Mark's new girl part 3

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Seth will do anything to get the info he needs. Anything...


Seth came back a few minutes later, and what he had shocked the team.
He was carrying a straight jacket, and big heavy ankle weighted cuffs that were impossible to run with when they were on.
"Ready for some more fun?" He asked the boys.
They said nothing except for Ryan who whispered something to his team "stay calm and save your energy, we'll need it soon."
The three boys nodded and they glared at Seth, who was now inside their cell.
"I've got a present for you Walker." He said smiling. Ryan was scared but he kept his death glare on.

Seth walked over and captured Ryan in the straight jacket. He un cuffed him since there was nothing her could do in a straight jacket. He placed the medieval ankle weight cuffs on his ankles and Ryan was immediately weighed down by them and he fell to the floor like a sack of potatoes.
"Hahaha. Not so tough now are ya kid?" Seth asked.
Ryan struggled in his confinements, but it was no use. Seth lifted him up and slapped him across the face.
"Don't be sassy with me ever again." He ordered. Ryan's face stung.
"Where are you taking him!" Mark yelled as Seth dragged Ryan out of the room.
"To my special pain room." He answered coldly. Ryan's eyes widened and he began to thrash around but Seth sent a few hard punches to his face and he gave up.

When Ryan got to the "pain room" he saw that Cam wasn't there. He was confused and Seth must have noticed because he spoke up.
"Camellia will not be joining us. She is on break for now." Seth explained. Ryan didn't know what happened to Cam, but he had a feeling she wouldn't be coming back...

Seth flashback.

I saw Camellia in my office. She was searching for something. She knew better than to go through my things. I burst into the room. She froze and turned around, knowing she was in trouble, no more than trouble. She was dead.
"Camellia." I said to her.
"You killed my parents." She said in a cold tone as she held up an old crumpled piece of paper that read the words:
To do list:
1. Kill Camellias parents
2. That's all!

Camellia tried to lunge at her uncle in a fit of pure rage. She didn't get very far however, as he stabbed her through the heart with the same knife he had used to murder her parents. She crumbled to the ground in a pile of blood and tears. She died on the spot. Seth walked out of his office, not even flinching at the sight of his dead niece on the ground.

End of flashback.

"So what are you gonna do to me then?" Ryan asked as confident as possible.
"Well I'm kind of done with you refusing to tell me the location of your base so I figured I would just kill you making your robot useless." Seth shrugged.
"" Ryan shuddered. He always knew it was a possibility, but now in the moment it felt so real. He was never going to hug his mother again. He was never going to go to the skatepark with his friends again. And worst of all, he would never get to see his brother again.
"Yes. You never thought I would do it did you?" Seth asked.
Ryan shook his head no, and Seth laughed.
"This isn't some game kid. You messed with me and now you have to face the consequences." Seth shrugged.
"This will be fun." He concluded.

He punched Ryan in the face until he was blinded by the amount of blood in his eyes. Seth had removed the straight jacket from Ryan and he was just cuffed to a chair. Seth kicked him over and over again in the stomach and he punched him with every once of strength he had. Which was a lot.

The physical beating went on for about an hour before Ryan was slumped down in the chair. He was alive, but weak and helpless. Seth had even freed him from the chair, but he just fell to the floor, unable to help himself up.
"Ha you're pathetic. And I can't believe I was losing to you for so long." Seth chuckled to himself. Ryan wanted so badly to shut him up, but he had no strength left to do so. He was just happy his friends were safe, for now.
"Well that was a nice warm up. I'm in the mood for seeing some red. How about you?" Seth laughed.
"W-what?" Ryan was seriously panicking now.
Seth answered his question by pulling out a new knife.
"The Walker slayer. That's what I'll call it." Seth said to himself caressing the blade.
Ryan was just about ready to give in, but he remembered he had to fight it. He needed to save the world.
"Do your worst psychopath." Ryan said with real confidence this time.
"Oh! Believe I will." Seth said.

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