It was just an average sunny weekend day in bay city. The small city was awakening, but for one certain 15 year old boy, this was no ordinary day, this was the day he got to see both of his birth parents, together.
Ryan had woken up very early to get ready, he was even the one to get Mark up for once!
"Hey Mark get up!" Ryan happily yelled.
"What is it dingus?" Mark groaned.
"Bro, it's the day!" He shouted back. He couldn't contain his excitement.
"Haha I know, let's go." Mark said while hopping out of bed. He was extremely happy for his little brother. Ryan has been waiting for this day for weeks, Leo was finally able to arrange a safe date for them to meet up.

Once they were ready, they got into Mark's car and headed over to the robot to meet Harris and Spyder. It was a quick ride, but it felt like ages to Ryan. Once they arrived, Ryan and Mark went into the robot where they were greeted by their two happy teammates.
"Hey Ryan! It's the day!" Spyder exclaimed.
"I know!" Ryan chuckled. He found it funny how happy his friends were for him, he actually really enjoyed it.
"Are you ready?" Harris asked. Ryan was supposed to meet his parents at their secret location in 20 minutes.
"I think so...I'm just so happy and scared and nervous" Ryan explained.
"That's normal bro. You'll know what to say when you see em" Mark said while squeezing his brothers shoulder as a sign of encouragement. Ryan breathed deeply, releasing some of his stress. Just then Leo walked in.
"Hey Ry. You ready to go meet your birth parents?" Leo asked.
"Yea!" Ryan cheered as he walked into the elevator with Leo. The team chuckled and synced their mech links with Ryan's so he could contact them if he needed to.

Once Ryan and Leo arrived, Leo took Ryan into a dark alley.
"This is...creepy." Ryan said.
"It's the address your parents gave me." Leo shrugged.
"Where are they anyways?" Ryan asked. Just then he heard a female voice come from the darkness.
"Hello? Who's there?"
"Umm Leo and Ryan" Ryan said.
"Ryan!?" The voice said. They saw a beautiful woman with long brown hair and hazel eyes emerge from the darkness. She looked so much like Ryan, it was his mother.
"Ryan! My baby!" She said while running over. Ryan smiled and said.
"So you're my mom?"
"Yes. I am." She happily replied.
"I'll leave you two alone for awhile." Leo said as he walked away.
"I'll meet you back at the robot Okay Ryan?" He said. The robot wasn't far from here so Ryan could easily walk back. He only drove over since they were late.
"Sounds good." Ryan said.
Leo left.

"So Ryan," his mother started.
"How are you? I mean I haven't seen you in fifteen years..." his mother asked.
"I'm very good actually. How about you?" He answered.
"I'm alright. When did you find out about your powers?" His mom asked.
Ryan was shocked at the question. He didn't even know his moms name yet and she was already pushing about powers and stuff.
"Woah...umm I was hoping we could get to know one another better...and I could see my birth father?" He replied timidly.
"I'm afraid he won't be joining us." She said, "oh... and my name is Violet."
"Why isn't he coming?" Ryan asked.
"Well aren't you just full of questions," she started. She was walking closer towards Ryan. "I'm afraid he had a little accident so he won't be able to meet you yet." She said with a smirk. Ryan had a bad feeling about this lady, whom he was supposed to think of as his mother.

Ryan was fully against a wall now. His mother was hovering over him with a grin on her face. Ryan looked scared. Just then his mom burst out laughing and stepped back.
"Ahaha I got you! I'm just joking Ryan, he's just over there. We wanted to pull a joke on you so you could  see our personality!" She laughed. Just then another figure, this one male, walked out of the shadows.
"Hello son. My name is Randall." He said. "Sorry about the joke, it was your mother's idea." He laughed. Ryan relaxed a little and chuckled too.
"Hi Randall. I'm so glad to finally meet you both!"
His parents looked at one another and smiled.
"Wanna go out for ice cream?" They asked.
"Sure!" Ryan happily answered. He was so happy to finally be back with his birth parents. He hoped he could make up for the 15 years they were missing from his life.

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