Girl problems

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Okay so this is a funny idea I came up with. It takes place in the reality if the Mech-X4 crew all lived together in the robot! Anyways I'll get on with it now!


It was just an average day in Bay City, four of the five crew members were sitting on the X-deck playing video games.
"Hey has anyone seen V this morning?" Ryan asked.
"Nope. I think she's still in her room." Harris said.
"Should we go check on her? Make sure she's alright? She wasn't feeling well yesterday." Mark added.
"Yea probably." Spyder said.

The four guys got up and made their way over to Veracity's room. Ryan knocked on the door.
"Hey V, you alright?" He asked.
The door swung open.
"Don't you losers know how to respect someone's privacy!?" She yelled, then slammed the door in their faces.
"Well then..." Spyder said.
"What's her problem?" Harris asked.
The guys just shrugged and went back to play their video game.


A little while later, Veracity came into the room.
"Hi guys!" She said cheerfully.
The guys looked confused at her sudden mood change. They weren't going to complain. A very V is scary.
"Hey V..." Mark started.
"Whatcha guys doin?" She smiled.
"Just watching a movie about polar bears in the arctic. Something Harris wanted to watch." Spyder sighed.

Veracity looked over at the TV screen and began to cry.
"V what's wrong!?" Ryan yelled standing up.
"Th-they're s-so cute!" She said balling.
The guys gave each other confused glances before returning their eyes to the crying girl in front of them.
"They're so cute! I want one, they look... so-so fluffy!" She said with tears streaming down her face.

She then ran into her room still balling.
"What the hell is wrong with her!?" Mark shouted.
The guys just blinked in confusion.
"I don't know..." Harris answered.

Just then they heard a scream come from Veracity's room. They ran inside to see what was happening. They saw Veracity laying on her bed, curled up in a ball and clutching her stomach.
"It hurrrrts!" She wailed.
"V are you okay!?" The guys yelled.
"No! It feels like a buzzsaw is slicing through my stomach!" She yelled back.
"What do we do!?" Spyder asked.
"It hurrrrts!!!!" Was all V could respond.

All of a sudden she stopped and ran into the bathroom. She puked a few times before coming out with mascara running down her face, her hair in a tousled mess, and blood on her grey sweatpants.

"Oh my god V! What's happening to you!?" Mark yelled.
"EVERYTHING!" She screamed.
"How do we help you!?" Ryan asked.
"GET OUT!" She screamed once more.

The guys ran out of the room terrified. They didn't hear from Veracity again for the rest of the night.


It was the next day, and Veracity came out into the X-deck to join the boys, looking like her normal self.
"Hey guys!" She said to them.

The guys looked at one another in confusion. What was wrong with their teammate. Spyder finally asked.
"What happened to you yesterday!?"
"Yea one minute you were angry, the next you were happy and then you were sad!" Harris added.
"Not to mention the fact that you were screaming in pain and threw up three times." Ryan said.
"And, you had blood all over your pants!?" Mark exclaimed.

Veracity tilted her head and looked at them.
"Ohh that! I just had a bad period day. Happens at least once every time." She shrugged.

The guys eyes went wide and they looked at one another.

"Wait this happened before!?" Ryan asked.
"Uh yea. Every girl gets her period." V said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Wait how many times do you get this?" Spyder asked.
"Once a month." She answered.
"ONCE A MONTH!?" They all yelled.
"Uh Yea?" V questioned.
"Wait so you're telling us that you're going to act like that once a month!?" Harris freaked.
"Yea it's not really that big a deal guys. It goes away when I'm around... 70 years old." V added.

The guys all face palmed. This was going to be a looooong 55 years.

Haha so this was just a funny idea I had. Ya know girl stuff. Anyways thx for reading and I'll probs do a get to know me in the next page thx for reading!

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