Techno Switch Epilogue

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This is just a very short chapter to explain the result of Techno Switch Part 1. This will only be about 200 words so yeah.


It has been a few weeks since Ryan died, and the team was still a mess, but they were coping together and still continued to fight off the monsters with Mark as the new pilot.

It took Mark awhile to learn how to use the robot, and his powers, but when he got the hang of it, he was just as good as Ryan.

When Seth found out about Ryan's death, he launched a swarm of monsters, thinking there was no one to stop them. But he was wrong.

The team spent awhile fighting off those monsters, and slowly but surely they were beginning to come to terms with Ryan's death.

When Grace found out about her sons death, she was a wreck. She didn't leave her room for days and Mark eventually had to explain to her that Ryan was the pilot of mech-X4, but he never told her that he was a team member too.

Since Mark was the new pilot, Veracity took over as mechanic and she does a wonderful job at it. Mark had to teach her a little, but she caught on quick and is able to fix almost anything on the robot.

Ryan may have passed, but the team knew that he would always be there with them. Ryan's selflessness inspired them to continue to fight off Seth, and to never give up.

Yea okay that poop is done. I know that that was a horrible excuse for an update but like 🤷‍♀️ sorry. Anyways that's my last update for awhile (probably). But like I could end up updating tomorrow or in 2 weeks. I dunno. Thx for reading!
(Yes that is how I am signing off now)

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